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Everything posted by CPC900

  1. Yes!! That is exactly what I am trying to do. Bruce
  2. So, everyone who runs the tour mod, all have it displaying in ONE row?! Nobody has a different look to their tour page?! And, is there another Tour type module out there for PMPVMS?! Bruce
  3. No, it just hangs there forever. Weird. Bruce
  4. Ok, the airport lookup worked in Chrome, but NOT in Firefox.....I had been using Firefox
  5. Yes, me as well
  6. Is there no one who can enlighten me on this?!? It's like I feel it should be easy somehow, but obviously it's not Bruce
  7. Yeah, the code that simpilot had posted above, has me stumped onto how to manipulate it?!? bruce
  8. I just want to have the tours appear 2 or 3 across, instead of just one column. Like I said, I can work on it in firefox or chrome with the inspect function to see what it could look like, but have no clue how to edit the tour_index.tpl to make that happen??! So, default looks like: but want this: Bruce
  9. Sorry, but I am coming back to this because I could never figure it out. I can edit it with "inspect" mode, but I have no idea what file I need to edit. I mean I would have thought the "tour_index.tpl" could be the item to edit, but apparently not. I am just confused on this one, sorry Any help would be appreciated. Bruce
  10. So, is this the way everyone is sending their pilot reports now?! Or are some waiting for the new phpvms4??!! Bruce
  11. I now have this on our site and I am severely impressed with it. Nice to not have a separate forum. I can only echo, almost verbatim, what mark1million said above. George was extremely helpful in getting me setup. At first, I had been concerned about the price of the module. Now I have NO issues with the price whatsoever. Big thumbs up from me! Thanks again George! Bruce
  12. Yeah, after I made some inquiries they seemed to fix some things, I guess Errors are magically gone now.
  13. Sorry Dave but the code I put above was right out of the tour_index.tpl file; am I editing that. I am kind of lost on how do this
  14. Yeah, I will look again, but I set the permissions to allow and checked again. I will revisit it tonight. Could a change to the server do that?! I know my hosting company did make some changes lately to their services, like updating the PHP to the latest version etc. Maybe that had some influence on what is not working?!?
  15. Just getting back into editing my site and got this error when trying to import a new schedule: [b]Warning[/b]: move_uploaded_file(/home/woodsdom/public_html/CPC/core/cacheschedules_ttz_wip.csv) [[url="http://www.canadianclassicairlines.com/CPC/admin/index.php/import/function.move-uploaded-file"]function.move-uploaded-file[/url]]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [b]/home/woodsdom/public_html/CPC/admin/modules/Import/Import.php[/b] on line [b]209[/b] [b]Warning[/b]: move_uploaded_file() [[url="http://www.canadianclassicairlines.com/CPC/admin/index.php/import/function.move-uploaded-file"]function.move-uploaded-file[/url]]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpWOE4OY' to '/home/woodsdom/public_html/CPC/core/cacheschedules_ttz_wip.csv' in [b]/home/woodsdom/public_html/CPC/admin/modules/Import/Import.php[/b] on line [b]209[/b] [b]Warning[/b]: fopen(/home/woodsdom/public_html/CPC/core/cacheschedules_ttz_wip.csv) [[url="http://www.canadianclassicairlines.com/CPC/admin/index.php/import/function.fopen"]function.fopen[/url]]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [b]/home/woodsdom/public_html/CPC/admin/modules/Import/Import.php[/b] on line [b]211[/b] [b]Warning[/b]: fgetcsv() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in [b]/home/woodsdom/public_html/CPC/admin/modules/Import/Import.php[/b] on line [b]227[/b] The import process is complete, added 0 schedules, updated 0, for a total of 0 [b]Warning[/b]: unlink(/home/woodsdom/public_html/CPC/core/cacheschedules_ttz_wip.csv) [[url="http://www.canadianclassicairlines.com/CPC/admin/index.php/import/function.unlink"]function.unlink[/url]]: No such file or directory in [b]/home/woodsdom/public_html/CPC/admin/modules/Import/Import.php[/b] on line [b]357[/b] Line errors 209, 211, 227, 357 are: move_uploaded_file($temp_name, $new_name); $fp = fopen($new_name, 'r'); while ($fields = fgetcsv($fp, 1000, ',')) { unlink($new_name); I have no idea what I am missing here Any help would be appreciated.
