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Everything posted by joeri

  1. hello all i have a quick question i have aboud 30 pilots who are inactive and ready to be deleted BUT they made flights for the va is it save to delete them or will the database lose their flights gr joeri
  2. you did not need to do a reinstall upload the install folder again and put this in your adress http://flyirelandva.com/install/checkinstall.php hit enter and copy past to here what the website is spitting out
  3. hello every body thout i would show the world what i was doing for kieth in the att is the first paint in i hope i great line off paints for kieth all info on how it is is welcome also plz remember this is a beta 1.2 so still some small errors in there that i know off gr joeri
  4. well i find it sad to hear this initially i helped you out did a full setup even alterd you a skin i bought from tom to your likings all was ok and nothing heard from you ever and now you come here and say there is no support sad to hear this. no on toppic i have 3 phpvms installes on the same server and 2 on an other one working like a charm tried what you where telling but could not log in to an other account with one callsign to an other. gr joeri
  5. did he file it with kacars and was it a charter whe nflying a charter phpvms doesnt reqignice the airline i have had this a 1000 times gr joeri
  6. indeed this then all has to be on 1 local server like vafs and fsairlines and then the troubles beging server down who will get it up ande running again iff there is an error who schould fix it at the and the only thing Nabeel will be doing is setup airlines and try to keep it all running and then the software will stop developing as he doesn't have anny time annymore let it be like its now as a va you wont be buying tickets from other va's so lets keep it opensource make a donation and enjoy all the fun here on the forum
  7. conatact me on PM we will se what we can workout
  8. could you send a screenshot off the edeting so i can look at it
  9. Hey Cor look in core/templates there are lots off the files and the rest is in the modulles or in the commom actualy in every folder you will find some related to fsfk or something else
  10. joeri

    Question About Kacars

    i have it in my tnt acars and i belive you can have all you want in the custom Kacars i made a small request this week no problem just got it added. i think Jeff is a prototype off a good busines men
  11. your plane will always stay on the map for a set time this can be edited in the local.config.php this can be set to 10 min iff you want to gr joeri
  12. check you message box
  13. read better look in your APP.Config.php there it schould be
  14. in your local.config.php is a line for that iff not copy it out off your app.config.php in to your local.config.php and change it from 1xxx to 6xxx then it will always use the next number from 6xxxx gr joeri
  15. wierd now its working thanks jeff machines somethimes you want to kill them when they don't do what you want them to do
  16. ok but the main problem is when a pilot gets retired using the autoretire the inactive/active part off phpvms doesn't take that out the the retire table from the database so when doing a mass mail it sends it to all the pilots in the database and not only to the still active as i did not make them inactive in the admin. gr joeri ps still struggeling on the code i must be missing something verry stupid
  17. i added it to thissite i commented your pice off code out. thanks in advance joeri
  18. ok no problem will resend it. could you help on the error i am stuck this moment
  19. ok tried it but getting this error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PUBLIC in /home/tntvirtua/domains/tnt-virtual.be/public_html/admin/modules/Maintenance/Maintenance.php on line 332 i probably do something verry stupid an easy wrong but i cant find it :-) gr joeri
  20. thanks Jeff going to try it lateron on a second hand did you ever recived my email regarding the tnt acars iff not let me know the i can resend it
  21. hello all i have a quick question would it be possible to add a line to the massmailer to only mail to active pilots(not inactive in phpvms but retired in the database) as the autoretire function doesn't put the retired pilots it inactive in the admin. gr joeri
  22. NL Cor dit problem komt geloof ik doordat je een charter vliegt want normaal neem die de tijd en de afstand van de schedule als ik het juist heb.probeer het eens met een schedule en zie als het dan wel klopt. EN Cor i think this is dew to the fackt that you are flying a charter,i belive normaly it takes time and distance from the schedulle.maby you could try it with a schedule and see if its fixed then gr joeri
  23. nope it was in the correct database u just deleted the tables and rerun them and now it seems to be working thanks dave
  24. hey dave just installed the events module run all the sql files but when adding an event its not creating the event i fill in all the data hit the create event then it goes bach to the main events page and its empty and nothing is showing in the database
  25. just registerd but its not taking my banner
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