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Everything posted by mseiwald

  1. Actually if you look for example at the kacars_free module you will see how the other clients are doing it.
  2. Yeah i'm always Setting it to 100% on all sites i create and then of i need a smaller width somewhere i just adjust the container size.
  3. It's in the local.config.php
  4. Actually i have only seen this or similar behaviour with cacars and kacars when the vacentral server was down or responding too slow. Try to disable vacentral completely and check if you still get that error. Getting rid of vacentral fixed those issues for our VA with both clients.
  5. It's not possible to manually assign ranks for a few pilots but have ranks autocalculated for the rest of your pilots. So either you have all autocalculated or you must assign ranks for all pilots manually. So to achieve what you want you need to use transfer hours like you already did. Personally at my VAs i do not give the staff any higher ranks than any other pilots. Their names are on the staff page and thats it. If they want to be a Senior Captain or whatever they have to fly like any other pilot which i find perfectly fine.
  6. The dateadded column in the phpvms_bids table is just a date type and not datetime. It therefore doesnt store the time when the bid was made but only the date. Thats probably a bug.
  7. It seems fine to me...you just need to zoom out.
  8. Technically i believe the updates license doesnt require it. At least it mentions nothing of keeping a link or any kind of attribution to the author on your site other than leaving the copyright notice in the license text. However i proudly keep it anyway on my own site and all sites that i create.
  9. To be honest i have disabled vacentral entirely. It was just causing issues. Slowed my site when their server was down and all in all its dated. The last news post on the VA central site was about 4 years ago. It had/has a lot of potential but as it is right now i consider it pretty useless.
  10. Likely the bidid field wasnt set to 0. It doesnt reset it at my VA as well when i'm using the accept all PIREPs button. But it should work fine if you accept the PIREPs one by one.
  11. No problem at all. I will forward it to this adress when i come home tonight.
  12. Hello Jack, as stated in my post above i have sent a mail to Lawrence a last night already. Since i had some questions about a feature he asked for i'm awaiting his reply. I can only check my mails in the evening currently as my duty plans are pretty tight so it took me 2 days to reply. Sorry for that.
  13. Yeah it's true that there likely will always be bugs but i consider a bug that makes the whole UI unresponsive to a point where you can not send the PIREP on some longer flights a pretty major one so i think it was was best to not sell the client. I wished i had the time to look into it and solve those issues but unfortunately in the forseeable future i don't see it happening. I have just too many custom modules and sites to work on so that i'm even there a bit behind my schedule already.
  14. Hi Lawrence, i was pretty busy during the last 2 days so i could only access via my phone but i have just replied to your email.
  15. Hi, currently it's not in development. There were some bugs which for example made the UI unresponsive on longer flights or for some reason didnt record the landingrate on every flight. I didnt have the time to fix as some of those things went beyond my c# knowledge and i am just too busy to read up on the matter and find a solution. I had found someone else who was willing to investigate those issues and we had an agreement that once fixed he sells it and forwards a percentage of the money he earns from it to me. However since a few months i didnt hear back from him so i consider this project dead for now. Once i find time to deepen my c# knowledge i will possibly start over and develop a new client but only sell it once i'm 100% convinced it is bug free. I didnt sell a single cacars client, i gave it to some VAs for free to test it and in the beginning tried to resolve the issues reported by myself but once it was clear that i was stuck on finding the cause for the UI becoming unresponsive i decided to remove the cACARS page from my website until the issues are resolved and look for some assistance with this from more advanced c# coders. Now some guys asked me to sell the client to them even with the bugs or reduced functionality but i decided to not do this. If i sell something i want to be sure that it is 100% working as i do with all my modules and skins. I really didn't want to harm my reputation that i have gained through hard work on my modules and skins by selling some acars client i wouldnt even buy myself in it's actual state. I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused by my early announcement of the client. During my initial Tests it was working pretty good and without any problems but some time after i announced the release of the client first problems began to come up so i believe it was best to not sell the client to anyone at all for the moment.
  16. I'm already developing such a module but didnt find time to finish it yet. Maybe i get some time for this during the next few weeks. First i need to complete a few custom projects.
  17. Actually i think everyone has to decide whether he wants to spend his own time to make modules for free or charge for his work. Nabeel created the platform phpVMS for free and it will be available for free to everyone at any time but if someone wants more features, a different look or whatever and either does not have the time or is not willing or interested in learning how to do this himself he can either post here and wait to see if someone is able and willing to help, pay someone to do it for him or if neither of those options are acceptable to him he probably needs to drop that idea. I personally charge for my time and will also continue to do so in the future. It is my spare that i have to use for these things and i think it is perfectly fine to ask money for your hard work. However i totally agree that these forums have been created to help people with phpVMS and i don't like to see that recently more and more people see this as platform to offer their paid services all over the forum. In all those years here i made 2 posts about my commercial services and ONLY in the paid services forum. It never even came to my mind to start PM people who are posting for help in the support forums about my paid services. To me it seems that these people desperately need some customers for their services which would lead me personally to think about the quality of their services. I believe that paid offers should be restricted to the paid services forum and that moderators should delete any paid stuff from other topics. Also all such unwanted PMs should be reported to moderators and appropriate action against those members should be taken. But thats just my opinion. If someone looks for a paid service he knows that there is a paid services forum here where he finds contact details to all the developers. So yeah i agree these guys should stop Spamming the forums with their paid offers.
  18. Jup i was thinking the same when i saw it yesterday evening.
  19. I solved this in my VA by adding a htpasswd file in the admin folder.
  20. Unfortunately i dont. That was my only flight in Delta Livery so far
  21. Unfortunately not i'm more a Airbus flyer hehe
  22. i try to attach a few of them here...they are not all but it would be a bit too much to attach all of them:
  23. Justin i made a screenshot report a few months ago flying with the delta 777 i still have them in full Resolution if you like some. You need to scroll down a bit as the first few were with The caravan http://www.simval.net/index.php/topic/25-flight-report-sfo-ath-b777/
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