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Everything posted by Michael2015

  1. this still doeesnt work as i have followed everything to the bone and i get all the new fields but still doesn't fetch the Airport http://prntscr.com/imo2dz
  2. how do i update my airlines ARIAC
  3. i still get the ACCESS DENIED from try to create the SQL so what details do i need to change on line 59 Also in your text documentation there is no where to tell you to place the Puller and Grabber files
  4. this is mine http://prntscr.com/i8jvyi
  5. Good Evening, I Michael Poole CEO of vWest Atlantic welcome all pilots to have a look at this wonderfull new VA we are going to be simulating all operations from West Atalantic using a different sub fleet instead of the fleet due to limits in FSX and P3D, All staff positions are open within the Airline for more information feel free to visit us at http://pilotlounge.vairleasing.net
  6. im having massive issue
  7. no im on windows and i am unable to pull anything from there
  8. Hello sir I have signed up for a API key but i cant pull anything and i dont no how to do this
  9. how do you get it to pull and work tho
  10. Also i have been awaiting for a while now for the API
  11. Warning: simplexml_load_file(): https:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /home/vairleas/pilotlounge.vairleasing.net/core/modules/WTHR/WTHR.phpon line 23Warning: simplexml_load_file(https://www.aviationweather.gov/adds/dataserver_current/httpparam?dataSource=metars&requestType=retrieve&format=xml&stationString=egcc&hoursBeforeNow=1): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/vairleas/pilotlounge.vairleasing.net/core/modules/WTHR/WTHR.php on line 23Warning: simplexml_load_file(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "https://www.aviationweather.gov/adds/dataserver_current/httpparam?dataSource=metars&requestType=retrieve&format=xml&stationString=egcc&hoursBeforeNow=1" in /home/vairleas/pilotlounge.vairleasing.net/core/modules/WTHR/WTHR.php on line 23Warning: simplexml_load_file(): https:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /home/vairleas/pilotlounge.vairleasing.net/core/modules/WTHR/WTHR.phpon line 41Warning: simplexml_load_file(https://www.aviationweather.gov/adds/dataserver_current/httpparam?dataSource=stations&requestType=retrieve&format=xml&stationString=egcc): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/vairleas/pilotlounge.vairleasing.net/core/modules/WTHR/WTHR.php on line 41Warning: simplexml_load_file(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "https://www.aviationweather.gov/adds/dataserver_current/httpparam?dataSource=stations&requestType=retrieve&format=xml&stationString=egcc" in /home/vairleas/pilotlounge.vairleasing.net/core/modules/WTHR/WTHR.php on line 41Warning: simplexml_load_file(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /home/vairleas/pilotlounge.vairleasing.net/core/modules/WTHR/WTHR.php on line 74Warning: simplexml_load_file(http://api.aircharts.org/Airport/egcc.xml): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/vairleas/pilotlounge.vairleasing.net/core/modules/WTHR/WTHR.php on line 74Warning: simplexml_load_file(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "http://api.aircharts.org/Airport/egcc.xml" in /home/vairleas/pilotlounge.vairleasing.net/core/modules/WTHR/WTHR.php on line 74 What is this
  12. easy your talking to a basic coder who is in the procress ar you on discord
  13. right well the link for the download didint work
  14. i have the tailored OFP and also i have emailed for a API key where do i place the API key
  15. mmm no i dont have an API and the module do you mean the OFP brief or a module as well
  16. After clicking on the generate button nothing happens
  17. i have got this issue on my VA All Virtual Air Leasing vEtihad Airways vJet2vUnited Airlines Select An Aircraft Type: All ( ! ) Deprecated: Non-static method FBSVData::routeaircraft() should not be called statically in /home/vairleas/pilotlounge.vairleasing.net/core/templates/fbsv/airport_search.php on line 49 Call Stack # Time Memory Function Location 1 0.0007 378488 {main}( ) .../index.php:0 2 0.0263 1963768 MainController::RunAllActions( ) .../index.php:70 3 0.0263 1963768 FBSV11->index( ) .../MainController.class.php:218 4 0.0285 2081920 FBSV11->show( ) .../FBSV11.php:26 5 0.0285 2081920 Template::show( ) .../CodonModule.class.php:88 6 0.0285 2081920 TemplateSet->showTemplate( ) .../Template.class.php:82 7 0.0285 2081920 TemplateSet->getTemplate( ) .../TemplateSet.class.php:181 8 0.0287 2120232 include( '/home/vairleas/pilotlounge.vairleasing.net/core/templates/fbsv/airport_search.php' ) .../TemplateSet.class.php:238 Select Arrival Airfield: All ( ! ) Deprecated: Non-static method FBSVData::arrivalairport() should not be called statically in /home/vairleas/pilotlounge.vairleasing.net/core/templates/fbsv/airport_search.php on line 75 Call Stack # Time Memory Function Location 1 0.0007 378488 {main}( ) .../index.php:0 2 0.0263 1963768 MainController::RunAllActions( ) .../index.php:70 3 0.0263 1963768 FBSV11->index( ) .../MainController.class.php:218 4 0.0285 2081920 FBSV11->show( ) .../FBSV11.php:26 5 0.0285 2081920 Template::show( ) .../CodonModule.class.php:88 6 0.0285 2081920 TemplateSet->showTemplate( ) .../Template.class.php:82 7 0.0285 2081920 TemplateSet->getTemplate( ) .../TemplateSet.class.php:181
  18. How did you get the spaces inbetween the images and the results as i have tried </ul> and <br>
  19. Sorted
  20. What is the best real booking system out there thast would make phpvms flights more realistic
  21. Hey PM me as I have monarch on my VA which is free r serious flight simmers
  22. Also I am doing a VA and that would be a man of your skill set I am looking for a Executive Marketing Director I would like it if we could have a chat regarding this ?
  23. Hey chief PM you mate
  24. Sorry spelt it wrong hahha thanks
  25. What happened to phpvms v4
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