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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. I'm not sure, but the code I made, second post will go inside the acarsmap.tpl.
  2. I agree with edmundk, at SCX VA, we got our kACARS_Custom just perfect what we wanted. I agree Mr. Jeffery Kobus has done an excellent job with ours for SCX VA. Three of us, the founders team were very pleased in it. You can go to his website @ http://www.fs-products.net/ and you can see all the list of options that he has.
  3. I'm guessing it's an issue with the remote or local SQL host, I think. I'm not sure, but that's what it looks like.
  4. Kyle


    They're using a custom system developed by a former staff member.
  5. I belive this is the code that you are looking for to calulate Feet into Meters... NOT TESTED YET! <?php echo round(<%=flight.alt%>/3.28);?> Give this a go and let us know if it worked for you.
  6. I wouldn't really... if your prepared to face the errors of because you changed the module name.
  7. Maybe he took down the website files down to build his custom system.
  8. You guys need to look into your local.config.php. You might be uploading a avatar that is too big than your settings in your local.config.php. # Avatar information Config::Set('AVATAR_FILE_SIZE', 5000); Config::Set('AVATAR_MAX_WIDTH', 150); Config::Set('AVATAR_MAX_HEIGHT', 150); The file size might needs to be increased so you can upload bigger avatars. Current avatar size is 5MB in the code.
  9. Well, I guess no one knows. I'll have to switch back to the hosting email now...
  10. Very easy to do... FIRST!! You need to go to Options, and Settings. Enter the VA URL Link. (http://www.vaurl.com) Then enter your pilot id, and your pilot password and save. But if you are on Version or higher, you may need to go to options, and VA profiles. Enter all of the info like what I said, and then save. Now.. 1) With kACARS, have it running and logged in. 2) If your kACARS Settings is set to search flights, then put the flight number in the Flight Number Box and click Find Flight Number Info. 3) Everything will populate, and you might need to enter the Flight Level in numeric format. EX. (32000), saying that you'll cruise at 32000 Feet. 4) If you want to enter your flight route, enter into the route box. 5) Have FS running, aircraft parked with parking brakes on and ready to start your flight. 6) Then click start flight, and kACARS will do all of the work recording your flight. 7) After you land, arrive at the gate and your parking brakes set, click stop flight. 8) If you want to enter the comments about your flight, enter in the comments box. 9) Lastly! Click on File PIREP and the flight report will be filed to the VA's Site. Hope this helps!
  11. Bump...
  12. Well, the site needs work still... It's too plain, you need to add different types of colors. Like add a back ground color, adjust the color and see what it can look like. The text is too big in the sidebar, the white and orange is very hard to read, and I don't know what else, but try what I suggest and you might see something much better.
  13. I agree, but what about user's language experience? They can select their language and go to the specifically language website?
  14. lol! Why's that?
  15. Well, currently we can still get live fuel prices but for some airports. I think...
  16. Dumb question... How can I tell my apps account is configured correctly to support SMTP?
  17. Well, how nice now! The domain http://www.flyunitedvirtual.org/ goes to http://www.flywestjetvirtual.com Wow! I guarantee guarantee guaranteed!!! You will get shut down by Westjet and their lawyers! They won't even give permissions ever at all! This has happened to one of the members (not telling name) here at this forums which the operations has been up for three months and suddenly he got a letter from Westjet lawyers. Good Luck, you have a big case to deal with...
  18. Any ideas? I tried creating another google email account and it didn't work. I'm out of ideas!
  19. Hey there, I'm hoping there's someone with a knowledge with using gmail Apps with phpVMS. Tonight, we changed over to Gmail Apps, and now we are having issues that the mass emails aren't being sent out. I double checked the local.config.php file and ensure the info is correct and it seems to be. Config::Set('EMAIL_USE_SMTP', true); # Add multiple SMTP servers by separating them with ; Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_SERVERS', 'smtp.gmail.com'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PORT', '465'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USE_AUTH', true); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_SECURE', 'ssl'); # must be "ssl" for Google Apps Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USER', 'emailsomething'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PASS', 'password'); The user is the noreply@email.com and the password, you know... But other staff members can send and receive emails via gmail with their own emails and it works. But I'm not sure what's going on with the noreply email. I logged in and it works but why it won't send the email from mass mailer? Any reasons?
  20. It seems to be fine now, lol. Thanks for the help.
  21. Still need help please....
  22. Jeff, I made a custom IP Ban system for my VA that I'm opening soon, and it works well, but a lot of core files to change. It's just a B.S. when people sign up with many different IP's. Possibly, he's using many different proxies. But if it's the same IP, I think Fivedev has CPanel and you should able to ban him. Go to Cpanel, and look for something that has IP Deny Manager or other, and add in the IP that he used. Then he should stop.
  23. admin/lib/phpvmsadmin.js At line 215 to 222 function calcDistance() { $("#distance").val("Calculating..."); $.get(baseurl + "/admin/action.php/operations/calculatedistance", { depicao: $("#depicao").val(), arricao: $("#arricao").val() }, function(data) { $("#distance").val(data); }); }
  24. lol, no problem joeri. I take jokes really good, lol.
  25. Hey, I'm having problems at vaCentral... I can't register? The error was Error: The requested address '/register/process' was not found on this server. Any ideas?
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