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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. You have made the rest ? like map roster menu's etc ?
  2. Have a look at this never used it but it should be something that you can use https://github.com/inouire/php-metar-decoder
  3. Replace your layout.tpl with this one layout.zip
  4. sorry my bad it should be <?php Template::Show('nameoftemplate.php'); ?> or if you have an echo statement in your function then it should be <?php nameofmodule::nameoffunction(); ?> like in the news module of simpilot quote from github
  5. then you must have it on the wrong place as i get 404 Not Found The server can not find the requested page: (port 80) Please forward this error screen to's %20404%20Not%20Found%20for%2067.23.226.241/~vaseapor/lib/skins/ocean_blue/styles/ocean.css%20port%2080%20on%20Saturday,%2011-Apr-2015%2015:37:26%20EDT"]WebMaster.
  6. are you sure all schedules are enabled ? airport information are corect ?
  7. <?php nameofmodule::nameoffunction(); ?>
  8. are you sure you uploaded everything ? as i have find that 2 files are missing for sure both ocean.css and style.responsive.css are missing
  9. I dont understand what you mean can you try to explain it a litle more ?
  10. How have you setup your website ? With a cms or custom html do you have a link ? so i can propose a solution that will work best for you
  11. With what ? I didnt realise this is a question : )
  12. You all need to change the email recipient because i forgot my email in it so i am getting your emails go to core/modules/RouteSubmit.php and change the email
  13. Because it would take a lot of time to explain how MVC programing works here is your module if you want to do some changes i would sugest to have a look on how it is constructed if you have any questions post them here . Just put the folders into their location and call the module by linking to www.yoursite..com/index.php/RouteSubmit for your info with the same way you can also add make a query to add it directly to the database Module.zip
  14. Do you want it to automaticly add the schedule to the database and make it flyable ? or do you want first to be accepted by an admin ?
  15. i wanted to reply to the other post that you made What are you trying to do ? because i think you have mixed some things If you have a look on this site http://gsairways.gr/site/ this is joomla & phpvms if you want something like that i could explain how i did it
  16. are the templates in the corect place ? they should be located in /core/templates/SimBrief if not you can contact me via skype and pass me over your ftp info and i can do it for you
  17. you have declared 2 times the simbrief.apiv1.js remove 1 line that might be the problem
  18. Did you get an API key for simbrief ?
  19. What acars software do you use ? It seems like a bad login
  20. where do you want to display it in the pirep view ? This is the code to display it in pirep_viewreport.tpl What i have done is convert the negative numbers into positives and then put it against the if <?php if(abs($pirep->landingrate) <= 450) echo 'Greased Landing'; elseif( abs($pirep->landingrate) >=451 && abs($pirep->landingrate) <= 600) echo 'Good Landing'; elseif( abs($pirep->landingrate) >=601 && abs($pirep->landingrate) <= 800) echo 'Not so good Landing'; elseif( abs($pirep->landingrate) >=801 && abs($pirep->landingrate) <= 5000) echo 'Well done you just crashed the airplane'; ?>
  21. go to modules/Logout/logout.php add below #$this->render('login_complete.tpl'); this header("Location: http://example.com/myOtherPage.php"); die(); Complete code should be <?php /** * phpVMS - Virtual Airline Administration Software * Copyright (c) 2008 Nabeel Shahzad * For more information, visit www.phpvms.net * Forums: http://www.phpvms.net/forum * Documentation: http://www.phpvms.net/docs * * phpVMS is licenced under the following license: * Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa) * View license.txt in the root, or visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ * * @author Nabeel Shahzad * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008, Nabeel Shahzad * @link http://www.phpvms.net */ class Logout extends CodonModule { public function index() { Auth::LogOut(); /*redirect back to front page */ header('Location: '.url('/')); #$this->set('redir', ""); #$this->render('login_complete.tpl'); header("Location: http://example.com/myOtherPage.php"); die(); } }
  22. You had the line in an if this file should be ok PIREPData.class.php
  23. no it activates it self whenever you send pirep did you edit the PIREPData.class.php in /core/common ?
  24. You need to add an admin code if your id is VBA001 then 001 is the id the rest seems to be ok
  25. can you take a screenshot of your admin section ? just to make sure your settings are also corect
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