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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. Your /touchdownstats_index.tpl doesn't exist.
  2. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2989-touchdownstats-10/
  3. You have it have linked wrong. Instead of using index.php/Listing you need to link to /index.php/pilots
  4. I have the same problem. I have people who are active, and will get the retired email.
  5. Love the idea!
  6. Good luck to you Skylar. We use to fly on VATSIM, go tired of the immature little kids on ATC. I have also have created my own server and plane to share with VAs in our region of interest.
  7. flyalaska

    HubStats Class

    Is it possible to show some stats per month, Hours and flights?
  8. Take it down a notch junior. Itrobb was only stating the obvious.
  9. I have a currant tour that when click on the pilots status, its shows a tour route from a previous tour. Even though I have deleted the routes from the database, we are however re using the flight numbers. Its only happening to a few routes.
  10. Refreshing, Didn't see the auto calculate post till now.
  11. That worked, thank you!!
  12. I have optimized my tables, doesn't seem to work for my problems.
  13. I searched and don't see it. Can you give me the code. Maybe I have an old config. All I have is this # If you want to count transfer hours in rank calculations Config::Set('TRANSFER_HOURS_IN_RANKS', true);
  14. I have been told that action.php has a large load amount too.
  15. Is that in the config?
  16. I have several pilots coming over from a VA that is closing down. I am wanting their ranks to count towards their transferred hours. It is now working. Any ideas? Below is how I have it in the config file. # If you want to count transfer hours in rank calculations Config::Set('TRANSFER_HOURS_IN_RANKS', true); On the link below you will see the transferred hours, but shows as a new pilot on his rank. http://www.flyaka.com/index.php/profile/view/427
  17. Why is your map centered on the Northeast coast if you are a Alaska Airline?
  18. I had that problem when I first started. 80% of my airports are only 3 digest. Here is how I do it. In phpVMS admin ad the airport as normal. Than go to airnav.com and look up the airport and manually add the airport name, coordinates, ets.
  19. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/cmorton/public_html/lib/skins/equivalency/frontpage_main.tpl on line 21 On front page
  20. We don't restrict fleet to the ranks. Here is how I have my structure. http://www.flyaka.com/index.php/rank
  21. Maybe Google forces it. I went to add the code and in the file, and it was already there. Seems they have it for my forums for some reason, or could of been an old file. Anyways I have it working now. Thanks for the tip.
  22. You might have your thumbs set too big for your skin.
  23. Some host will have this already done for you. Mine has it done by default.
  24. I had the problem before, some when I would go to my site, I would type flyaka.com in the browser. Got the same message. When I added the www. I had no problem.
  25. Make sure you have the www. in the url instead of just the mysite.com
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