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Everything posted by hjhjhgjgjh

  1. Well i made scripts for fuel calculation, automatic weather map change (so if you fly from EDDF-KJFK, you get the EDDF weather map (so around germany) and you get NAT westbound map and kjfk and north america weather map, i made several changes in the design so it matches to our website and i added several addons. dunno if they work with the beta´s or 2.0 at all.. it took me 2-3 weeks to make it what it is today /rmk: is it possible to update from one of the betas to 2.0 ? then maybe i will give it a try to look the difference and stuff
  2. well then i think i can not use your system it took weeks to customize our 700 version to what it is right now and i dont know if i can just convert it to new version
  3. jea i tried a lot. downloading it again, reinstalling phpvms again and everything but didnt work. anyway i think it will be great (watched the code)
  4. okay nothing happens, i only have a white site + navigation and i copied all the files like i normally do (and is given by structure of the folder) here you can see the root folder containing the normal directorys and also some addon directorys like the image folder from your script and stuff what is the version it works with, i mean with which version did you develope? grz Tebin
  5. i am on the 700 stable
  6. hmm for me it doesnt work i mean.. i try to include those links to navigation but then it doesnt load the website at all, so i made it like the existing links <li><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/Exams/">EXAMCenter</a><li> instead of <a href="<?php echo url('/Exams') ?>">EXAMCenter</a> but it then shows only the main menu + blank content page /rmk: same for admin center and when i try to access it directly (dont know if this should even work) it tells me Fatal error: Class 'CodonModule' not found in D:xampphtdocsPanamcoremodulesExamsExams.php on line 4 its xampp newest version php5 and so on.. or should i try it online in the internet?
  7. i did but no change. i also redownloaded the files from the server here (maybe broken package) but still same. That happens before installation i mean, i want to install it but first thing comes up is this msg oh btw i see other people have same problem: http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1517.msg9033;boardseen#new Here some facts to my server which i used online (beside my xampp localhost) Database Collation: utf8_general_ci PHP Version: 5.2.11-0.dotdeb.0 Web Server: Apache Web Server to PHP interface: cgi-fcgi Safe Mode: Off Open basedir: None Display Errors: Off Short Open Tags: On File Uploads: On Magic Quotes: On Register Globals: Off Output Buffering: Off Session Save Path: /var/lib/php5 Session Auto Start: 0 XML Enabled: Yes Zlib Enabled: Yes Disabled Functions: shell_exec, exec, passthru, system, proc_close, proc_get_status, proc_open, proc_terminate, proc_nice, popen, system, show_source, posix_uname, php_uname, highlight_file, getrusage, set_time_limit, dl, debug_backtrace, diskfreespace, disk_free_space, disk_total_space, ini_alter, memory_get_peak_usage, pcntl_getpriority, stream_socket_client, stream_socket_get_name, stream_socket_recvfrom, stream_socket_sendto,stream_socket_server, stream_socket_shutdown
  8. i get this error when installing Fatal error: Class 'Config' not found in D:xampphtdocsPanambetacoreclassesTemplateSet.class.php on line 192
  9. oh and btw here is how i want to use it When the pilot requests an exam, it should be unlocked by the administrator. After that the pilot is able to do his exam. The admin then has to either approve it, or it can be approved automatically (wth that %). If both cases if he fails or not, the exam will be unavailable. (Because he has to request a new one or he is happy if he passed). The questions in the exam should be choosen randomly by the system or maybe can be choosen by admin. Both would be good.
  10. if you need any beta testers,.. i would do it
  11. okay as far as i read in that thread, the main point is to have something like a "training" site and there you can make exams. I want it to just desplay on the pilots page "Pilot XY passed the following exams: CATIII Ops" or something similar. It should have nothing to do with financial system
  12. jea i found that code in schedule_searchform.tpl (it was commented which made it easy to find)
  13. i have a problem. the problem is that our VA has much over 300 routes and if i click on "view schedules" to search one, i get all. is it possible, that it shows only routes when i search for one.
  14. is it also possible to have that addon then without that money system? I deactivated any indication of the "virtual money" in my va as it is not required by us.
  15. very good idea, would like to have something like that also as i am searching long time for that
  16. ofc i checked those, i dont expect t/d rates from manual logs but we use fsacars and i report a lot of flights and i checked the log and the t/d rate is in there but still it shows the last 2 rows with "0" /edit: just received a new report and now i made a screenshot or well.. two (you see the other one if you scroll right and then at the bottom of those one picture) ///Edit: i found out that when i accept another pirep after that, it shows the landing speed but not for first time.. crazy stuff..
  17. i have sometimes the problem that pireps have logged the T/D rate but that landingstats shows "0" in the admin panel. when i watch into mysql, it shows both rows with "0" and "0"...
  18. is it possible somehow directly to include the notam´s to the schedule_briefing?
