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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. I don't have unlimited bandwidth, I do have a generous amount. The issue wasn't having multiple installation on the same host account. I have another host account, same server with about 8 phpVMS installations on it for my skins that I make. Never had an issue. I am thinking its google maps slowing the site down. I had google maps for Live flights and Arrivals. Also the ammount of JS request may have been a major factor. That template was loaded with JS files.
  2. I was unable to get it that way on my test site. Sorry!
  3. what phpvms version are you using?
  4. Yes, it is Dave's version
  5. will phpvms 5.5.2 run on php7?
  6. https://www.crazycreatives.com/downloads/360/
  7. flyalaska


    can you pm the module link ? So I can test it on my demo site and see whats going on.
  8. put the recaptcha back to the default, the way it was originally. Than try again.
  9. I been editing mine, what are you trying to edit. I will try to help you.
  10. I do, have it for my slider. I removed it and it made no difference.
  11. I switched to the default map. Still slower than it should. A little faster than it was, Something else has to be causing the lag.
  12. paste your code here
  13. Removing the the Facebook just increased the score, it was a huge jump. Site speed on last test is 9.5 seconds. I have to have the map, I could live without the Facebook. I had to edit the .htaccess file. For gzip compression and cache. That made the speed better aswell. I wonder if the map is slowing down the site, because its loading all the destinations.
  14. No white page, just process circle keeps going. I got it go faster - https://gtmetrix.com/reports/www.flyaka.com/1lHdXtmi Just the main page. It was showing 13 seconds last night when I started to mess with things.
  15. What happens when you try to register?
  16. The other domain is hosted on my VPS. All the settings are the same. Thats why it makes no sense.
  17. Im not on a shared host. It is a VPS. On this account I have 2 phpVMS running. One in the root and one in /demo. When I originally made the skin, I had it on a different domain. Even before I made the /demo directory. I would move the skin to the live site to test it and it lagged. The live site loads fine. The demo site loads fine when it was on its own domain. I will comment out the some mods see if those are at fault.
  18. I exported the current DB and imported it to my demo DB. So I have everything from the orignal site as of what was stored from last night. Not sharing the same db and user. On a different DB and user.
  19. Moved my demo site on the same hosting and same domain. Still loads really slow. No idea whats going on. Like I said before, Current skin loads normal, and the new skin loads normal on the old host. It seems to happen when I am using the current DB.
  20. flyalaska


    I have fixed the issue. Here is the link for the fixed file. Just upload it your blueIce folder. I will add the fix to the package tomorrow. frontpage_acars.php
  21. Are you on a free host? Free Host have a tough time with phpVMS. If you are on a free host, I would recommend a paid hosting.
  22. No I haven't. I will try that.
  23. Hello All, I am having an issue with a new skin I have made for my airline. On my demo site, outside my current domain different hosting account. My new skins loads normal.When I load it on my current site the site loads slow. Any ideas what may be causing this? phpVMS 5.5.2
  24. /* Keys for recaptcha, you can change these if you want to your own but it's a global key so it should just work */ Config::Set('RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY','6Le1jjkUAAAAALGZk72MkWBYXi3PYaOqYPZ4L4O7'); Config::Set('RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY','6Le1jjkUAAAAAHhaOUNLKhOwofnXIKIxB7YMRBMx'); Put the above code in your core/local.config.php
  25. flyalaska


    I will have to do a flight on my demo site to see how to fix it. Wont beadle to do that until next week.
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