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Everything posted by djtiger76

  1. Sigh.. Its been a long day. I get home to try and figure our why my (imported to the database) schedules are not showing the aircraft registration on the admin view. One thing lead to another... I clicked "drop" instead of "empty" and now I do not see my schedules table in the database. Its gone. I must have deleted it. I need it back. I was going to manually add a table, but I can't find a template to make sure I have the correct columns. Somebody help me please!!! Nevermind - i figured it out. I still had the install.sql file. I extracted the section for the schedules, created a new .sql file and imported it.
  2. No link was added.
  3. James, I know this post is ancient.. I am trying to add just the images to my dashboard but not working It is wrapped in img tag but i don't know what you mean by you were putting the coding in the wrong place. I just want the image to show on the dashboard under "Upcoming Events" (see image) This is what I have for that section: <div class="box box-primary"> <div class="box-header with-border"> <h3 class="box-title">Upcoming Events</h3> </div> <div class="box-body"> <img src="<?php echo $event->image; ?>" alt="Event Image" /> </div> </div> Edit: Figured it out.
  4. Karamellwuerfe, I see your module will show the weather where the pilots last flight terminated. There is also the option set a ICAO manually... Is there a way for the module to show the weather of the hub the pilot is based? It will always show that information regardless of where the pilot is. Thanks
  5. Did anyone figure our how to get this working on the crewcenter skin? Actually, there are many skins called crewcenter so, im not even sure I have the one referenced in this post. Im having the issue where the Generate Simbrief button is there, but nothing happens when clicked.
  6. Good Morning guys. Having a problem, getting a fatal error. phpvms5. I have followed all of the instructions in this forum and the one below. Using the instructions in the above linked forum... I added the file recaptcha-master file to core/lib I replaced - require_once CORE_LIB_PATH.'/recaptcha/recaptchalib.php'; with - require_once CORE_LIB_PATH.'/recaptcha-master/src/autoload.php'; in core/modules/registration/registration.php I copied and pasted the VerifyData information into the same file, removing what was originally there for recaptcha I copied and pasted the information to registration_mainform.php in both: /crew/lib/skins/crewcenter/registration_mainform.php (because im using a skin) And crew/core/templates/registration_mainform.php This was not in the instructions, but I also added my recaptcha public and private keys in /public_html/crew/core/local.config.php and /public_html/crew/core/app.config.php for good measure. I am getting this error: That error is referencing: <?php echo recaptcha_get_html(Config::Get('RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY'), $captcha_error); ?> I don't know what to do from this point. Edit - After checking... this DID work for the default registration form but not for the CrazyCreatives Crew test registration form. Don't know if anyone has experience with that. Thanks
  7. Hey Nabeel,

    I see Simpilot is not active currently. I saw a post from 2011 that he had an entrance exam module. Do you know if something like that is still available? Im using phpvms 5.5.


  8. oh.. sorry. Wasnt paying attention. Thanks
  9. Im using 5.5.2
  10. So, i just broke my whole install. I installed a duplicate copy in a "Crew" subdir so I can use the main dir as my home page website. Was going well with this HTML template but somehow, i broke the phpvms install. I probably didn't break it, but now i'm getting all kinds of errors where I wasn't before. So, im just going to start over.. A learning experience for sure!! For those of you just starting your airline or converting to phpVMS, this is not for the lighthearted. If you have a passion for or interest in leaning PHP, CSS, HTML, then you will definitely get your experience here. If not, then you should probably pay someone to build your site for you. However, with that being said.. there is a fine group of people here on the forums who are willing and able to assist you with your questions. Thanks guys! I have learned a lot in my first week... including what not to do when I start over. No questions or complaints. Just stopping by to say hi and share my initial experience. Good luck with your builds
  11. Kyle, i know is almost been 10 years since this post, but if you are still around. Could you share that code for 5.5?
  12. Hi. I installed phpVMS-ScheduleSearch (https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpVMS-ScheduleSearch) manually. The readme says: Point your browser to mysite/index.php/FrontSchedules and start searching. So that works (test.americanva.org/index.php/FrontSchedules), but doesnt show on the user side. Im sure I need to add the link to a php page, but not sure which one or where. Sigh, this is beginning to be a huge undertaking.
  13. Hello all, Ive searched through this forum for some newbie type questions, but none of these questions answered my question... I added a lot of addons to my install, but I cannot see any of them when I visit my site. How do you get the addons live on the website? I am not that familiar with PHP, however I can figure it out if pointed in the right direction (i have done lots of edits on a PHP site through trial and error).
  14. Hey ProAvia, I woke up this morning an had a go at it again. This install phpvms install came as a part of my hosting from TFDI. For some reason, they installed phpvms twice. Turns out I have 2 databases. Yesterday, I was importing the files to the first database, when i looked this morning (im sure it was there yesterday too), i noticed I had another mirrored database. When I imported to the "new" database, the lines showed on the admin side. Also after installing, using and resaving my CSV file in Kingsoft Office, i was able to import directly through the admin center. Sometimes some sleep helps! One more question about databases. Before I imported the 4000+ lines of schedules, I had "show all" selected. Needless to say, now when I go to look at the schedules in the database, it times out. Is there a way to unselect "check all" without actually getting into the schedules database? As it stands right now, i cannot get back in there. Thanks for your help
  15. Hi guys. I can confirm that using Kingsoft Office worked for importing to database where excel did not. However, now that I have my fleet (phpvms_aircraft) imported to the database (926 lines), none of those aircraft show up in the admin panel Aircraft List. Is there a time delay (i wouldn't think so but just wondering)? The same happens after i import 4765 lines of schedules (phpvms_schedules).. they do not show in admin, or on the public site Running phpVMS 5.5.2 using PHP 5.5
  16. THANK YOU!!!! That worked
  17. Cleared everything in the settings. Still blue screen with no login option. Can i delete the skin and it goes back to the Crystal or will I have to install the whole thing (phpvms) again?
  18. I see several people say they were not able to log in to the admin side after installing this skin. I too am having the same issue. When i type my admin website - test.americanva.org/admin/index - it tells me that I must login first. When i click return to home page, i get a blue page and no login information. How do I get back to the admin center?
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