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Everything posted by twelka3

  1. Yeah it was a nice little storm cant wait for summer, I love this kind of weather. Its going to be a quite more active year severe weather wise
  2. It would of been your php max sise limit, Just set it higher in the php.ini which im guess you did to fix it. Glad you got it solved
  3. Had some nice storms go through my area today makes me cant wait for summer, Storm Chasing time!!!
  4. Woah, Credit Card? Right there big no no! I would not trust that. But the other one is great and very professional
  5. Glad to here! Really happy to see it all come back
  6. Do you have mysql? whats your whole setup
  7. Works now...
  8. When you go to downloads.phpvms.net it goes to the phpvms home page were it tells you the fix and the phpvms is down.
  9. Nabeel still redirects you to phpvms is down
  10. Pual, he was just wondering what people would like to see more.. in my head does not matter if your a ceo of your own va. He just wants your opinion.
  11. Hahaha true itrobb
  12. Great use of my skin! Nice job!
  13. twelka3


    Look in the layout.tpl were it links up the css it should be the following: <link rel="stylesheet" href=<"/lib/skins/bluelight/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
  14. twelka3


    Can you explain more on this? If you have an example that would be great
  15. You need to let them stay in there as thats what will keep your site up. nameservers can take some time (up to 24hours) to start to work.
  16. twelka3


    Here is what it should look like: 12 <link type="text/css" href=<"/phpvms/lib/skins/bluelight/menu.css" rel="stylesheet" /> 13 <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> 14 <script type="text/javascript" src="menu.js"></script> 15 16 <link rel="stylesheet" href=<"/phpvms/lib/skins/bluelight/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> 17 <style type="text/css">
  17. Usually a change from lets say for example... aalvirtual.net to www.aalvirtual.net thats will cause this to happen. Make sure all your webpage links are the same
  18. twelka3


    5SA CEO, Edmundk is correct the css file is not working go into your layout.tpl and make sure you have it linked right as that one has to be http://yoursite.com/lib/skins/Bluelight/.cssfile
  19. I was also looking into this as it would be nice jeff could you teach me? Or help me?
  20. Sim pilots entrance exam module
  21. twelka3


    Thanks guys that helps alot i will fix that tonight and re upload so everyone doesn't have to do that
  22. twelka3


    BlueLight MyVADesigns first free phpVMS Template available to the phpVMS Community. Check out MyVADesignsFully made custom skin with full drop down menu. MAKE SURE you go into the layout.tpl and frontpage_main.tpl to change the urls from mydomain.com to your va's domain. Download Link YOU MUST keep the Made by MyVADesigns in the footer you may choose though the image or text. You must also keep the phpVMS link.
  23. Good to hear
  24. i completely forgot about that joeri nice one
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