  19. okay i have a lot of code but i dont get it in another way. thats how it works and if someone can put that into a modul or something, it would be nice. otherwise i will continue and use that. (the values below are only examples) <?php /** *Fuelflow Table */ $fuelflowMD11 = 5500; $fuelflowDC10 = 3500; $fuelflowB732 = 3500; $fuelflowB734 = 3500; $fuelflowB738 = 3500; $fuelflowB742 = 3500; $fuelflowB744 = 3500; $fuelflowA300 = 3500; $fuelflowA310 = 3500; $fuelflowE170 = 3500; $fuelflowE190 = 3500; /** *Reserves Table */ $reservesMD11 = 2500; $reservesDC10 = 3000; $reservesB732 = 3000; $reservesB734 = 3000; $reservesB738 = 3000; $reservesB742 = 3000; $reservesB744 = 3000; $reservesA300 = 3000; $reservesA310 = 3000; $reservesE170 = 3000; $reservesE190 = 3000; if($schedule->aircraft == 'MD MD-11') { $fuelflow = $fuelflowMD11; $reserves = $reservesMD11; } elseif($schedule->aircraft == 'MD DC-10') { $fuelflow = $fuelflowDC10; $reserves = $reservesDC10; } elseif($schedule->aircraft == '') { $fuelflow = $fuelflowACCODE; $reserves = $reservesACCODE; } elseif($schedule->aircraft == '') { $fuelflow = $fuelflowACCODE; $reserves = $reservesACCODE; } elseif($schedule->aircraft == '') { $fuelflow = $fuelflowACCODE; $reserves = $reservesACCODE; } elseif($schedule->aircraft == '') { $fuelflow = $fuelflowACCODE; $reserves = $reservesACCODE; } elseif($schedule->aircraft == '') { $fuelflow = $fuelflowACCODE; $reserves = $reservesACCODE; }elseif($schedule->aircraft == '') { $fuelflow = $fuelflowACCODE; $reserves = $reservesACCODE; } elseif($schedule->aircraft == '') { $fuelflow = $fuelflowACCODE; $reserves = $reservesACCODE; } elseif($schedule->aircraft == '') { $fuelflow = $fuelflowACCODE; $reserves = $reservesACCODE; } $flighttime = explode(".", $schedule->flighttime); $flmin = $flighttime[1] / 60; $flhou = $flighttime[0]; $fuelhours = $fuelflow * $flhou; $fuelminutes = $fuelflow * $flmin; $result = $fuelhours + $fuelminutes + $reserves; if($fuelflow == '0') { echo 'no fuel data available (no a/c fuelflow data)'; } elseif($schedule->flighttime == '0') { echo '<b>'.'no aircraft performance data available'.'</b>'; } elseif($schedule->flighttime >='0.00001') { if($result == '0') { echo '<b>'.'no aircraft performance data available'.'</b>'; } else { echo round ($result,-2); echo ' kg - this includes '; echo $reserves; echo ' kg for taxi and reserves'; } } else { echo 'fail'; } ?>
  20. that does not help really if you dont post how
  21. yea i just tried your way but it always shows zero ???
  22. okay thats what i have so far. i removed the whole code and now i added one line to the table phpvms_aircraft which is called "fuelflow" here is the code but still, something is wrong cause it always shows 0 in the calculation. (i filled the mysql table with 3000 all the row down) <?php $flighttime = explode(".", "$schedule->flighttime"); $flightminutes1 = $flighttime[1] / 60; $fuelhours0 = $fuelflow * $flighttime[0]; $fuelminutes = $fuelflow * $flightminutes1; $fuelflow="SELECT fuelflow FROM aircraft WHERE id $aircraft-schedule"; $result = $fuelhours + $fuelminutes; if($schedule->flighttime == 0) { echo 'no fuel data available'; } else { echo round ($result,-2); echo ' kg - this includes fuel for taxi and reserves'; } ?>
  23. CAUTION!!! DO NOT USE THE SYSTEM UNTIL I SAY SO i made a big mistake which i try to solve at the moment. before i start, i will write some modul soon so its easier to change everything but i am not done yet. here is the mistake my calculation in that system goes like that: "Fuelflow * time + reserves" The mistake is in the time. I am calculating with HH.MM which means if you have 2 hours 40 minutes, it will automatically calculate 2.4 and not 2,666667 hours. Here is the new code i made. First i added this line $ftinhours = explode(":", "$schedule->flighttime"); behind the first row of that fuel calculation so it looks like that <? $ftinhours = explode(".", "$schedule->flighttime"); ... then the calculation has to look like that: $result = 8000 * $ftinhours[0] + 8000 * ($ftinhours[1] * 100 / 60) + 3000; in my case, i took the MD11 which has a fuel flow of 8000kg per hour. the flight was 2 hours and 40 minutes and i put in reserves of 3000 so this is what the calculation looks like: 8000 * 2 + 8000 *(40 * 100 / 60 ) + 3000 but this doesnt work correctly.. what do i do wrong :S --------------- edit: okay i think i will start from the beginning and try to write something like a clean code with modules and stuff. it will be done within the next 48 hours.
  24. okay the 4512 (well changes for every aircraft) is the fuel flow per hour. you have to check the internet to get accurate date for every aircraft. then, flighttime multiplied with 100 / 60 to get everything in minutes (because you have values like 1.5 which is not 1,5 hours... its 1 hours 50 minutes and so on...) than, those + 1000 (again depending on the aircraft) is the "extrafuel" or reserves or whatever you will call it for the fuel flow, i just took values for aircrafts on FL300 so you really have to change those if you have something like an ATR or jetstream in your fleet as they will never reach that level. I am the whole time flying with those calculations and those are at least working very well for me. I will make an update soon, so it will automatically write the config from the aircrafts in your fleet list,.. also i will use more accurate data from burn tables and so on but thats future.. i am not a professional web developer and so i need to find out how to do that first. and @ James200410: be carefull.. you cant just replace those kg with lbs and thats it, you have to change the fuel flow than to lbs/h
  25. and if you can do that, do it i cant
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