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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. flyalaska


    I didn't know that was an option. I never noticed that before. Something is an issue from your phpbms if its not loading.
  2. flyalaska


    I see a map.
  3. Can we have your link?
  4. flyalaska


    Can I have your URL?
  5. check the coordinates on the airports in admin. Make sure they are correct.
  6. Can you share you code on the pilots avatar?
  7. I haven't changed it yet. Have to let everyone know ahead of time. Pilot numbers will be changing. Some people login with their pilot number.
  8. in local.config.php Config::Set('PILOTID_LENGTH', 3); // The length of PID, including 0's
  9. It works like it should when I change to a 4 digit code. Will that affect any of the pilot data if keep it a 4 digits?
  10. Didn't work. I did it the way you did above and got pretty much the same results, with the buttons messed up. http://www.flyaka.com/index.php/Pilots <table id="plist" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="aka_table">
  11. Yes datatables <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#plist').DataTable(); } ); </script> http://www.flyaka.com/index.php/Pilots
  12. I know this an old post. I have a small issue. I am able to get this to work. However it is not list the pilots in order. We have reached our pilot number over 1ooo so all all the 1000's are in front of the lower numbers. Any idea how to fix this?
  13. flyalaska


    That is not a template issue. I can try to help you. In core/local_config.php what do you have under #Airport lookup
  14. flyalaska


    You need to install the join MODULE. Included in the zip.
  15. flyalaska


    I bought the mod from George at http://php-mods.eu with some customization.
  16. sub_menu.php and sub_menu_out.php sub_menu_out.php is for logged out pilots.
  17. I almost missed it!
  18. Starting reading from the first post in this post. Dave posted the fix.
  19. Change the file name, edit the module too.
  20. I got it working. open TopPilotData.class.php Line 58 replace $query = "SELECT pilotid, totalhours FROM phpvms_pilots ORDER BY totalhours DESC LIMIT $howmany"; with $query = "SELECT pilotid, (totalhours + transferhours) AS totalhours FROM phpvms_pilots ORDER BY totalhours DESC LIMIT $howmany";
  21. Since you mentioned it, I looked in admin. Yes he has 1869 hours transfered.
  22. Just remove the link from the template.
  23. I have a small issue again. I have noticed that one pilot who is the top of the all time leaderboard is missing about 2,000 hours. On Top pilot he shows 2,327:05. On the Roster page and his signature he shows 4,196.05 which is the correct time. Any ideas whats wrong?
  24. Whats your URL? I can try to help you resolve the issue.
  25. <?php Template::Show('frontpage_acars.php'); ?> I changed the file name from the default.
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