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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. There are hundreds of WP theme sites out there. Shouldn't have a problem finding something to your liking.
  2. We fly with VATME now.- http://www.vatmegroup.com/newsite/
  3. Is there a way to have the acceptance email sent?
  4. We had DAFSIM running, had major problems. We eventually dropped it and joined another server.
  5. Another useful tip, Don't post pilots wanted in these forums. Everyone is a owner of a VA and it makes no sense to advertise here. Regards to staff. You may have to manage solo for awhile untill you find some trusted pilots on your end. I ran everything for the first year till I found some trusted members. I agree 100% on a unique layout, so many cookie cutter sites. If you have to use a premade template, you can always alter the look so it doesn't look like another.
  6. echo '<option value="'.$equip->fullname.'">'.$equip->fullname.'</option>';
  7. Looks nice! Might want to make a Join Us button visible on the page. I use to get emails from people asking to join.
  8. Love it! Thank you so much.
  9. Are you asking or letting us know that there is one?
  10. I see it now. Where did you get your fuel info for the planes that you have listed?
  11. Don't have any aircraft data, just this <?php foreach ($aircrafts as $aircraft) { echo '<option value="'.$aircraft->name.'">'.$aircraft->name.'</option>'; } ?>
  12. Works now. I get this error on every plane. No Aircraft Fuel Data Available!
  13. I just moved core to core
  14. I have tried everything I can think of. I get this error An Error Was Encountered The module "FUELCALCULATOR" doesn't exist! I know it means the module isn't there. I have uploaded it as you have it in the folder.
  15. I have a pilot who has issues when filling out the form. He is getting a hour glass for about 30 seconds, very laggy. Once he hits start he has no issues. kACARS custom
  16. You should post this in the correct thread.
  17. I had this issue before. It was something wrong in the template. Maybe something not in the correct order. I can't remember exactly.
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