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skyguyt last won the day on February 1 2021

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  1. This would be very cool!
  2. Thank you! I'm loving everything phpVMS v7 related but it just does not have the complete functionality that we need to continue to run the VA. Most definitely and anyone selected will be vetted thoroughly before being selected. Thankfully I've been around long enough to know a few of the things to look out for with some of the shady operations around! Is there a public/private list of those who have already been found to be stealing work? I hoped that by not providing my direct email that we would potentially weed out any of the aforementioned shady operators and keep it to any genuine users on the forums. Thank you!
  3. Hello, I am in search of a developer for our new website that will be moving from phpVMS v5 to phpVMS v7. We have a lot of modules working with phpVMS that we would need to have developed from scratch for phpVMS v7 before we could make the change to avoid losing features for our pilots as we are a very established VA already. Of course this would be a paid project. Please PM me for details and to find out more about what we need done so we can figure out a good price for your services. Thank you very much!
  4. Hey Strider! I'm getting a 500 error from your link.
  5. Thanks for pointing out actually looking at the acars map file instead of just the acars.js file. I fixed it by removing the url portion of the script; iconUrl: url + "/lib/images/inair/" + heading + ".png", to iconUrl: "/lib/images/inair/" + heading + ".png", And it works great!
  6. Completed the .htaccess/url rewrite actions tonight on my website but am running into an issue with making the icons re-appear on various pages. I did figure out the view pirep page fix by changing var url = window.location.href.split("index.php")[0]; to var url = window.location.href.split("pireps")[0]; inside of the phpvms.js file but can not quite figure out how to fix the live map in air icons with the following code written in the acarsmap.js const getHeadingIcon = (heading) => { if (!(heading in headingIcons)) { headingIcons[heading] = L.icon({ iconUrl: url + "/lib/images/inair/" + heading + ".png", iconSize: [35, 35] }); } return headingIcons[heading]; }; Any help would be much appreciated! Version: 5.5.2 (Simpilot's) php Version: 5.4 MySQL Thank you!
  7. FIXED! The EventsData.class.php needed the added ".TABLE_PREFIX." added before each of the db calls. Utilize all other fixes in this thread and then also add the change and you should be golden. Too much coding, not enough coffee. Hopefully this helps others!
  8. Well, fixed all errors. I had been using the old EventsData class file, uploaded the new one, changed all of the "public function" to "public static function" values, and it all shows correctly! Now the only thing left is figuring out why it somehow is not connected to the database anymore. Admin module won't push anything to the database after this change and even though there is something in the database from before I fixed the first reported error, it does not show on the website. The search continues lol.
  9. Sorry to revive an old thread but I am experiencing the same issues as above and was wondering if there was any fix? I change the "public function" to public static function after getting; Strict Standards: Non-static method EventsData::get_upcoming_events_dates() should not be called statically in But then get the following error: Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in Using SimPilot's 5.5.2, php version 5.4.
  10. Hey Dale, ProAvia is one of the most helpful individuals on this forum and definitely goes way above and beyond to help whenever he can. He is not saying that you are irrelevant and avoiding any assistance to you, he is simply stating that without a paid domain and solid paid host, options are very limited on what you are able to do. Free hosts do not give you nearly half of what is required to successfully run phpVMS and without your own domain name, like ProAvia stated, you are limited to using a local option or trying to force things to "play nicely" with a free domain. I would be willing to bet that once you get the paid hosting and secure your domain name that you would have this working 100% or at least have a better idea of where to start troubleshooting.
  11. Stay safe and hope you get feeling better very soon!
  12. Very nice! Looking forward to it.
  13. Any update? This is looking amazing!
  14. Awesome, I like the idea. So leave the previous changes as well or revert to original files and then implement this new idea? Thanks!
  15. Ahh, very true and good point. So for an example, yesterday I flew twice with the old schedules and uploaded those flights via SmartCARS to the website. Got them accepted, and they were all fine and dandy. Today I deleted all old schedules when I did the new import and just checked the PIREPs from the old schedules are still locked in to my account and the airline stats even though if you went to search those id's they'd technically be gone and no longer matched in the database as you pointed out. Is there something larger that could potentially go wrong that you are foreseeing that I am missing? It appeared as if the data held enough to keep the profiles and stats populated correctly. Thank you both for all of your help. I appreciate the time given!
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