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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. I didn't save that flight, Can you give me the the info for the MD83?
  2. I have FSPax. How do I pull that info
  3. Lets rule out the obvious, do you have the correct API in your config?
  4. Anyone have fuel info for a MD87?
  5. The first shot shows the form that I filled out. Notice that all fields are filled correctly. The second shot shows after I submit the information. Notice the info is in the wrong places.
  6. How can I have so a pilot can view a pilots profile and click on a link to sent that pilot a PM?
  7. Love this adon. Little issue. When I add a entry, when I save it. Every is messed up. Example. The image is the description, the url is another place. I have to edit to fix it. Happens every time I add a entry,
  8. Are you using FSACARS by chance? That was a glitch with FSACARS.
  9. I suggest that you start up a fictional VA, than there is no worries of being shut down.
  10. Nice! You have a wondering }}?> next to your top 3 landings.
  11. flyalaska

    VAForum 2

    I have one post that comes up with an error. [b]Warning[/b][color=#666666][font=Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif][size=3]: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [/size][/font][/color][b]/home/flyakaco/public_html/flynpa.com/core/templates/forum_post_list.tpl[/b][color=#666666][font=Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif][size=3] on line [/size][/font][/color][b]9[/b] Every other post comes up fine. ** Found out this happened after a admin tried to delete the post.
  12. I see it aligned perfect, just not seeing the drop menu working. What drop menu are you trying to use?
  13. Can I see your link? Probably a css issue. I am using this theme on a new VA I am working on, with a working drop menu. I had an issue with the alighment. Fixed it in the css.
  14. flyalaska

    VAForum 2

    BTW, love this MOD.
  15. flyalaska

    VAForum 2

    Any future plans to add the option to insert images?
  16. I am not 100% sure. If you edit the Hub group in the User group section and check edit news. They should be-able to ad news.
  17. Thank you! That worked!!
  18. I have a issue in my pilot list in the admin section. I can't seem to find where to edit the country flags. I found the template pilot list.tpl in the admin, no img to edit the size. I uploaded a larger country flag, so I can have bigger flag in the profiles. Any idea where to look?
  19. DXT3 for FS9 and DDS DXT5 for FSX
  20. Why is the engine blured?
  21. I am in need to get 4 planes painted for X-Plane on a new VA that I am starting. PM me if you are interested.
  22. My guess is that you lost part of the code.
  23. There can be an easy solution for that, Have a credt page, List all the credits and links to the authors of the mods you have.
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