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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. I have two errors, my site got screwed up some how. Notice: The template file "/home/flyakaco/public_html//lib/skins/CURRENT_SKIN/header.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/flyakaco/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 Notice: The template file "/home/flyakaco/public_html//lib/skins/CURRENT_SKIN/footer.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/flyakaco/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 I don't even use the header.tpl and footer.tpl in my skin. Alaska Adventures
  2. Most pilots are members of at least 3 Virtual Airlines. Many pilots are roster squaters, meaning they join as manay as they can find and do nothing. Give your pilots a reason to keep active with you. Do events, etc.
  3. If you want the image set, I can give them to you. About the roster code, that is exactly what I am looking for.Please share!!
  4. Never thought of that. I will look around. Thank you!!
  5. Does anyone have a pilot roster that shows all their pilots without breaking them up by hub and is willing to share?
  6. I was unable to get the password either. Here are the variables I use. I have a offset of 99, so our IDs started at 100. Pilot ID: AKA<?php echo $pilot->pilotid +99; ?><br> Rank: <?php echo $pilot->rank; ?><br> Hub: <?php echo $pilot->hub; ?><br> Username: AKA<?php echo $pilot->pilotid +99; ?> or <?php echo $pilot->email; ?><br>
  7. Congrats!! Should have a talk with the person who filed a -4528 landing rate...lol
  8. http://www.hotscripts.com/ is much better and is user submitted.
  9. If you get nowhere with them, I can give you the link to my shout. I deleted all my Freichat files, so I cant help you there.
  10. I had that integrated with phpvms, it was a pain. It always timedout and never work right. There are better ones out there. What I have now is a shout box that works the same.
  11. Same here. I get a blank page when I click Edit My VA
  12. There is also is an established TWA that is converting to phpVMS.
  13. I am having some trouble getting this to work on my schedules results page. I have it on other pages, can't seem to get it to work on this page. I get an error when I have it set like the intructions and the way I have it on the other pages. http://www.flyaka.com/images/table.png <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#mytable').dataTable( { "sPaginationType": "full_numbers" } ); } ); </script> <?php if(!$allroutes) { echo '<p align="center">No routes have been found!</p>'; return; } ?> <table id="mytable" class="tablesorter"width="98%"> <thead> <tr id="tablehead"> <th>Flight No.</th> <th>Route</th> <th>Aircraft</th> <th>Dep. Time</th> <th>Arr. Time</th> <th>Distance</th> <th>Options</th> </tr> </thead>
  14. How hard would it be to have the Pilot Manager email the Hub manager when a new pilot joins their hub?
  15. I am all 100% fictional, from the planes to the schedule. I have nothing to worry about. I learned my lesson with NWA...lol
  16. Love the Easyworld Airlines!!
  17. You have a conflict with something. Example, 2 items are using the same css tag.
  18. FSACARS is the problem. I use to use FSACARS and had the same problem. Can't remember the fix. I would change to kACARS which is supported here. http://www.fs-products.net/kACARS_Free.html
  19. Let me ask the obvious, are you accepting the PIREPS? What ACARS are you using?
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