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Everything posted by Vangelis
You did something wrong check in core/modules folder is there a folder named LOA ? if not then the installation is not correct
Awards images showing but name & description not
Vangelis replied to ahughes3's topic in Support Forum
damn you beat me -
A screenshot of the error or the link to your site ?
From what page Pilot Roster ? Pilot Profile or somewhere else Screenshot would help
My friendly advice is before you offer services prepare a generic demo it will be useful for your potential clients also avoid doing direct calls to the MySQL database and create a bridge to work between phpvms and your acars so that your db doesn't get compromised if some one reverse engineers your client Feel free to download my open source client so you get an idea how it works
If i may ask in what language do you write code in ?
Only via a sql query For example <code>update phpvms_schedules set depicao = 'LGKO' where depicao ='LGRP' </code> This will change all schedules with departure ap lgrp to lgko
www.gsairways.gr we are using Joomla and Phpvms
there is no such feature
Phpvms compartibility issue try simpilots version. https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpvms_5.5.x
No idea about that but i gues at some point the cookie will expire or after you put a pilot on retired empty the sessions table in mysql
http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html/_/skinning-and-customization-guides/getting-variables-in-templates-r34 Have a look at this link
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</div><!--widgetcontent--><!--widgetcontent--> </div><!--span8--> <div class="span4"> <h4 class="widgettitle nomargin">Notas Staff</h4> <div class="widgetcontent bordered"> Nehuma nota registrada no momento. !! </div><!--widgetcontent--><!--widgetcontent--><!--widgetcontent--> <div class="widgetcontent"> <div id="accordion" class="accordion"> <h3><a href="https://www.google.com.br/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCMQFjABahUKEwi-zs2Sid_HAhWDhZAKHam5B_8&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.passeidireto.com%2Ffaq&usg=AFQjCNF1oICKzN7m6R7eQhUw8mFmxzC7DA&sig2=wI1mipHcqycFohm8AXVvFw" onmousedown="return rwt(this,'','','','2','AFQjCNF1oICKzN7m6R7eQhUw8mFmxzC7DA','wI1mipHcqycFohm8AXVvFw','0CCMQFjABahUKEwi-zs2Sid_HAhWDhZAKHam5B_8','','',event)" data-href="https://www.passeidireto.com/faq">FAQ - D.O 1.0 Beta</a></h3> <div> <p> Nota: Esse despacho esta em fase de teste ou seja estamos liberando uma versão beta 1.0 para nossos tripulantes provavelmente você pode se deparar com bugs do sistema. ! </p> </div> <h3><a href="#">Como conectar meu (FSX) na TAMv</a></h3> <div> <p> A Fly TAMv esta disponibilizando nosso software gratuitamente sendo que uma vez o piloto homologado na companhia poderá efectuar o download e usufruir à -vontade. !! </p> </div> <h3><a href="#">Os Exames são pagos ?</a></h3> <div> <p> Sim os exames são pagos com (FLY Money) ou seja um dinheiro virtual ! a fly tam virtual não tem como objetivo obter lucro ou fins lucrativos ! </p> </div> <h3><a href="#">Cadastro na IVAO/VATSIM é obrigado ?</a></h3> <div> <p> Sim a fly tam virtual tem como objetivo trazer a simulação totalmente realista , sendo que nos termos/conduta de cadastro onde o tripulante concorda de livre e espontânea vontade que diz assim: </p> <p>Prevendo que na regra de Nº 29.1-0, Todos os Tripulantes sendo eles como <span onmouseover="javascript:window.frames.FSG_sugestoesIFrame.__FSGCALLER1Check.sHL(this,'eL_1',false,'sintatico#;$1#;$1#;$2#|$[piloto,]#;$')" onmouseout="javascript:window.frames.FSG_sugestoesIFrame.__FSGCALLER1Check.sHL(this,'eL_1',true)" id="eL_1_texto">piloto ,</span> <span onmouseover="javascript:window.frames.FSG_sugestoesIFrame.__FSGCALLER1Check.sHL(this,'eL_2',false,'sintatico#;$1#;$2#;$2#|$[membros,]#;$')" onmouseout="javascript:window.frames.FSG_sugestoesIFrame.__FSGCALLER1Check.sHL(this,'eL_2',true)" id="eL_2_texto">membros ,</span> Staff é obrigatório ter seu cadastro em uma das Redes citadas acima <span onmouseover="javascript:window.frames.FSG_sugestoesIFrame.__FSGCALLER1Check.sHL(this,'eL_3',false,'ortografico#;$1#;$2#;$2#|$VIVÃO#;$2#|$OVÃO#;$2#|$UIVÃO#;$2#|$DIVÃO#;$2#|$IRÃO#;$2#|$VÃO#;$2#|$IVAN#;$2#|$IVO#;$')" onmouseout="javascript:window.frames.FSG_sugestoesIFrame.__FSGCALLER1Check.sHL(this,'eL_3',true)" id="eL_3_texto">IVAO</span>/<span 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Can you post your Auth.class.php ? at about line 286 you should see /*if($userinfo->retired == 1) { self::$error_message = 'Your account was deactivated, please contact an admin'; return false; }*/ //ok now check it Commented uncomment it and you should be fine if($userinfo->retired == 1) { self::$error_message = 'Your account was deactivated, please contact an admin'; return false; } //ok now check it
post the template file here so we can see what you have done
This css file is missing flytamvirtual.com/br/dov/lib/skins/flytam/css/styles.css make sure it is in the correct place or try to re upload it in case it is corrupt Also you have wrong the css links for example <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" /> should be <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/SkinName/css/style.css" /> and that goes for the js files asswell
Link ?
Do you have payed or free hosting ? How did you uploaded your files ? Is there a link of your website ?
Website Transferred to another hosting having issues now
Vangelis replied to IrfanKhan's topic in Support Forum
In core/local.config.php make sure that this part of code is like this below # Debug mode is off by default Config::Set('DEBUG_MODE', true); Config::Set('DEBUG_LEVEL', 2); // 1 logs query errors, 2 logs all queries Config::Set('ERROR_LEVEL', E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); this will put all errors in core/logs/log.txt Let us know what is in this file and we might be able to help or else you could contact somebody to enter your ftp and have a look at it -
i am not sure if smartacars has your website hardcoded if yes then you need to get a new installer with the new address
As i never had the patience to read i gathered a couple of videos that are lying around youtube of PhpVms Tutorials How to Install or Solve phpVMS Version 936 Install Error "Line 28"
are you able to provide a link to your site ? most probably you will need to change the login information in local.config.php
Re upload the file