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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. Mine hasnt worked in so many years, I forgot it was even supposed to be there.
  2. Can you copy and paste the whole error here. The image is cropped and the part of the error is missing.
  3. flyalaska


    Open core/templates/pages_content.php and remove <h1><?php echo $pagename;?></h1> Save and upload to your skins folder.
  4. It is not possible, since it is hard coded that way. You would have to have Manual edit the files for you. I didnt like the long flight numbers at first, you get used to it.
  5. did you add the code in the local.config?
  6. https://flybevirtual.net/
  7. I dont think he made one. https://github.com/parkho?tab=repositories
  8. PM me if you need help.
  9. You can thank ProAvia
  10. Try this <td>Pilots Pending:</td> <td><span class="counter"> <?php if(is_array (PilotData::GetPendingPilots()) || PilotData::GetPendingPilots() instanceof Countable) { echo count(PilotData::GetPendingPilots()) } ?> </span> </td>
  11. Your site is still messed up. PM me.
  12. What is on your line 125? I dont see any errors on http://cubana-va.com
  13. Thats what I was thinking.
  14. what php version are you on?
  15. Use numbers only for the flight number.Leave out the Airline code.
  16. There is a css file in core/modules/CrewTest
  17. Try bidding on a new flight, see if new bids will hold.
  18. Youtube is your other friend.
  19. That mod got removed some how. here you go. https://www.209studios.com/files/Join.zip extract and upload the Join file to core/modules folder.
  20. Link? You get that error, because you didnt install the Join module.
  21. PM Sent
  22. Link?
  23. Something is up with the forums there. My password stopped working. I reset, got on fine. Locked out next time I tried to get on.
  24. flyalaska


    Open fronpage_main.php and you can change the social media icons too.
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