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Everything posted by servetas

  1. Merry Christmas to all of you guys.
  2. Please continue the discussion here. Topic locked
  3. Use the search function and you will find an answer to your problem.
  4. Which aircraft have you selected? Are you able to fly that aircraft? Can you send us your website URL and which schedules are missing from the listing?
  5. The solution has been already published. Check a few answers above.
  6. servetas


    I did not do anything special. There was just an error in the variables Iraklis was using. No-one should have the same problem in the future.
  7. The map has been disapeared because your pireps table includes the TMCN airport. Unfortunately, the GCMap database does not include that ICAO and for that reason, the map lags. The problem will be resolved if your pilots fly at least three more pireps.
  8. Unfortunately this is not offered by the current version of phpVMS. So, do you want someone who can do that for you?
  9. No it will not. You will have to edit the airports which have problems on their information one by one or re-add them on your system.
  10. What i would suggest is adding forwarders on the email your phpvms website uses. That would be easier to do.
  11. Can you please specify if you want it for free or not? Thanks George
  12. Can you give more information about what you need, what kind of functions do you want to add?
  13. How many schedules have you added on your system?
  14. Yes. You are correct. One of my clients has this problem too. We are trying to find a solution...
  15. Can you please recalculate your pilot ranks or update the rank of the pilots you have problems with? It seems that the New Hire rank does not exist on your database.
  16. It should be probably a .sql file. You will have to insert it on your database though your phpmyadmin.
  17. It seems that some of the files do not exist. Can you check if core/templates/schedule_results.tpl or .php file exists?
  18. Or you the owner of the virtual airline? If not, i would suggest you to get in touch with the va staff. Otherwise, please let us know the links you use in order to download the acars system and your va's website url.
  19. Check the image url of your rank. It seems that the image does not exist.
  20. Do a search and you will find your answer. It has come up quite a lot during the past.
  21. Have you created the email you are trying to send emails to?
  22. did you try to get in touch with your web hosting provider? this does not have to do with phpvms...
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