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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. It is until you click Register.
  2. Line 177 is $reCaptcha = new ReCaptcha(RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY); I assume your Private key is wrong. Did you put the two keys in your local.congig.php file?
  3. Can you paste the contents of your core/modules/Registration/Registration.php here?
  4. Do you have the most recent version of LOA? I am getting outdated err in my admin.


    Thank you,



  5. I am wanting to edit some text in the PIREP's flight Log. Any ideas what file I need to edit? I can't seem to find it.
  6. flyalaska


    Does this happen every time there is a live flight?
  7. what phpVMS version are you using? It will show you in the admin footer
  8. Did you register your domain yet? Register your domain here - https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/ Than add the below code to your core/local.config.php. Replace PUT KEY HERE with your keys. /* Keys for recaptcha, you can change these if you want to your own but it's a global key so it should just work */ Config::Set('RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY', 'PUT KEY HERE'); Config::Set('RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY', 'PUT KEY HERE');
  9. Anyone have this file. The download link is broken.
  10. Are you on a free host or paid? What phpVMS version are you on?> What php version are you using?
  11. Find a skin that works with your version or upgrade to phpVMS 5.5.2 if you really want that skin.
  12. I think ts your css. When I view your source and go to your css, it gets redirected to an ip.
  13. You either don't have your css linked correctly or you have a skin that isn't compatible to phpVMS 5.5.2.
  14. I would ask in the VABase forums. These forums are for phpVMS users.
  15. Will check it out this afternoon.
  16. I had the same issue. This fixed my problem. Weird thing. On my main site I just have URL and works fine. Thinks for the fix. It was driving me crazy.
  17. From Crazycreatives https://www.crazycreatives.com/downloads/screenshot-center-moments/ http://www.flyaka.com/index.php/Moments
  18. I dont use this MOD anymore. I moved to a different one. Let me look in my files. See what I did. This post is 5 years old. Can you PM your URL?
  19. I get this error when a pilot registers. Fatal error: Class 'PilotManagerData' not found in /home/flyaka/public_html/core/modules/PilotManager/PilotManager.php on line 271 Any ideas?
  20. Can you share your results? So others may benefit.
  21. How to I change the results from Celsius to Fahrenheit?
  22. This is a common issue. You might have two different main jquery files in your layout.php or core_htmlhead.php file. I had the same issue. Just removed the lower version and it fixed itself.
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