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Everything posted by CPC900

  1. Thanks
  2. One more thing When I bring up the financial page, it shows "Balance Sheet for Last 3 Months". What is the page that has that text?! I can't find it. I want to change that to "Last 90 days" or something, because if you are in the middle of the month, it will show only 90 days total, so you're first of the 3 months looks like it has only half of the flights it should.
  3. I wanted code so I could see what flights were losing money for all pilots, not just my own flights.
  4. LOL Make sure you add the fact that they will need to have lots of real money and spare time to try to achieve that dream. No one will give a crap how much flight sim time they have Virtual Airlines are purely entertainment which is free. The real world is not, unfortunately
  5. Well, what we did for our, was have one registration for the route and then added the other aircraft types allowed for the flight in the Notes section. Otherwise yes, you would have to have separate flight numbers for EVERY aiorcraft, for the same route So, for instance, we have the DC10-10 and DC10-30, which are available for the same routes. Now to have it come up in the schedule for both, we would have to have identicle flights for the different registrations; which means you woukd havew to have different flight numbers as well....which would lead to a TON of flights you don't really want. So like I said, for the DC10-10 and DC10-30, we selected ONE registration form the DC10-30 fleet, to put in the schedule. Then in Notes: we added "DC10-10" to indicate that you can ALSO use that aircraft for that route. And when you select the schedule bid search, it just lists the aircraft type as "DC10" and then when your results come up, it then shows "Notes: DC10-10". We also have a little disclaimer at the top of the search results page: *** Notes: Shown in red indicate additional aircraft types that can be flown for that flight ***
  6. BUMP
  7. BUMP
  8. Oops, sorry. I tried the same thing, but it did not work. Tried it again and it did. So obviously I typoed something Thanks Dimitris for your help.
  9. Well, someone did a module up for LOA I believe. Sava, I think......here a link: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/7703-leave-of-absence-v09/page__hl__%2Bleave+%2Babsence
  10. Are you running KAcars though Widefs on a secon machine?
  11. How would I show ALL reports for ALL pilots with this code edited for that?? <?php $pilotid = Auth::$userinfo->pilotid; $reps = PIREPData::getLastReports($pilotid, 5); ?> <table class="balancesheet" width="50%"> <tr class="balancesheet_header"> <td colspan="5">Last 5 Flights</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><strong>Flight #</strong></td> <td align="center"><strong>Duration</strong></td> <td align="center"><strong>Pilot Pay</strong></td> <td align="center"><strong>Revenue</strong></td> <td align="center"><strong>Status</strong></td> </tr> <?php if(!$reps) { ?> <tr><td align="center" colspan="4">No Flights</td></tr> <?php } else { $i = 1; foreach($reps as $rep) { ?>
  12. Sorry, this was from Parkho's module. I should have asked that question there. I have moved it there. Please delete this topic.
  13. The following code from another thread somewhere, showed a revenue breakdown per last 5 flights for the logged in pilot. How would I show ALL reports for ALL pilots with this code edited for that?? <?php $pilotid = Auth::$userinfo->pilotid; $reps = PIREPData::getLastReports($pilotid, 5); ?> <table class="balancesheet" width="50%"> <tr class="balancesheet_header"> <td colspan="5">Last 5 Flights</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><strong>Flight #</strong></td> <td align="center"><strong>Duration</strong></td> <td align="center"><strong>Pilot Pay</strong></td> <td align="center"><strong>Revenue</strong></td> <td align="center"><strong>Status</strong></td> </tr> <?php if(!$reps) { ?> <tr><td align="center" colspan="4">No Flights</td></tr> <?php } else { $i = 1; foreach($reps as $rep) { ?>
  14. In my pilots_list.tpl, I add: <?php if($pilot->retired == '1') {echo '<img src="'.SITE_URL.'/lib/skins/yourskinname/images/no.png" alt="warning" /> - Retired';} else {echo '<img src="'.SITE_URL.'/lib/skins/yourskinname/images/yes.png" alt="warning" /> - Active';} ?> Obviously, change "yourskinname" to whatever you are using ie. crystal And add an icon to indicate active or retired in the above example. You can add whatever else you like. There IS a post about this on this site about this somewhere. That is where I got the info from.
  15. So......I could/should have it in both then?!
  16. If I am using: Config::Set('USE_CRON', true); I edited that in my app.config.php, from false to true. Do I ALSO put it in my local.config.php??? Because that is what it indicates in my maintenance options screen: Also, remember to change in local.config.php, USE_CRON to true, so phpVMS doesn't try to automatically schedule these tasks to run. I would have to ADD that line into to the local.config.php, whereas the app.config.php already has that line, you would just have to change it from "false" to "true"
  17. I get an error How does it "grab" the schedule data from the sql database? Is it because I have a different code for my database, other than phpvms_ Here is the error: [b] Not Found[/b] The requested URL /CPCfile:///index.php/airlineschedules/airlineSched/CPC was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
  18. Thanks. Now how would I squeeze the color into: <?php echo ($route->notes=='')?'':'<strong>Notes: </strong>'.html_entity_decode($route->notes).'<br />' ?> in my schedule_results.tpl? Thanks in advance
  19. Your quote kind of makes it seem pointless to even join a Virtual Airline, don't ya think?!
  20. Some VA's I have seen in the past have had RIDICULOUS amounts of hours shown by pilots. ANd sometimes in a short amount of time. Because some "kids" want to be #1 on the hours chart Sad, but true.
  21. BUMP
  22. Is there a way to add a member as part of the admin menu to see ONLY one thing. Basically, what I want is for someone to have access to the "Financial Reports" menu, but that is all I want to be available. Is that possible?
  23. This is the message I based my settings on. I have never got the animated bar to build. Also, I had wanted to add the airline logo to the acarsmap.tpl, as was mentioned in this post: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/8044-how-to-show-airline-logo-on-flight-stats-solved/ Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  24. Jeff, I noticed on my last few pireps, that it seems to be doubling the fuel used. Almost as if it is reading kgs in fs, then coverting to lbs?!? I had changed the config to lbs instead of kgs, but it still seems off
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