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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Kyle

    Bid Date

    Not a problem!
  2. Kyle

    Bid Date

    you used $booking on the second line. I changed it to $lastbids. try the new code. it should work. <?php $lastbids = SchedulesData::GetAllBids(); if (count($lastbids) > 0) { ?> <table width="100%"> <tr> <th align="left"><b>Flight</b></td> <th align="left"><b>Pilot</b></td> <th align="left"><b>From</b></td> <th align="left"><b>To</b></td> <th align="left"><b>Aircraft</b></td> <th align="left"><b>Booked On</b></td> </tr> <?php foreach($lastbids as $lastbid) { $pilot_info = PilotData::GetPilotData($lastbid->pilotid); ?> <tr> <td align="left">FRX<?php echo $lastbid->flightnum; ?></td> <td align="left"><?php echo $pilot_info->firstname.' '.$pilot_info->lastname; ?></td> <td align="left"><?php echo $lastbid->depicao;?></td> <td align="left"><?php echo $lastbid->arricao; ?></td> <td align="left"><?php echo $lastbid->aircraft; ?></td> <td align="left"><?php echo $lastbid->dateadded;?></td> </tr> <?php } } else { ?> <p style="color:#cccccc; font-size:22px; text-align:center;">No bookings!</p> <?php } ?> </table>
  3. Can you try clearing your browser cache, it seems it may botched up to prevent you from logging in.
  4. Um, check again. phpVMS is running 2.1.934 latest stable build
  5. You might want to read that up.... Install: http://forum.phpvms....mmies-guide-r36 http://forum.phpvms....installation-r2 Updating: http://forum.phpvms....ed/upgrading-r3 Cheers!
  6. I mostly recommend stable since you won't run into bugs. Beta is not stable enough and it's likely you'll run into errors.
  7. Just to warn, you need to be aware that MySQL Injections is likely possible if you doing something out of phpVMS. Do some research on that and you'll see a few things to prevent MySQL injections out of a external login form. For the passwords, phpVMS uses md5, but there's salt inside the md5. Example... $hash = md5($password . $userinfo->salt); if ($hash == $userinfo->password) { //okay, password is good return true; } else { //nope, password is wrong... return false; }
  8. itrobb, You'll see a big space and it's above the news, And heck, I can't even find the problem too...
  9. Kyle

    Bid Date

    Sorry, stupid me. I thought the bid date was in MySQL date format. It's <?php echo $bid->dateadded;?>
  10. Dobule check your settings, correct key, ETC and see what happens.
  11. Why would he even show proof since he has other two Virgin Virtual open and never has been closed down, that shows enough proof he has permissions?
  12. Well that not cool when hosts do something like that and screws with our websites. I don't even like when they do that. That's why I go for VPS or Dedicated.
  13. I believe that they were closed down for un-foreseen reasons.
  14. Kyle

    Bid Date

    I'm not sure what is the field name for the bid date, you can put this anywhere. <?php echo date(DATE_FORMAT, $bid->dateadded);?> check the bids time and see what is the field name for the date and then you can change the dateadded to something if it is not correct.
  15. been looking for one for a while. yes please, could I have the code please? thanks!
  16. Put in the same place what Tom said on the first post. IP Check to see if spammer. // Check IP $getIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $url = 'http://www.stopforumspam.com/api?ip='.$getIP; $file = new CodonWebService(); $contents = $file->get($url); $response = simplexml_load_string($contents); if($response->appears == 'yes'){ $spammer = true; } else { $spammer = false; } if($spammer == true){ $this->set('message', 'Your IP Address appears to be in our spam\'s provider\'s database, if you think this is not correct, please contact us.'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return false; }
  17. I done that as well, I can get the code together and post it here in later tonight. the blocking IP won't be that realistic since it would require a core change. I won't go into it.
  18. it might not be working... I see that they have the API Usage limits. I'll write something up some kind of a status checker tonight to see if the feature is actually working.
  19. What the heck is going on here now... -.-... again...
  20. I can make that happen this weekend. Seems achievable for me.
  21. interesting when cheaters makes things unfair on landing rates and showing their best but not really.
  22. Uhhh.... I think what the O.P. means that he can't reset his vaCentral password. Not phpVMS.
  23. I guess you learnt your lesson...
  24. Shot out of the water! hellcat, I hereby that you don't have legal permissions from Virgin America! If you do, then if you don't mind showing us a reasonable proof that you have permissions would be nice. Nuff said!
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