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Everything posted by Michael2015

  1. Here at vAir Leasing we strive to offer our clients and customer the best in aviation. We strive to delivery the best piloting skills from around the world as well as always making sure that our aircraft are air worthy. Here at vAir Leasing we have just just concluded our first major contract with United Airlines, the deal consisted of 4 meetings including Ground Services, Piloting , Operational Routes, these key factors where key l and we managed to secure the contract. While our main executive staff where dealing with United Airlines our directors where also in meetings with airlines such as Jet2,Etihad,China Southern,Oman Air and many more the first deal of the back of United Airlines might be Jet2 which open stars all our network all over Europe and the UK. At vAir Leasing we are looking for serious dedicated people to fulfil the role of Executives and also Directors of the company as well to help with issues like. Media,Social,Planning,operations,HR. These positions will be open to all members of the wide community. I am honoured to declare vAir Leasing in business after secure its first Contract and gaining our ( AOC )Kind RegardsMichael PooleCEO (vAir Leasing Corporation vairleasing.net
  2. is this to downlaod yet
  3. No thats doesnt work i get this error on Sim Pilots Welcome to the phpVMS installer! In order for phpVMS to work properly, you need to have a few prerequisites. Mainly, you must be running PHP 5. The installer has found a few problems with your install, which are highlighted below. PHP Version (5 required) You need PHP 5 (your version: 7.0.21) Site Configuration File core/local.config.php is writeable! Directories and Files: core/cache is writeable! core/logs is writeable! core/pages is writeable! lib/avatars is writeable! lib/rss is writeable! lib/signatures is writeable! Once you correct these errors, refresh this page to start the installer.
  4. is there a php version instead of having .tpl files
  5. What version of PHPVMS can i use with php 7 as i am building a test airline and have been out the frame for a while with phpvms Thanks
  6. So what airline would people like to see based out the UK and i would like ideas and also people to come up with information and ideas with me then i can brain storm and then come up with the final airline i was thinking a jet2 as there isnt a decent looking one
  7. Drummond74 don't you join every airline and never fly the same as Morgan Walton he stole all my modules as well lol.
  8. Is this airline still online. As the link doesn't work and I'd like and would be able to help out Operation wise
  9. i cant get the logos to add for this module what so ever
  10. what file are you ammending this in as this a wicked idea mate
  11. Thanks i have seen it done somewhere in a VA but where and what they were using i dont know
  12. How would i create something either in the expense tab or somewhere else that will allow me to charge for 3 types of fare on a long haul flight so Econemy Bussiness First Class how would i charge that for each flight ?
  13. sweet i cant wait for a download this looks amazing well done
  14. i have come across an error i have 3 aircraft at OMAA and one at OMDB i am currently at OMAA but when i go into click on add bid it states i am not at the airport what is this doing as i bought a jump seat ticket to get to OMAA please help as i would like this in my VA
  15. i love the skin i pmd you
  16. hey dude PMd you
  17. nope that never worked as i got this error after changing them Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /home/flyemira/public_html/admin/modules/StaffAdmin/StaffAdmin.php on line 13
  18. i get this code after installing any payware modules from either Simpilot or Crazy Creatives please see error code below Strict Standards: Non-static method StaffData::get_staff() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in/home/flyemira/public_html/admin/modules/StaffAdmin/StaffAdmin.php on line 42 Strict Standards: Non-static method StaffData::get_positions() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in/home/flyemira/public_html/admin/modules/StaffAdmin/StaffAdmin.php on line 43
  19. i have sent you a PM also i can send you URL to my VA that im IT Director at now as well for proof of work and design as well
  20. looking for someone that is worth the money for a amazing pilot center for a PArt 135 airline
  21. i can ever only find 1 free skin thats ocean blue
  22. Does no one do free pilot center skins as the one I have for my Part 13 airline is looking boring and dull and I have don't all the code my self mainly and struggling with a pilot center is there anyone out there
  23. yes thansk mate your the best lol close topic
  24. so i would be looking for a Elite VA config file for FSACARS ???
  25. right so how do i get the .ini file for FSACARS to know im flying for that VA and to work for all pilots ?? if it is already built in then i should be able to just download the installer install it and go but i was wondering where i get the company .ini file ??
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