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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. flyalaska


    Sometimes it will take a few days for IE to show it. You can use this generator to create one, it will also give you the correct linking code. http://tools.dynamicdrive.com/favicon/
  2. This time its more of source stealing. What was taking was the two scripts which I have paid for. The header menu and the footer menu. I wasn't going to say anything more, every time I look at his page it just ticks me off and I find more evidence of my source. Looking at his source you can see my code in there with the exception of the url change. (http://aalvirtual.org/). Its so obvious, I have emailed him, he claims he did not steal anything. That is another reason why I am calling him out. I have changed some of the look from the default download and his version is 100% like mine. I don't care that he has the 2 scripts. What bugs me is that he stole my source code, changed the urls to match his. Found the script url in the css and claimed he bought it. You all know him by the name twelka3
  3. LOL You are not the only one. I found one about a week ago.
  4. Very nice, I noticed that the drop menu hides behind the map and a few other places. In the css of the menue change your z index to z-index:9999;
  5. There has to be something done about these skin thieves. This is the second time someone has stolen my skin. I am not going to point you out, you know who you are. What can be done. Maybe give no support to these thieves. I know its only a game. Generally I would share if someone asked me. I have paid for some of the features on my skin, that like pouring salt in the wound.
  6. Yeah over 10,000! Thank you that worked. Am I going to do this everytime I Send the PIREPS and Schedules?
  7. When you edit the post and make it solved, you edit the title. Don't delete the post. Keeps people asking what was solved.
  8. All the sudden after sending Schedules and PIREPS to VA central through the VA Central Settings my Admin Dashboard is blank. I have no admin control on my site. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. Your /touchdownstats_index.tpl doesn't exist.
  10. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2989-touchdownstats-10/
  11. You have it have linked wrong. Instead of using index.php/Listing you need to link to /index.php/pilots
  12. I have the same problem. I have people who are active, and will get the retired email.
  13. Good luck to you Skylar. We use to fly on VATSIM, go tired of the immature little kids on ATC. I have also have created my own server and plane to share with VAs in our region of interest.
  14. flyalaska

    HubStats Class

    Is it possible to show some stats per month, Hours and flights?
  15. Take it down a notch junior. Itrobb was only stating the obvious.
  16. I have a currant tour that when click on the pilots status, its shows a tour route from a previous tour. Even though I have deleted the routes from the database, we are however re using the flight numbers. Its only happening to a few routes.
  17. Refreshing, Didn't see the auto calculate post till now.
  18. I have optimized my tables, doesn't seem to work for my problems.
  19. I searched and don't see it. Can you give me the code. Maybe I have an old config. All I have is this # If you want to count transfer hours in rank calculations Config::Set('TRANSFER_HOURS_IN_RANKS', true);
  20. I have been told that action.php has a large load amount too.
  21. I have several pilots coming over from a VA that is closing down. I am wanting their ranks to count towards their transferred hours. It is now working. Any ideas? Below is how I have it in the config file. # If you want to count transfer hours in rank calculations Config::Set('TRANSFER_HOURS_IN_RANKS', true); On the link below you will see the transferred hours, but shows as a new pilot on his rank. http://www.flyaka.com/index.php/profile/view/427
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