  16. Can I do that?! Or does the module have to be modified?!
  17. Yeah, sorry for taking so long to get back to you. The template, I think, was the original one that I had just modied along the way; but it has been so long, I forgot But basically, the way it looks right now, with the changes I made above....is a smaller width table which I wanted to split into 2 columns essentially. The tour module automatically puts it into a table, no?!
  18. So, I guess where I am stuck is.....I have the Tour page where I want to put the tours side by side in two columns, all they way down. So, like 12 tours in 2 columns, 6 rows. I just can't figure out where/how to put the Div. Here is the current code in progress: <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn() == false) { echo 'Please login to view this page.'; echo '<br /><br /><br />'; Template::Show('login_form.tpl'); return; } ?> <?php ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //simpilotgroup Tour 1.0 module for phpVMS virtual airline system // //@author David Clark (simpilot) // //@copyright Copyright (c) 2011, David Clark, All Rights Reserved // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// echo '<center><h6>'.SITE_NAME.' Tours</h6></center>'; if($tours) { echo '<table width="40%" border="1px" align="center">'; foreach($tours as $tour) { if($tour->active == '0'){continue;} $flights = unserialize($tour->flights); echo '<tr>'; echo '<td width="25%">'; echo '<center><h2>'.$tour->title.'</h2></center>'; echo '<b>Status:</b> '; if($tour->active == '1'){echo '<font color="#00FF00"><b> Active</b></font>';} if($tour->active == '2'){echo '<font color="#FF0000"><b> Complete</b></font>';} if($tour->active == '3'){echo '<font color="#FF0000"><b> Upcoming</b></font>';} echo '<br /><b>Description:</b> '.$tour->description.'<br />'; echo '<b>Participants:</b> '.TourData::participants($tour->id).'<br />'; echo '<br /><a href="'.url('tour/details').'/'.$tour->id.'" text-decoration:underline;"><b>View Details</b></a>'; // echo '</td><td>'; if($tour->image == '') {echo 'No Image Available';} else {echo '<center><img src="'.$tour->image.'" alt="'.$tour->title.'" style="max-width:300px;" /></center>';} echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<b>Flights:</b><br />'; $i = 1; foreach($flights as $flight) { $schedule = SchedulesData::getSchedule($flight); echo 'Leg: '.$i.' - '.$schedule->code . $schedule->flightnum.' - '.$schedule->depicao.' to '.$schedule->arricao.'<br />'; $i++; } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; } else {echo 'No Tours Have Been Created.';} ?>
  19. Is there a way to edit what the tour page looks like on the site?! I mean the layout of the different tours on the page. It seems it is always just one row, then another, then another. Whereas, rows and columns might be nice. Just wondering.
  20. That's what I always did. That is one of the only 'rules' we have and no one seems too annoyed by that.
  21. To my knowledge, it is not possible to have multiple legs with same flight number. As Thomas stated, you can add a letter to signify the different legs; which is what we did as well.
  22. Well yes Done. But maybe get rid of that sticky
  23. I was trying to submit a ticket about the tour module, but got a 404 error. What is the link I need to use, because http://www.simpilotgroup.com/hosting/submitticket.php gave me the error. Or can I just ask my question here?! It is for the payware version.
  24. Obviously. But what I meant was, if ALL my references to my website, in any way, were missing the "www.", could that possibly be why I was having issues with having to log in over and over, even though it still shows someone as logged in?! My original message I posted was in regard to "getting logged off all the time", but what I meant to say was getting logged off, but still showing as logged in; from this post: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/20756-keeps-logging-out/
  25. itrobb, forgive my stupidity, but this may very well be why I am having problems being logged out all the time. So, it is in the layout.tpl we are talking about here?!
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