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Everything posted by TAV1702

  1. TAV1702

    SMF forum

    No it is not. THe forum you see is Simpilot's forum he developed. I do have a SMF forum but it is not visible to any of my pilots or public. There are arguments on my site wether or not to replace the current forum with SMF or leave it alone. I am just working on the SMF one on the side.
  2. TAV1702


    Nabeel The man with the plan. Always one step ahead of the game. If it is in config, I looked right over it.
  3. TAV1702

    SMF forum

    Well, I got it working half arsed. It is not pretty and looks like crap. I'll keep tweaking on it and if it works out ok I'll give you the code.
  4. TAV1702

    SMF forum

    Yeah Exactly. I have butchering my template all night to try and get it ready to integrate the forum. I hope this time I get it right. My problem is I am a phpBB person. I can edit them in my sleep, but when someone says go to smf and edit the proper page, that is kind of a blank answer for me. That is where my problem is at. I know nothing about SMF at all. I think sometimes people forget that we do not know everything there is to know about everything. We will figure it out one way or the other CPC900. Fear not man. **Disclaimer** Please view the text below my sig banner.
  5. I am also digging the idea of some pagination. I think it would be great for the screenshot center. On another note, Dave I am sorry to see what has happened over at your VA. It is a shame that a group of sim enthusiasts gets bullied around like that. It is a crying shame.
  6. TAV1702


    That is personal preference really the way I see it. Sure we can not be on site every single minute of the day, but if an airline has a couple hundred pilots can you imagine how fast that email box will get full and start bouncing emails back? As it stands now, the email that I use for my admin account on the website, I no longer use for regular emails simply due to having to weed through all of the VA only email. I'm not saying it should be mandatory on or off, but an option for a site admin to have would be a good thing if one wanted to use it. Like I said, it is more of a personal preference thing I suppose. To each their own. You make a very good point though and it was well taken.
  7. TAV1702

    SMF forum

    I have been working on this as well and have got mixed results. So far I have done more damage than good. Good thing for a local server to test on. If I can figure it out before a professor posts here, i will let you know.
  8. I actually was reading a few posts over at chocolatesoftware.com (fshost site) and there was talk of a titter or Facebook feed. I am not sure of what it consists of or what but it may be worth a shot. There is really no other reason I see a Facebook or Twitter feed at the fshost site for any other reason than for VA use. I could be wrong and way out in left field here.
  9. TAV1702


