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Everything posted by lorlandi

  1. Hi, just wondering to know how the system count the quantity of pilots on the VA site, by the last pilot ID or the real number of pilots in the database. I´m asking this thing because reading an old post why the VaCentral ranking is calculating the quantity of pilots versus quantity of flights are important, using that information i´ll proceed to delete all inactive pilots (inactive by a year) from the database. For example, total pilots 200, just pilot 001 and pilot 200 are active, deleting 198 inactive pilots whow many pilots will appear in the VAcentral system. Thanks for de answer. Regards
  2. Hi, for example these are in my VA Expenses Staff Salary Monthly Marketing Monthly Spare parts Monthly Ramp Cargo Per Flight Insurance Monthly Training Monthly Engineering Training Monthly Depreciation Percent (per flight) Leasing Monthly Office Mintenance Monthly Office Supplies Monthly Taxes Percent (month) Regards
  3. Hi, i had the problem with days of week too long and also with hours the format is 12:00 EST, all of my pages are in spanish. The solution for this detail was add a little command like this: $departure = $schedule->depicao; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td><center>'.$schedule->arricao.'</center></td>'; echo '<td><center>'.$schedule->flightnum.'</center></td>'; $aircraft = OperationsData::getAircraftInfo($schedule->aircraft); echo '<td><center>'.$aircraft->icao.'</center></td>'; $idmaximo1 = Util::GetDaysCompact($schedule->daysofweek); $cadena1 = $idmaximo1; $trozo1 = substr($cadena1, 0,2); echo '<td><strong><center>'.$trozo1.'</center></strong></td>'; $idmaximo = $schedule->deptime; $cadena = $idmaximo; $trozo = substr($cadena, 0,5); echo '<td><center>'.$trozo.'</center></td>'; echo '</tr>'; $total++; In the code ($cadena1, 0,2) you can modify number 2 in order if you like to show the first two letters or alter to 3 in order to show 3 letters The same is with $schedule->deptime if you have 12:00 EST you can use thsi code if not just use the original code. Regards and i hope to help somebody.
  4. No errors on Firefox log, i cheched the page on internet explorer and is the same trouble. Regards
  5. Yes, i made some modify but only translete the english words to spanish, i cheched the entry code with the last version and is the same. Regards
  6. I have some problems with schedule search form, when you selected a schedule by aircraft type and then by arrival airport the information is not refreshed and keep by aircraft type. Regards
  7. I have a question regarding maintenance of aircraft. We currently have two aircraft entering on maintenance in a few days which will be replaced by two similar aircraft but different callsign to cover scheduled routes, i'll not edit the previous callsign because the statistics system would be affected, i think the only way to do this is to disable the aircraft in maintenance and its scheduled routes. To continue the normal service on routes is create new routes with aircraft replacement. Is there any way to have a system for maintenance of aircraft maintaining the same route but changing the complete aircraft. Regards
  8. lorlandi


    Looks very nice, in my opinion only two things, the live map is too small a little resize will be good, the second is try to adjust the map position because the menu is behind the map when select it, anyway your job is great. Regards
  9. Well, after some test finaly the code is working good for to show the total flights on current month, for expert this is easy but for me is a great thing, i added following code on StatsData.class on line 782. /** * Return the total number of Flights current Month * * */ public static function Totalflightsmonth() { $key = 'total_flights_month'; if($airline_code != '') { $key .= '_'.$airline_code; } $total = CodonCache::read($key); if($total === false) { $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pireps p WHERE month(p.submitdate) = month(now()) AND year(p.submitdate) = year(now())'; $result = DB::get_row($sql); if(!$result) { $total = 0; } else { $total = $result->total; } CodonCache::write($key, $total, '15minute'); } return $total; } Best regards
  10. On the site in Va Central, in the graphic Average pirep per day. Regards
  11. On VA Central Nabeel. Regards
  12. Hi, the average pireps per day not display the real information just one by day instead average 8 flights, till now we have 160 pireps thats mean 8 flights average. Someting wrong in some templates on my site?? Thanks and regards Transpolar Virtual Cargo (www.transpolar.cl) #15 on VA Central
  13. Hi, just a little question, wich is the code to insert into footer.tpl for show flight this month. Thanks and sorry for this kind of questions. Regards
  14. Hi, in my case i used that field to transfer the hours from the old site to the new one and works perfect. Regards
  15. Matthew, the airmail_new_install.sql is the file located in the folder after downloaded the Airmail, with this file you must to run the content in your data base to create the Airmail database. regards
  16. Hi, try to move the sentence into this lines <td width="50%" > <?php include ('fuel.tpl'); ?> </td> <td width="50%" > <?php if($schedule->flighttype=='P') Also have in mind every time when you upgrade the version (Example ver 930 to 931) the file schedule_briefing.tpl will be replaced for a new one, in my case i have the file in the skin folder located on lib folder. That is working for me. Regards
  17. Excelent mod Simpilot, only one question, on Top Pilots All Time (Hours Flown)the code count the totalhours, in my case i have old data from the old site like tranferhours, whow can i include totalhours + transferhours. Thanks and regards
  18. Here are the screenshots The blank edit frame happens with all kind of expense , monthly, perflight and percent. Regards
  19. Yes Nabeel, 934 uploaded and reuploaded and the problem is present jet. Regards
  20. Hi, i can't edit expenses, in admin panel when the expense is selected the respective expense data appear in blank. Regards
  21. Hi, a little detail in edit expenses, the frame appear but in blank, see attached image. Regards
  22. Hi, i have problems to edit expenses on admin panel after update to 930 following message appear: Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'Finance::editexpense1' was given in /home/xxxxxx/transpolar.cl/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 218 I created a new expense and try to edit with same resoult. Create and delete works ok. Regards
  23. Installed, till now all is working fine. Many Thanks Nabeel.
  24. Same thing on this side of the planet, but our staff is working hard on a new type of engines......a cuple of mouses and some pounds of cheese... Regards
  25. Nabeel, rev.921 installed, some changes founded in admin panel on schedule section, pls see attached image. Regards
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