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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Here's what I have so far. No luck... Hopefully someone with a knowledge of it will come by. <?php $fromlat = $schedule->deplat; $fromlng = $schedule->deplng; $route_string = $schedule->route; $routedata = NavData::parseRoute($fromlat, $fromlng, $route_string); $route_string = array(); ?> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Lat</th> <th>Long</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach($routedata as $routeline) { ?> <tr> <td align="center"><?php echo $routeline->lat; ?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $routeline->lng; ?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table>
  2. I been trying to chase that, but I'm still no expert yet. But I'll try again and see what I can make out of it.
  3. What he means that if you had the kACARS_Free v1.0.1.1 Application installed on your PC, and you have the module kACARs_Free v1.0.1.1 uploaded to your phpVMS module folder.
  4. IP Addresses does not go away, unless it has been inactive for a certain time. Based on the ISP or another ISP.
  5. Do you have the styles.css in the skin "virtual" folder?
  6. I need to winden up the thoughts of people of the website desgin. What does anyone think about the site so far? http://www.suncountryvirtual.net/ If you think there's something I should improve, let me know.
  7. What the earth is wrong with you guys? Can't it be friendly and just show some respect to a beginner's work? The site looks fine enough for a beginner's work. Don't be making some bad comments on their site please.. it's just gotten far out of hand now.
  8. No worries Jeff, It's just something that simpilot had a request with his payware modules. If I had the Tour module, I would able to PM you the code if I ever figured it out. Cheers!
  9. You would need to learn Windows Programming and know how to use the FSPUIC SDK. ETC. Visual Basic, C++ or C# for windows programming. I prefer mostly C#. I never seen anything that shows you how to make one, you would have to learn how to do windows programming, or you can get a custom ACARS bulit by FS-Products - http://www.fs-products.net/ It's only $40.00 plus extra features will add the charge. Very well made ACARS and professinal business was done with us at Sun Country Virtual. We got the ACARS just like what we wanted.
  10. Jeff, I'm not sure if you missed that ---> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6228-simpilotgroup-payware-module-support/ It should go directly to simpilot, or is it something else your trying to do?
  11. Can you tell me where are you putting this code? Which lines?
  12. Must did something wrong with my code. wasn't tested.... give me a few mins.
  13. Try this, with the $sql. in there, it'll still run the query. Remove the code above you used, and put this one in. $sql .= "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."schedules (code, flightnum, deptime, arrtime, daysofweek, price, flighttype, enabled) VALUES ('CFC', $pilotid, '00:00', '00:00', '0123456', '0', 'P', '1')"; Be sure to put it before the DB::query($sql) Or whatever it is like.
  14. I fixed the issue. It was an error in the linking. I released a new build. You can download from here. https://github.com/Vansers/phpVMS_Airport_Charts/zipball/master
  15. In pilots_list.tpl. Add this code if($pilot->confirmed == 0) { continue; } Into the foreach code. <?php foreach($allpilots as $pilot) { if($pilot->confirmed == 0) { continue; } ?> And that'll skip the pilots who isn't approved yet.
  16. This is what you should be looking at. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1317-request-contact-form-mod/page__view__findpost__p__8116
  17. Thanks guys for your suggestions , I'll look into it. parkho, if you delete the old pireps, it can affect the pilot's data because phpVMS has an recalculation in PIREP count and hours.
  18. That would require a tons of changes... Database Table changes, and core files will also have to be changed as well. If I were you, I wouldn't go into doing that and that'll cause you to get errors, and possibility most ACARS will stop working because of the changes, plus the login as well. As the new pilot joins, the database assigns the pilotid because the database always needs an index such as pilotid.
  19. Won't happen with kACARS! . It transmits the data always.
  20. Ohhhh.... I hate severe weather in the summers. Where I live, in the summer, we always get these kinds of storms, hail, high winds, raining hard, and high instense thunderstorms. But I have a feeling it's going to be more bad this year becasue we didn't have much snow than last year.
  21. If this is an custom ACARS issue, please email directly to Jeff. If your using kACARS_Free.... When you were bidding the flight, did you have any issues? Did it say something like "Bid Added!"?
  22. Would a large amount of position reporting count? One pilot flew a very long flight, and it had over 1200 position reports.
  23. I usually do website checks few times a week, and now I noticed our PIREP tables has gotten really ridiculously large. 5.5MB with only 52 PIREPs filed! Now the thing that worries me, as the PIREP database gets larger, will it affect the loading of PIREP lists, slower queries and other things? How do you handle with large amount of PIREP Data? And by the way, we are on shared hosting, if that will affects our VA as well.
  24. The API Server is down due to recent attack. Alternately You can change the airport look up to geonames in your local.config.php Find the simliar code, and change the value to geonames. If not, then copy the code into the local.config.php Config::Set('AIRPORT_LOOKUP_SERVER', 'geonames');
  25. David changed his username or something. Check simpilot's signature for his modules. http://github.com/DavidJClark
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