    Great Question Thomas. I think if there was an option to turn that on and off it would be great. I noticed the very same thing. Not that my airline is O so busy, but if it were as large as many here, I could see very easily how this would be a problem.
  10. Sorry didn't mean for you to take that wrong. That is why I also why I added that I was not saying your host is bad so in the end, my statement was pretty fair after all. I ran servers for years and every single time we had a socket error it was server related. Maybe it is something new that has recently come up with this script or the server. Who knows. Stranger things have happened. I have had many things work fine one day and no good the next. Hope you get it figured out soon. Best wishes.
  11. I agree with Nabeel. A socket error is host related. Avoid 15 year old kids who call them selves Web Hosts. Go with a good one that can give a real answer and can fix a problem that they would know is theirs. I'm not saying your host is bad, but yeah.....Socket error= Host Issue. I also think disabling recaptcha is not a good idea. Spammers will come to love your site real fast like. My $0.02 worth.
  12. Daniel, as Nabeel said, check the skinning forum for templates. Once you find one, all you have to do is grab it, unzip it and upload that template folder to your core/lib/skins folder. Once you do that, you log in to your admin panel and go to general settings and in the drop down select your new skin and Tah Dah! Done. Nabeel has made many things REAL easy to do. Others take a little bit of know how such as php, sql, and html. And as Nabeel said, don't measure hosting on the bandiwth and disc space. Most free hosting is a gimmic. They turn off most everything you need to run a site and then when you nag at them about it they will say oh well then you need to upgrade to our gold package for ONLY...... So as the old saying goes, Pay now or pay later. But either way you go your gonna pay. Sometimes when you save a buck, your not always saving a buck. The catch to 5dev, and no I do not work for them at all or get paid by them, Nabeel limits websites on his servers so they are not cram packed and eating up resources. His main concern is quality and speed. that is the measure of a true host. Free hosts work well for certain things, but not for most. I am not knocking their product by any means at all. I'm not saying, I'm just saying. All of us and any of us here are more than willing to help you out as you need it, but you are going to be very hard pressed to find anyone to offer help or assistance on a free host due to all the problems that they encounter while using them. I'm sure I can speak loudly for everyone here when we say that we are glad you chose Nabeel's fine product and hope you get many, many years enjoyment out of it. With free hosting, you will move on real quick. With a good quality host, you will be around for years and probably be showing us all a thing or two in the end. If you can get on a host and get a basic install running, I can and will guide you on the how to's if needs be. I won't do it for you, but I can sure guide you. The old saying goes give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach that man how to fish and he will eat for the rest of his life. Good luck and stick around and have some fun with this thing. That's what all Nabeel's hard work is about. Have a great night. Ray
  13. Ahh ok guys thats cool. I was just curious. One of all 6 of my pilots uses XACARS and it was something that he brought up to me. I did not know if it was auto converted or what.
  14. Nabeel was answering as I was I see. And he is correct. that template is out of date and requires some modifying to work correct. It is being redone the last time I knew. I stand to be corrected if I am wrong.
  15. Hi Daniel. phpVMS is very easy to install and setup. And that template you speak of is the one I use and am modifying as well. As far as free hosting and very good go, they do not belong in the same sentence together. You will find out real quick that free hosting and phpVMS do not mix. Does it mean phpVMS is a bad script? By far the answer is no. phpVMS is an awesome script, but as luck would have it, most, "Free Hosts" turn off most of what it takes to run phpVMS. Normally if you come and ask a question and give an error, most people are going to ask you if you are on a free host. If you answer yes, most will keep right on a going to other threads. I am not trying to sound harsh or anything and we are all glad you chose to use Nabeel's wonderful script. Try to see if you can come up with a cheap domain and consider quality cheap hosting such as 5dev. Good luck with what ever choice you make. Sorry I could not be of anymore help to you. I wish I could be.
  16. Any XACARS users here know if there is a way to change fuel from pounds or gallons to kilograms? I searched but did not find any relevant info on the subject.
  17. Well, if you go to each airport you added and click look up or what ever it is, all it does is say Live price check: Waiting for ICAO change... Now I just need to go back and try a couple flights from a few of those 0$ fuel price airports and see if this cleared up that problem for me.
  18. Nabeel says and I quote That means that the last fuel update that he was able to capture is the current one in use. So with this work around it should give prices the way that should be as of when that last update was made to the API. Now the fuel prices are going to be old as dust now, but at least all airports will not have the same fuel prices and should get no $0.00 fuel prices. That has been a major problem that I have been running in to lately.
  19. Ahh ok. I'll do a quick search and see what I can come up with. Thanks Nabeel
  20. I'll have to look into it then and see if I have it setup correct for them type of flights. When they get submitted via fspax, it always gives me a message saying departure and arrival airports do not match schedule.
  21. You can make it as simple or hard as you want to. It can be done using nothing but notepad. Some people use programs like Dreamweaver to do the coding, some use flashMX to create flash, and some use fireworks to create graphics. Some of these programs are very expensive and not so easy to use. You can use drag and drop page creators, but that is not such a great idea. It is better to learn how to code and do it right then to drag and drop. I personally suck at skinning. I always have. And graphics I can not do. I can integrate things though most of the time. I suggest reading in the docs section on how to skin. There is a few great tutorials there for free viewing that should get you pointed in the right direction.
  22. Yeah that should take care of it, but I think that only occurs after they file a new pirep. I recently gave a few pilots that I have been simming with for years, 100 transfer hours and it credited them the hours, but rank would not change until they filed 1 new pirep
  23. That is the one problem. It sends the pirep in with all fields filled, it just gives a message that says departure and arrival airports do not match. I manually edit them and accept them. There are drawbacks to trying to do something with a system that was not designed to do that. Meaning phpVMS and free flights. It was never meant to be.
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