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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. allow_url_fopen and allow_url_include in php.ini are off contact your hosting company for further information
  2. In what format do you want the file to be ? F.e vid,vid,vid Or vid Vid Vid
  3. What are you trying to achieve ? Maybe we can suggest another aproach
  4. Step 1 add the this code on the top of your local.config.php <?php session_start(); if(isset($_GET['template']) && $_GET['template'] != ''){ $_SESSION['template'] = $_GET['template']; define('CURRENT_SKIN',$_GET['template']); } if(isset($_SESSION['template']) && $_SESSION['template'] != '') { define('CURRENT_SKIN',$_SESSION['template']); } ?> Step 2 Create 2 folders WIth the names ocean_blueEn and ocean_blueFR In the admin section make 1 of the 2 default template Make sure your links are correct. If you want to open your website in english your link should be www.yourlink.com/index.php/acars/?template=ocean_blueEn
  5. You mean dynamic if you have static ip how many times you restart your router it will stay the same
  6. Yes most probably because of the $rating variable how do you get this ?
  7. In your css line 145 change background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(75, 87, 92, 1) 0%,rgba(31, 38, 43, 1) 100%); change the numbers acording to what you want See this site it will help you http://www.rapidtabl...r/RGB_Color.htm in my humble opinitos this color set suits more to your site linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(24, 33, 37, 1) 0%,rgba(55, 69, 77, 1) 100%)
  8. Can you try it now ? it seems to be working now
  9. Most propably the php versions wouldn't be the problem can you please attatch a screenshot of the procces ?
  10. They have a modified version of Apvacars as it is the only available source code out there
  11. Your site seems to be all in spanish i dont know how somedoby without the knowledge of the spanish language can help you
  12. No problem this happens
  13. Without wanting to be rude i would like to remind you http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3462-phpvms-no-attribution-license/
  14. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/20729-table-with-row-in-multiple-column/
  15. actualy you can count the atc hours on your own website i have done it for Cyprus Vacc you need to grab the vatsim txt file using a cron with the online users and read it and then add the info to your db after that you can display it as you want
  16. with the query that you have provided you ask for statistics per months to be honest i dont undertand what exacly are you trying to achieve if you can please describe it
  17. Try to clear cache
  18. You have an excess character or you havent closed the line with ; in line 72 of your pilots_list.tpl and also the proper way to use a function is FunctionClass::FunctionName(any nececary info like pilot id); in your case it should be <?php echo StatsData::Totalflightscurrentmonth($pilot->pilotid); ?> every line in php except some spesial cases HAVE to end with ;
  19. unfortunatly with that route i am not able to reproduce the porblem in my setup i am able to export to all the avaiable files untitled.bmp If something like this occurs again please attach the ofp_id you will find it on the address bar for example /index.php/SimBrief?ofp_id=1406567438_D73BD240A0
  20. If it isn't shown by it self then it isn't supported from sim brief
  21. New Version up Airplane bug is fixed the reason of the bug was that php exlode wasnt working well
  22. Can you post the code that is in schedule_briefing.tpl ?
  23. Download has been updated with new instructions as the old one was half sorry for the trouble
  24. i saw it the dash aircraft has actualy an icao code of DH8C and not DHC8 you have to make sure that the icao codes of your aiplanes are the same of siembrief you can have a look in the my fleet option of simbrief
  25. add this line in your layout.tpl <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo fileurl('lib/js/simbrief.apiv1.js');?>"></script>
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