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Everything posted by ProSkyDesign

  1. Do you want only change the background image? before body tag (at top of page) put this: <head> <style> body { background: url("http://www.urlimage.com") no-repeat center center fixed; -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; } </style> </head> replace http://www.urlimage.com by your url background image and replace <body class="hold-transition login-page" style="background-color: #222222;"> by <body> hope this help you.
  2. if you are using the lastest version (https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpvms_5.5.x) the php version would you set is 5.5. The problem could be with the permissions of the user and database tables, If you want I can help you with the cpanel (I need a account)
  3. Replace <td><?php echo date(DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($report->submitdate)); ?></td> for: <td><?php echo date(DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($pirep->submitdate)); ?></td>
  4. Wich version of phpvms did you install? .tpl or .php? is the first installation or did you have the phpvms installed before?
  5. No, make a copy of the folder of your phpvms in your cpanel with other name.. For example "content" and then go to layout.tpl and delete all skins css or script. Late make a page with your content that you want to display, and then call it via iframe to your site =). <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </head> <style type="text/css"> #test iframe { width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none; } #test { width: 100%; height: 650px; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; } </style> <body style="margin:0;"> <div id="test"> <iframe src="http://www.yoursite.com/index.php" scrolling="no"> </iframe> </div> </body> </html> That's I did in my wordpress site: www.travelskyalliance.com
  6. the best way I find to display pilot page is an iframe without layout
  7. Update the deafult Jquery for scripts errors with new templates.
  8. Hi, Wich is the code to display the activity feed in frontpage? Thanks you!
  9. It take hours and hours of work, I don't know if anyone will do it for free.. I have edited my own crewcenter and it look amazing, but it takes me days of work. Be careful some option in this crewcenter have problems with js (as book flight, edit profie, etc). I'm a website designer and I made custom crew center for money, If you are intereted send me a PM
  10. Hi dears, is possible to put a combo box in registration form? For example: If a pilot select the airline "Iberia" automatically the hub will select "LEMD" in stead of the pilot can select. In other words the hub case will be lock (as a placeholder="") How can I do it?
  11. Add schedule with more than 1 aircraft type for the same flight and then the pilot can choose if he want to book the flight with i.e A320 ir A319 and display all registration of the aircraft avaible in the location airport. make a booking system where the aircraft and pilot stay in last position and he can book only if the pilot is in the same place with the aircraft (fs airlines system)
  12. Hi dears, As the title says I wanna know if is possible to put auto rank for only specifics ranks and manual thanks for other (exam requested to pass to other rank) and How can I do it? thanks for all!
  13. I know how to run a cron job is very easier with cPanel, but the cron job request me a command and I don't know Which is the comand to delete expired bids
  14. Which command I need to run on cronnjob to get works "delete expired bids"
  15. Do you know how to set up a cron job to uptade the hours and last flights on badge?
  16. I found how to add a cron job in my server, but now what is the command to add to the cron job?
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