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Everything posted by mseiwald

  1. sure its a fair question but it gets old after a while.
  2. Where did you add that column? And why? There was already a transferhours column. Or do you mean the flight count?
  3. Really sorry but i'm not up for such useless discussions. First of all your example doesnt really match this situation as this DLH VA doesnt belong to me. First of all when you visit such a site you dont know if he has a permission or any other Arrangement with the Real World counterpart. Just because you suspect something it doesnt mean that its true. Then as someone absolutely not involved in that guys Business you have 2 options. First is to notify the real airline and they decide what they do with it or you simply leave him alone. However nobody gave any of you any rights to start investigating here if someone got any permissions. And as such the involved VA owner isnt in need to answer such questions to anybody here. That simple it is.
  4. Eh Nope!... really its not up to you or anyone here to check if someone has got permission. Thats the task of the affected airline and its legal department. If they find someone is breaching their copyright they get in contact with him. You guys really must stop intruding in sombody elses business.
  5. Hm you can look for the functions in PilotData.class.php but i'm pretty sure there are more than just 1 function that would need to be updated. I honestly wouldnt do it that way. Just sum the amount of both fields on output.
  6. yeah there is a setting for it in the local.config.php # If you want to count transfer hours in rank calculations Config::Set('TRANSFER_HOURS_IN_RANKS', true);
  7. The totalhours get calculated from the flighttime in your pireps. All your previous hours must be entered in the transfer hours field.
  8. indeed i would change the favicon. didnt look at this. The ICAO code is fine... you cant copyright ICAO codes. same with the colors. At least here colors cant be copyright by anyone.
  9. i dont think they need permission if they keep it as it is. There is only 1 Image of a LH aircraft and even thats flipped. If i take a picture at the Airport and upload it to my aviation Blog i also dont ask for permission of all the airlines appearing on the photo. Thats nonsense!
  10. Looking at the stored data i dont think the module is supposed to output different fuel amounts for different altitudes. You would need to store the average fuel flow for each altitude with each aircraft. Or get the exact graphs from the aircraft operating manuals to take the data from. To actually calculate the correct amount of fuel you would need to consider a lot of stuff like step climbs, different cost indexes,...... and besides that you would also need to get real high altitude wind data. That would make the module very very complex and i think it would go way beyond what a free module can offer. Even a paid module with all that would be pretty expensive. I'm using the fuel calculation in our Briefings merely as eye-candy but i have everywhere stated that the pilots need to recalculate the fuel before departure...especially on long range flights and shall not rely on the fuel Data in the Briefing. Anyway on 99% of our flights the fuel amount calculated in our briefing Matches the fuel i get from Airbus X Fuel Calculator and PFPX pretty good. However on our website we are using a Self written module for fuel calculation.
  11. actually it MUST be wrong cause the database has absolutely nothing to do with the "look of the website"
  12. Why dont you just create a second airline with the 2 Letter code? Then remove the airline selection dropdown in the application Form and instead always assign the 3letter code on registration. Finally if you have a Airline selection in your schedule search form add something like if($airline->code == "FEU") { continue; } and it will skip that airline from the selections.
  13. Well guys since it happens at airports where he manually had to Enter the Info it's pretty obvious that he probably simply made a mistake when adding the Data in the Admin Center. What Lat./Lng. did you Enter for KATL? Can you make a screenshot of all the Airport Info you have entered for KATL.
  14. Yeah that were my thoughts as well. If you expect high quality work i'm afraid your budget is way too low for such a complex system plus iphone apps, IFE and whatever. I doubt that its even enough for the website features you are asking for. Writing all that codes will require lots of time. But good luck anyway
  15. Yeah you can use the free Version as well. The livemap will still work.
  16. just use kACARS and you wont have any problems
  17. Look for Tourcalendar V1 in the Releases forum. It's actually the event calendar module
  18. Just set disable sched on bid to false in your localconfig.php
  19. I`m not having that issue! Everything looks right onmy site!
  20. Add style="max-width:900px" to the <img> tag
  21. hehe no problem, glad i could help
  22. it gave me a syntax error...but when i changed the "by" column name to something else like... "addedby" or whatever then it worked
  23. I had the same thing with my Excel it seperated the columns by ; instead of , ! There is a Setting for it but i cant remember where. However if you Import your .csv file directly in phpmyadmin you can simply change the seperator from , to ; there. Then the Import works.
  24. Thanks Vanity You are right but from the experience we have made at G1 i must say the reason for alliances going down not only is that they try to take control over the member VA's but actually often is the VA's themselfes. I have noticed that the participation of some other VA's in alliance activity / discussion / votings is almost zero. My point always was that if someone joins a community or group of other guys who share your hobby then you also need to bring the required amount of time with you. That doesnt mean that everyone needs to spend several hours a week with it but if there are votings and some of the Member VA's dont visit the Alliance site for 2 or 3 Weeks it's just unfair when all other guys have to wait just for you. I think its not too much to expect a representative of every VA to check for news at the Alliance site every few days. Especially if your website is completely static like the G1 site plus the members arent interested in getting more involved it's very likely that at some point where you start to go down. At AEOLUS we try to have the website more interactive by showing live flights as well as getting live statistics from the member airlines. Sure we will have more interactive features added in the future but we will also be very carefull to not touch the independence of our members with one of our features. Another step to prevent AEOLUS to look inactive was to create our Alliance Events/News Feed wich gets embeded on the member VA websites and keeps all pilots updated about all Partner events and whats New at AEOLUS without the CEO's having to post it seperately on their sites all the time. Finally we have a probation period of 6 months for new member airlines where we will look very closely at the VA's activity and participation within the alliance. From my past experience i have noticed that most airlines seem to mainly see an alliance as service for them where they request stuff and then expect the alliance to do all the work for them. Thats not how we work. AEOLUS is a partnership between all members and not a shop or a linklist. So if it's decided that something will be done we expect every member to help where they can. I'm aware of not everybody knows how to code modules or design graphics but then there are still enough other things where they can help....organising events, advertising the alliance or whatever new ideas come up. If someone just wants to join for earning benefits and doesnt want to actively work with us then AEOLUS definately is the wrong place for him. But if a VA looks for strong partnerships where we all work together to offer our pilots unique and amazing new features, to share events, to offer their pilots a wider range of available routes and aircraft types via codesharing, and to enjoy their hobby together with us then you are at the right spot and we are happy to welcome you on board.
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