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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. Are you the site owner ? if not you have to make sure that the site owner or admin has uploaded the module or you username or password might be wrong Also you have to bid on a flight before you click on get flight
  2. In settings you have to type in full url http://www.yoursite.com
  3. I will have a look at it and fix it asap
  4. I will have a look at it and fix it asap
  5. You need to update the module download it from github and replace the one that you have now
  6. New Version is up Curent Version of APVacars is and module version is Admins do not forget to update the module asswell Source Code can be founded on GitHub https://github.com/vangelisb/APVacars PHPvms Module https://github.com/v...s_PHPvms_Module And APVacars client can be downloaded from http://www.baggelis.com/APVacars.zip Bug that didnt updated the distance in AcarsMap fixed New feature added progressbar see Screen shot If you have any problem's or you find a bug please let me know Happy flying
  7. JIT compiler is a part of (re-distributed) .NET Framework, Can you please tell us with framework you have installed ? APVacars needs Framework 4 do be installed also this messages come's also from a corrupted Framewrok that is installed on your system Try this 1.Download http://blogs.msdn.co...p_5F00_tool.zip 2. Run Cleanup_tool.exe 3.Clik on Cleanup Now (It will take a while) 4. Download and run http://www.microsoft...s.aspx?id=17851 And the you will be ready to install.
  8. you will keep the codon.config in the parent folder and on your static page you will have to include it and then you will be able to utilisize all the functions of phpvms, Or you could just do what you did with fsairliners put everything in the static page in an iframe Have a look at this thread http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3686-implenting-codonconfigphp-in-a-standalone-php-page/ and this http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3394-external-pilot-centre/page__p__23466__hl__%22include%22__fromsearch__1#entry23466 it will help you somehow if you have any questions do not hesitate to post them
  9. What kind of a website is it ? because i am not at home i am not sure but i think you have to include codon.config in your website and then use those codes that in this post
  10. Nice that i helped you. What was it btw ? because i didnt do anything
  11. i resended an email back that i am not able to download the database as you have it private on mediashare your template with mine setup is working fine and i only corrected the sum of the pilots and sended back the template. also Parkho's is working asswel Please check your email or else tell me to send it again.
  12. New version is up Curent Version No need for module update. Features added Now sim rate is recorded in flightlog Now pause status is recorded in flightlog When the flight is paused flghttime stops counting when you resus he flight the flighttime starts again to count Source Code can be founded on GitHub https://github.com/vangelisb/APVacars PHPvms Module https://github.com/v...s_PHPvms_Module And APVacars client can be downloaded from http://www.baggelis.com/APVacars.zip
  13. clear cookies temp and provide a link so that we can look on what you are talking about
  14. New Version is up Curent Version of APVacars is beta Admins do not forget to update the module asswell Source Code can be founded on GitHub https://github.com/vangelisb/APVacars PHPvms Module https://github.com/v...s_PHPvms_Module And APVacars client can be downloaded from http://www.baggelis.com/APVacars.zip 1 -Fixed FsPassengerX support up 7 characters in flight number. APVA only show 6. 2 -Already done so the info is in Flight Information select the actual aircraft from DB or similar. 3 -Fixed the log not regist the true airplane used, if the VA have prohibited fly 100nm with a 747, the admins can't check this. 4.a -Fixed when you have landed and after put parking brake your status change to boarding, not to arrived or similar. 4.b -Fixed when you stay in ground and put off parking brakes your status change to landed, not taxi to runway or similar. now when you have landed and you are without brakes status will be taxiing to gate now when you have landed and you are witht brakes status will be ofloading passengers 5 -Fixed the status word "desending" is wrong, may be "descending". 6-Fixed When you are "approaching" the status show "departing". now status is approaching 7- if you use the default client and there is a new version you will get a message on program startup 8- Landing rate is now registering as it should in pirep table People that have changed the design and do not want to do it all over again just open both projects and copy paste the code in each form without altering the design if you have any questions feel free to ask. also for people that do not know VB.2010 this is a verry nice tutorial http://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/net/vbNet.html If i did it you can do it asswel I would like to thank the people that are trying the software and reporting back their findings. and again if you find anything or you think that something is missing let me know . Happy flying
  15. Yes i did the connect and disconect are now working as they should
  16. ok found it. or i was blind when i was looking for it or tired
  17. Landing Rate is recorded and writen in the Additional Log Information: in the format of You landed @ 180 knots and with 150 vertical speed As far as i saw there is no specified place in the table to put the landing rate If there is please inform me and i will put it. I will finish with the rest and then upload the new version. Also added Version control so that you know if you have the latest version - admin's will be able to see if they have the latest module
  18. Try to put your e-mail info in local.config.php # Email Settings Config::Set('EMAIL_FROM_NAME', 'YourName'); Config::Set('EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS', 'YourEmailAddres'); Config::Set('EMAIL_USE_SMTP', true); # Add multiple SMTP servers by separating them with ; Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_SERVERS', 'mailserverhere'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PORT', '25'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USE_AUTH', true); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USER', 'Email UserName'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PASS', 'Email Password');
  19. you need to put the map in a div that will be located on the upper side of your footer
  20. In theory yes it would be possible but you need to create a module to syncronyze the 2db
  21. most propably you must modify the header and about the css we have to see or the template or some code so we will be able to tell you something
  22. Jefrey has a version uploaded on his site that it was created at 2013-01-05 20:40:16 but i do not know witch version it is http://www.fs-products.net/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/6-phpvms-modules/24-navdata-phpvms
  23. most propably i might be able to help i just need the info so i can work on actual data
  24. info(at)baggelis.com
  25. Can you please send me a zip of your template and a backup of your db ?
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