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Everything posted by CPC900

  1. So, is there an answer? I would like to add expenses that were missed from previous months/years, to make things more authentic.
  2. I have not Have to login to both website AND forum separately. And when I jog into forum, it logs me out of website. But if I log into Forum first, then log into website, they both stay active.
  3. Thanks Jeff, I THINK that worked
  4. Now, I just wanted to add this to my existing acarsmap.tpl file, but it doesn't work. I see Air India did it on a SEPARATE page; but I wanted it on the acarsmap page. I added a: <td><b>Airline</b></td> for the heading and then added: <?php $code = substr($row->flightnum, 0,2); ?> <td><img src="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/skins/cpc/images/airlines/'.$code.'.gif'); ?>" alt="<?php echo $airline->name;?>" /> </td> above the pilotID info section, but did not work. http://www.canadianc...index.php/acars
  5. I stand corrected.....I thought it was set properly, but u r right; I had it set to KGS. What an idiot I am. Can I go back and recalculate all the finance data??
  6. Yes that was the pirep, but my local.config.php has it set to: 3=lbs So not sure why it seems to be off?!
  7. I am confused on this as well. I have a pirep that starts (at takeoff) "With 13196lbs of fuel on board" and lands "With 4554lbs of fuel onboard" So that is an 8642 lb difference, but it shows "4473.78 fuel used" I know it is from "start record to stop record" as you said, but it would not burn over 4000 additional pounds for the taxi time. Am I missing something here?!
  8. I was trying this as well. Could not get it to work either, but with: <img src="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/images/CPC.gif') ;?>"> That did show the picture, but obviously with multiple airlines, it defeats the purpose
  9. If I ever change my current server provider, I will definitely look into this one. Looks good.
  10. Yes, looks nice
  11. I want to make the Notes: part of the schedule results, show up in red text......where/what would I add for that? I assume I can add it into the "schedule_results.tpl" but I am not getting it to show?!
  12. Parkho, thanks a million!! What was confusing me was that, I did not have changes under that section, so I was wondering why I had differences on mine. But I guess I had not updated that file since I last re-installed phpvms. Now I have it edited the way it was. Thanks again; just needed a nudge in the right direction!
  13. And by this, I mean, the dropdownmenu to select your aircraft type you want to search for.....where is that list of aircraft found? Hope that makes more sense.
  14. Just trying to edit my Front Schedule tpl, and I have forgotten where the list of aircraft is?! I remember adding all my aircraft types into a template, but for the life of me, I can't remember, or find it
  15. Looks great!
  16. Which file is the "Default Admin Template"?
  17. Don't forget, if you named your database to have something OTHER than "phpvms_pireps" you will get the mysql errors. Change those lines in your "PilotFinance.class.php" to indicate your database ie "nameofdata_pireps"; whatever yours is.
  18. Hey Stuart, any update? Also when you post about it, could you please add your system specs
  19. No thanks, I already run a VA
  20. It would be nice to add an annual flight, to celebrate events or remembrance of pilots that have passed away etc.
  21. Yes, please let me know. I may consider it.
  22. Exactly. Or go out to pick up something etc. I like to simulate, but not to the extent that on a 12 hour flight, I am going to sit in front of my computer for those 12 hours. Every now and again, I even simulate that my co-pilot has the controls and I need a sleep
  23. For instance, if I was trying to separate my pilot center into, lets say....8 sections, 4 across and 2 down, as in tables or whatever. Is that all setup through .css? I believe it is, but then where do you put all the divs? I was tinkering with my existing Pilot Center, and it just seemed to do a couple columns across and then just stacked them up after that. I wish I could just create 8 boxes, so to speak, and then just move the current content into those sections, if that makes sense
  24. I need a lesson in how to do those 'divs' or .css, to properly section off the the Pilot Center. Mine is a mess compared to teh ones here
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