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Everything posted by hjhjhgjgjh

  1. so how much will you take for a custom acars? i am thinking about but also have some special requests
  2. i have good news, so far its working (made a lot of tests) and i will now implement the last lines of code into phpvms to connect both parts.. looking forward to release it this week. there will be a manual for the installation. however, i recommend to backup all files + database before installing.
  3. Hi guys, I will release a dispatch system in some days. This system is mainly for smaller airlines (i cannot use it for my own because we have over 1000 schedules). This script gives you a new interface for a new position.. the dispatcher. He can select what pilot is flying what route (so like in real). Also, it is possible to have for example one flight which goes on monday with flightnumber 18 and the next day, the same flight has different aircraft. There will be some statistics as well which can be printed out via inbuild pdf function. This addon will remove the function for pilots to book a flight. The pilot also can only fly the flights from the day its assigned to. So a flight on the 7th of may can only be flown on that day. Only dispatcher can assign flights now. Here is a little screenshot of an early development version: (btw, as always, my addons are freeware. if you want to include it into your phpvms and sell this, you have to contact me)
  4. fs2004 for sure.. check this thread: http://forum.ivao.aero/index.php/topic,144492.0.html people ask me if its fsx but it isnt. looks damn good and with same graphic, i would have like 30 fps less in fsx or even more and there arent that much sceneries for fsx so why should i switch?
  5. i forgot to ask for that file or the place where you changed that algorithm because i dont want to update my whole system (i made so many addons that it would take weeks to convert all of them)
  6. tebinu@airbus-pilots.com yea it is weird and i dont like it but at the moment, i dont see a way how to change that
  7. here is an example how it looks like today on my computer. on page 4, you can see the waypoints. But if i want it like that, i have to write the route like this: BRANE UN606 GED UN606 MAG UN606 BLABLA DCT N50/W040 DCT BLABLABLA and so on. Always with the airways between and it also cannot find out what waypoint i actually mean because in the case of waypoint "BRANE" it exists two times. Link: www.panam-airways.com/paabriefing300310287.pdf
  8. well i just installed the latest beta and i saw there was some navdata.sql but i didnt find where you included it into the system as it still shows a streight line and so on. thats why i took some Level-D airac, splitted it, included it into the database and now i wrote some functions how to get the coordinates to the waypoints. but sometimes there are waypoints more than once with same name. dont know how i can always get the closest waypoint to the last one and well.. thats so complicated
  9. jea i have this. the problem is now how to get the waypoins and coordinates
  10. i get the following msg when trying to login on my local system. the live system however works. login informations are correct. Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at D:\xampp\xampp\htdocs\finncomm\content\core\common\Auth.class.php:97) in D:\xampp\xampp\htdocs\finncomm\content\core\common\Auth.class.php on line 336 Invalid login, please check your username and password
  11. if you know some php.. this could help you: $lat1 = '48.12'; // replace with lat from dep apt (variable) $lon1 = '16.56'; // replace with lon from dep apt (variable) $lat2 = '48.06'; // replace with lat from arr apt (variable) $lon2 = '17.08'; // replace with lon from arr apt (variable) $distance = (3958*3.1415926*sqrt(($lat2-$lat1)*($lat2-$lat1) + cos($lat2/57.29578)*cos($lat1/57.29578)*($lon2-$lon1)*($lon2-$lon1))/180); echo round($distance,2); echo ' nm';
  12. Sorry nabeel, i just need you to confirm one thing.. I am currently developing a script which outputs for example this: www.panam-airways.com/pdf and now i need the waypoints for it. Ok well let me explain. The script catches the route from the schedule which is selected (i just handover the schedule id and then, the script collects all the data and so on) Now lets say the flight goes from Berlin/Tegel (EDDT) to Frankfurt/Main (EDDF).. the route would be BRANE Q201 BUREL M736 MAG Z20 RANIN T152 GED and thats what you so far see in the flightplan.. What i want is to have the waypoints for this route so it would look like this: BRANE GALKU BUREL LODRO MAG KENIG ORTAG BIRKA ESEGU BEBLA RANIN GED As far as i heard, you have some method for this because there was something with navdata in the mysql database. Can you confirm that? And if so, from what version upwards is it possible to do that? Also, i would like to calculate the distance from waypoint to waypoint if possible. With best regards Tebin
  13. thanks joeri could you send me your schedules_briefing.tpl ? then i can check it. and a link to your va would also be good so i can see whats wrong
  14. sounds good what you do there.. if possible, could you make it to work for me, that a map is shown in the flight briefing section? then i could handover it to my crew briefing script
  15. ok today sitting at lufthansa trainico again.. looks like 7 hours in which i can code some php for our vms ;D

  16. hmm it looks like you have a wrong server configuration.. check out this link: http://www.tubepress.net/url-file-access-is-disabled-in-the-server-configuration.html maybe it works ps: Toyuko: for me everything works :S sorry i dont know whats wrong there
  17. daily update: NOTAMs have been added for dep/dest/alt1/alt2 next step: include fuel calculations and EETs
  18. have a look here http://www.baseops.de/
  19. just a short question.. i am not always updating, only like once every few month. Do i get it right that you integrated some function that shows the route on a map or is it a function that searches for routes?
  20. Hi, looks like i am simultaneously working on several projects but actually, they are all just a part of what i will show you now. When i was flying, i had to keep my browser open to get all necessary informations and i couldnt print them out because of some style issues (it just looked bad and i hate bad looking things) So i am currently working on a huge addon, which outputs a complete flight briefing for you guys. It includes the complete flightplan, weather informations and maps, EET (currently working heavily on it so those EETs will be generated automatically) Aircraft weight and fuel plannings, ETOPS information, Alternate Airport + Enroute Alternates (including fuel planning as well) and much more. Its not very easy so i expect it to be done in about a month or so. Here is a preview where you can see some part of it. I used static values at the moment but I will change it to the values from phpvms as soon as i am done with the layout. When i am done, there will be a link in the schedules_briefing.tpl like "Download Crewbriefing".. Here a short preview (as said above) http://www.panam-airways.com/pdf/ i also would like to ask if someone could help me with this project. Then things run faster
  21. Im going to develop some add-on, which automatically adds the EET´s and so on to the flight briefing. Actually, there is no need for something like that in the virtual sky but some like to have it.. Its not easy and i have to read how to do it but i have some idea that this should be possible if someone can help me, just write here
  22. ahhh okay, i just wondered
  23. you did what ? well, as long as it works
  24. This addon shows the 3 latest NOTAMs of both your departure and arrival airport. A readme is included in the zip file. Its possible to display more NOTAMs than 3, for this, just check out the code of notamdep/arr.tpl.. Its self explaining. Download here
  25. do you have skype or msn? i need to explain you a lot about it and maybe you can make something out of it, i am still working on it but the code is not easy to understand : (
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