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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. Can you give a link and a test account ? so we can see what is the problem
  2. I will have a look at it. Can you please tell me wich versions of the program and module you have ?
  3. Because i made it freeware and opensource i didnt make it too complicate at the moment it only suports the booked flights from phpvms.
  4. For example what is not working ? Because i visited your website and i can see anything that is not working
  5. Which files are you modiefiing ?
  6. Can you please explain a litle bit more of what you want to do ?
  7. Your template that you sended me seems to be working I thinks there was a mistake in the integration.php so i send you a new one integration.php If you dont manage it we can do a teamviewer session so i can see it on first hand on your server Best regards
  8. Sorry i forgot to mention the tpl settings You need to put this core_htmlhead in your skin folderit contains the jquery references core_htmlhead.zip and this is a copy of the default template so you can see where you have to put the css and java layout.zip If you have any other problem just tell me
  9. So i am done i suppose you have installed arrowchat in the root of your server and you have done the proper settings so the only thing that you have to do is overwrite integration.php with this one integration.php each user avatar will show with his callsign and his lastname If you have any problem tell me And this is my config just for reference config.php
  10. most propably you have incluted the jquery for prettyphoto have a look at this link http://www.no-margin-for-errors.com/projects/prettyphoto-jquery-lightbox-clone/
  11. Vangelis

    need help

    Thanks Tom i think i understood something wrong Onno you want to remove this text ? Thanks for installing and using phpVMS! Check out the docs for help and information on getting started on your VA. This is just a starter skin - customize yours completely. This is just a basic, barebones example of what a skin is and how it works. Check out the crystal folder in the lib/skins directory. Make your own copy and fiddle around. For help, check out the forum, and skinning docs. Also, be sure to check out the skinning tutorials for a quick primer. The forums are also filled with plenty of helpful people for any questions you may have. Good luck!
  12. well option 3 Callsign + Name + LastName doesnt fit in the box it show something like gsa108 va......... so my sugestion is to show the callsign and if you dont know who it is just click on it and it will open the profile if you agree tell me so i can send you the code
  13. Vangelis

    need help

    In order to help you need to tell us what kind of template you are using or some code would be nice. If you see crystal theme the default for phpvms you will see how it is made if you put it side by side with your html document then i think you will be able to understand how it is made By what you are telling us most propably you have the skin in wrong place or you didnt placed the php flags remember on almost each template you must open start with <?php
  14. You can see a demo @ www.baggelis.com/phpvms and login with the details writen on page plane is now coming as i am still at work will continue or later on or 2morrow to get the info in the chat table
  15. Looking what code to alter because arrowchat works with only 1 field
  16. Almost done 1 more detail how do you want the user to be show in the chatlist Please select 1 of bellow 1 Callsign only 2 Name and last name only 3 Callsign + Name + LastName
  17. Status update almost done got it working on the template just need to fix the pilotid from cookie ,i hope that tomorrow you wil have something as today i am working Best regards
  18. If you want please tell me what version do you have and i will have a look at it
  19. My bad dint realise that they where payware. PS he doent ask for support bud for customization of the addon that he purchased Best regards
  20. Hello i just saw your message, If you are still arround this is my template i am using this tabs qith jqueryhttp://jqueryui.com/tabs/ Do a litle reverse engeneer in the tpl files and you will find how i have done it 2 tips 1 tip jquery is in corehtmlhead add it to your template 2 tabc code is in profile_main.tpl If you have any questions tell me upload.zip
  21. Unfortunatly i think that it would be a litle dificult as you are sugestin 2 diferent addons from 2 diferent publisher to work together. I can install those addons on my test page and try if this can be done but i do not promise you anything Best regards
  22. Your welcome so it is still not working if i am not mistaken right ?
  23. Vangelis

    Skin help!

    First of all you registered at 01 Jul 2013 and you have two posts 1 asking for a video and a second this one complaining So please before posting for any help read 1. http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html/_/skinning-and-customization-guides/basics-of-skinning-r19 2. http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html/_/skinning-and-customization-guides/skin-elements-r20 3. http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html/_/skinning-and-customization-guides/editing-templates-r32 And if you have any questions on something that YOU made and is not working feel free to ask . Best regards
  24. Hello You mean something like this ? New Bitmap Image.bmp
  25. Have you managed to conect it ?
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