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Everything posted by servetas

  1. Hm. It seams that the installation has not been completed successfully. I would suggest you to reinstall you phpvms.
  2. Are you able to access your admin center here? http://synergyva.co.uk/admin/
  3. Then it seams that we can't help you...
  4. Modifying the function which calculates this number might create problems to other parts of your website. A new function should be created for that.
  5. Open your admin/templates/pireps_list.tpl and find: foreach($pireps as $pirep) { after that, place this: if($pirep->pilotid == Auth::$userinfo->pilotid) { continue; } Please bare in mind that you will not able to see your own pireps too. George
  6. What settings did you use? Did you try to get in touch with your web hosting provider? They should be able to let you know the details to use for the part of code i given to you and which can be found on your local.config.php .
  7. Searching the forum saves time for both you and us. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/5052-way-to-hide-retired-pilotssolved
  8. Open your local.config.php file and add this (if it does not exist, if it exists just replace that with the following): Config::Set('PILOT_ORDER_BY', 'p.pilotid ASC');
  9. Which pilots are not listed on your pilot center? Can you please copy paste your pilots_list.tpl file here or send it to me via pm?
  10. Maybe you will have to set the details of your mail server on your local.config.php file. Open your local.config.php and find this: Config::Set('EMAIL_USE_SMTP', false); # Add multiple SMTP servers by separating them with ; Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_SERVERS', ''); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PORT', '25'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USE_AUTH', false); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USER', ''); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PASS', ''); Configuring it might solve your problems.
  11. The template you are using requires PopUpNews module which has been developed by simpilot. You will have to install it in order to be able to see the news on your website (for your information, the news are being inserted correctly and you should be able to see them on your admin center). George
  12. Are you able to see the new via your admin center or phpmyadmin?
  13. What is your website url? Are the news added on your database? Do you receive any error?
  14. There is not any problem if it is blank. The fields will be filled up if you Bid a schedule->View your Bids->File Flight Report.
  15. Hello, I am having a problem with a website. While the pilot selects as pirep id the "AZI325" on the fs passengers, the flight is being submitted with flight number "AZC325". AZI and AZC are flight codes and have been added as airlines on the phpvms website. The AZI325 and AZC325 are two different flight schedules which have been added to the system but they have the same departure and arrival airports. Geore
  16. Yes, alternatively you can had got in touch with your web hosting provider. They might be able to increase the limit.
  17. Do you get this error in the activity log of your admin center?
  18. You can check that too http://php-mods.eu/site/index.php/real-booking-system . We are able to offer customizations too based on your needs. George
  19. You are correct. I had not thought of it. I have already updated and now it passes the data using post. Thank you very much for pointing that out. It's all based on the pilot's habits. During the last few two weeks, a virtual airline is using that system (a little bit customized) and its pilots are really excited with it. Via the settings page you are able to simplify the system and make it less restrictive by disabling the aircraft location system, the disable aircraft on bid page etc. As it is stated on the manual of the module, everyone is able to request a customization based on the needs of his virtual airline. George
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