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Everything posted by web541

  1. Yeah, the charts data class here is mainly for the charts built in to phpVMS by default (used in the /index.php/profile/stats link and I think the admin panel) to replace the OFC charts in an earlier version. Now, you could just merge the two files but I have split them and updated them for you (haven't tested them) here so take a look and it should work out of the box. If you are looking for charts from an API source (that can be read on say a hub page or something), then check this module out.
  2. Ah, aircraft location is not simulated in this module, however there are modules around which simulate that.
  3. Can you explain more about this issue please.
  4. This thread is really old, but as per servatas's post above, please use this link http://www.noticeablegroup.com/ to contact the developer as this is a paid module and no support will be offered here. There are also contact links on the developer's website where you would have bought the module, so feel free to try there, but don't do both.
  5. Can you post your code for the table so we can take a look, but inspecting, it seems that you don't have a source for you image In other words, this is what you have <img src="" alt="Captain"> And you need to have this <img src="have something in this field" alt="Captain"> So there might be something going on, jnascar's post looks correct
  6. Well first you'd have to ask the airline's if they're ok with it, then you can proceed. Second, the ACARS function that outputs the data is found here https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpvms_5.5.x/blob/master/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php#L52 And luckily that returns an array of data which is easy to merge. I haven't tested it and have probably forgotten something, but you can build on something like this $allflights = array(); $myairline = ACARSData::GetACARSData(); // If you have multiple airlines, you could also loop this through $another_airline = json_decode(file_get_contents('va_url_here'), true); // specify true for an array conversion $allflights = array_merge($myairline, $another_airline); foreach($allflights as $flight) { ... You'd also have to verify what data is actually being returned to make it all fit together.
  7. Please use the search function next time as this has been reported many times before.
  8. I would second this, I have found a way to do it with the current phpVMS, but I would suggest making the API Servers (e.g. Airport Lookup) HTTPS compatible as well because I've had to write a script to look up airports from a CSV file instead of use the lookup feature at the moment (errors such as Cross-Origin pop up in the console), but I guess you do have to sacrifice some things.
  9. Alright, in that case https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpvms_5.5.x/blob/master/core/common/PIREPData.class.php#L704 That should be what you are looking for.
  10. It can be changed, you'd have to change some files though, it would just be easier to do a str_replace() to the .where you want it changed.
  11. ACARSData::getACARSData() will return an array, therefore you will have to loop it through but it will return all results. Do you want to search for an active ACARS flight or a PIREP or a schedule, they are all very different. You could modify the GetACARSData function to fetch only one row instead of retrieving all results.
  12. Ah ok, simpilot's module. Don't own it so I don't know which bit you have to edit, but to get the data you want you will need to look at this variable phasedetail
  13. I fixed this a while back, you need to change the variable in the template from $pilots_list to $allpilots or vise-versa I think.
  14. web541


    The first two mean that you have to access the site via the url with the date parameters BAD: http://siteurl.com/index.php/vStatsCenter GOOD: http://siteurl.com/index.php/vStatsCenter/month/year or via the code as suggested above in Kyle's post The second error means that you are using the wrong version of phpvms for this module, you should be using this version. You can try to edit the module and rename files, but no guarantees it will work with your version.
  15. No, not a problem at all, everyone has a right to contribute and coding can be done in many different ways, some cleaner than others, some not so clean, but in the end it still works and that's what counts! I have also made my revisions on my Github account if you want to take a look. Feel free to change out your admin/modules/HubTransfer/HubTransfer.php file for mine here and that should fix the problem above. I have just removed the mysql_affected_rows check as you really don't need to know whether it has been deleted or not, because in the end it will show up (or not if it has just been deleted) in the AllRequests list anyway.
  16. Just confirming that those errors are mainly to do with the core/common/HubTransferData.class.php Delete function should look like this now public static function delete($id) { $sql = "DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."hubtransfer WHERE pilotid = '$id'"; DB::query($sql); } And the new CheckRequest function public static function CheckRequest($pilotid) { $pilotid = intval($pilotid); $query = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."hubtransfer WHERE pilotid = '$pilotid'"; $count = DB::num_rows(DB::get_results($query)); return $count; } Or if that last function doesn't work, try swapping out the DB::get_results for DB::get_row as I can't tell whether it is being used to get one or more results.
  17. Ok Bug fixed. Should work now, same link. Just replace the core/common/FrontSchedulesData.class.php
  18. Can you give me an example of how the search fails by aircraft type? It seems to be working on my end. EDIT: hang on, let me check this out, might've found the error.
  19. I have updated this module to the latest phpvms version 5.5.x. Use it if you wish, but there are probably better solutions out there considering the age of the module. If anyone does want to try it, let me know if it works and I'll make a pull request Link
  20. It's possible, but beware that running it at a higher level than what it can will probably cause errors (not that we all will have to at some point) But if you look deep in install/includes/Installer.class.php you'll find this // Check the PHP version if($version[0] != '5') { $noerror = false; $type = 'error'; $message = 'You need PHP 5 (your version: '.$version.')'; } else { $type = 'success'; $message = 'OK! (your version:'.$version.')'; } That will happen when you install, if you are looking for other checks then you'll have to keep digging .. One more is in core/codon.config.php $version = phpversion(); if(intval($version[0]) < 5) { die('You are not running PHP 5+'); } But that one shouldn't affect you.
  21. Check your browser console for any errors first. Ok, go download this version again, https://github.com/Strider2/codeshare To make the image url changes
  22. That's different, open a new topic for this, but if you book through /index.php/codeshare then does it work?
  23. did it do that before? Check your browser console. Works for me on the crystal skin.
  24. Does everything work? (adding, editing, etc.) if so, I'll make a pull request to the master
  25. Yeah that's an error, doesn't load it in, try this one.
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