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Everything posted by servetas

  1. Use this instead: <?php echo $userinfo->pilotid+PILOTID_OFFSET; ?> Although, i do not know if it will be working with your login form. Just test it yourself and let us know.
  2. What number do you want to display? 1 or 974001?
  3. Open your core/templates/pilot_center.tpl (or .php) find this: <?php echo $pilotcode; ?> and replace with this: <?php echo $userinfo->pilotid; ?> This is only if you are using the default phpVMS template. Otherwise you will have to edit your template instead.
  4. I think that on phpVMS you can just login with your number on the login forum in order to login. For example, I am GRW001 but I am logging in with just "1" (without ""). Have you tried it?
  5. Did you clear the website cache? Admin Center -> Site & Settings -> Maintenance Options -> Clear Cache
  6. The templates are using wrong values on their foreach functions. It is $allpilots instead of $pilot_list, $allairlines instead of $airline_list, $allhubs instead of $hub_list and $countries instead of $country_list. I hope this solves the problem.
  7. In the past, it has been reported that phpVMS does not work correcly in free web hosting providers. These errors have been also reported on free web hosting providers.
  8. Alternatively, the bids are stored on the table "table_prefix"bids of your database.
  9. Unfortunately there is not any default function except if you add an if statement inside the schedule_results.tpl foreach and show only schedules from the last pilot's location. The thing is that you will have to get into consideration the fact that sometimes the schedules are not rounded. I believe that rejecting a pirep if it was not flown from the last pilot's location is too bureaucratic. If you search the forum there are some freeware and payware modules too. Freeware: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2791-realschedulelite-beta-10-deprecated/ Freeware: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/8315-flightbookingsystem-v10/ Payware: http://php-mods.eu/site/index.php/real-booking-system/
  10. I do not think that you can do so. phpVMS is a standalone CMS system just like Wordpress and Joomla. It is not something easy to be done especially if you do not have an extended knowledge. What do you want to keep from your previous wordpress site?
  11. Have you tried to use the html code of the special letters instead of just typing them into your editor? For example, instead of á, you can use "á" (without the ""). More html codes can be found here.
  12. Which server are you using for the lookup of the airports?
  13. This has to do with your file manager. I would suggest using FileZilla in order to update the files of your website.
  14. Open your core/local.config.php and find this: Config::Set('PILOT_AUTO_RETIRE', true); Config::Set('PILOT_INACTIVE_TIME', 80); Set the PILOT_AUTO_RETIRE to false or change the number of the days.
  15. Open your core/common/StatsData.class.php file and find this: public static function PilotCount($airline_code='') { $key = 'pilot_count'; if($airline_code != '') { $key .= '_'.$airline_code; } $total = CodonCache::read($key); if($total === false) { $params = array( 'table' => TABLE_PREFIX.'pilots', 'fields' => 'COUNT(*) as `total`', ); if(!empty($airline_code)) { $params['where']['code'] = $airline_code; $params['group'] = 'code'; } $sql = DB::build_select($params); $results = DB::get_results($sql); if(!$results) { $total = 0; } else { $total = $results[0]->total; } CodonCache::write($key, $total, '15minute'); } return $total; } after this, paste the following part of code: public static function ActivePilotCount($airline_code='') { $key = 'active_pilot_count'; if($airline_code != '') { $key .= '_'.$airline_code; } $total = CodonCache::read($key); if($total === false) { $params = array( 'table' => TABLE_PREFIX.'pilots', 'fields' => 'COUNT(*) as `total`', ); if(!empty($airline_code)) { $params['where']['code'] = $airline_code; $params['group'] = 'code'; } $params['where']['retired'] = 0; $sql = DB::build_select($params); $results = DB::get_results($sql); if(!$results) { $total = 0; } else { $total = $results[0]->total; } CodonCache::write($key, $total, '15minute'); } return $total; } After that, you will be able to show the number of the current active pilots of your virtual airline using this: <?php echo StatsData::ActivePilotCount(); ?>
  16. Which script are you using?
  17. You are getting these errors because of your server's php version. phpVMS is compatible with PHP 5.3. Please bare in mind that in the past it has been reported that phpVMS does not work correctly with free web hosting providers.
  18. Strict standard error have to do with your server's php version. phpVMS works without any problems in PHP version 5.3. Alternatively, you can use simpilot's beta version which solves this kind of errors.
  19. Add this anywhere on your local.config.php file: Config::Set('PILOT_ORDER_BY', 'p.joindate ASC');
  20. As i can see, you have added a lot of airports in your database. That's why the page load is low.
  21. You may search the forum before you post a question. You will have to delete local.config.php file.
  22. Unfortunately, there is not any default solution to do something like this. You will just have to add different schedules and set the according to your scheduling system.
  23. There is no need to post a topic more than once... You can alternatively just bump the previous one. PS: Locking the topic. Use this instead
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