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Everything posted by servetas

  1. A good atlernative way (if you can't do it using css etc) would be to create different images with the progress bar loading and call them based on a specific percentage. For example, if the pilot is on the 50%, you will call the "progress/50.png" etc.
  2. Open core/common/FrontSchedulesData.class.php file and replace this: public function findschedule($arricao, $depicao, $airline) { $query = "SELECT phpvms_schedules.*, phpvms_aircraft.name AS aircraft, phpvms_aircraft.registration FROM phpvms_schedules, phpvms_aircraft WHERE phpvms_schedules.depicao LIKE '$depicao' AND phpvms_schedules.arricao LIKE '$arricao' AND phpvms_schedules.code LIKE '$airline' AND phpvms_aircraft.id LIKE phpvms_schedules.aircraft"; return DB::get_results($query); } with this one: public function findschedule($arricao, $depicao, $airline) { $query = "SELECT phpvms_schedules.*, phpvms_aircraft.name AS aircraft, phpvms_aircraft.registration, phpvms_aircraft.ranklevel AS aircraftlevel FROM phpvms_schedules, phpvms_aircraft WHERE phpvms_schedules.depicao LIKE '$depicao' AND phpvms_schedules.arricao LIKE '$arricao' AND phpvms_schedules.code LIKE '$airline' AND phpvms_aircraft.id LIKE phpvms_schedules.aircraft"; return DB::get_results($query); }
  3. Open your local.config.php file and update the following setting accordingly: Config::Set('LiquidUnit', '2'); # 0=liter 1=gal 2=kg 3=lbs It should exist somewhere inside the file.
  4. First of all, if you check the PHP-Mods Terms and Conditions, support for the free modules is not offered through our Billing System. This means that our Staff is not obliged to offer support for the freeware modules based on the workload. Please pm me with your website details and a description with the problem and i will try to see what i can do for you. Let me state that the problem had been already corrected on 20th of May by myself and now for some reason, it happened again. Last but not least, if you do not describe what is your problem, we are not able to support you. You have not even said what is the module you are talking about. I will be waiting for your pm.
  5. Does the core/modules/FAQ/Faq.php file exists on your website's directory?
  6. Hello, This does not help us to solve the problem. Can't you upload any screenshots or describe the problem some more?
  7. You can just redirect your visitors to the module as soon as they press the registration button and as soon as they accept the rules they will be redirected to the registration form. Here is how i am using it on my website: http://greeceairwaysva.com/
  8. I can't say if using affiliate urls makes someone objective about a web hosting company...
  9. There is always a way to do something if you have the required knowledge with a lot of ways. I answered the post taking into consideration the current phpvms admin structure. If you have something remarkable to suggest then be my guest.
  10. This has been already answered a lot of times during the past. Unfortunately, you are not able to do that. You can do this through the registration form of your phpvms website.
  11. You have to login first to your user part of your phpvms system...
  12. You will have to open a support ticket under our box billing system and describe your problem.
  13. FS2Crew offers discount too. http://www.fs2crew.com/cart/pages/Virtual-Airlines.html
  14. The website looks good although you are missing the powered by phpVMS link...
  15. You can use the same skin name on the lib/skins folder and just upload different files in each one based on the template you want to use.
  16. Yeah, the search of the forum. http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&andor_type=&sid=84e0cbe2ebafd06fef339e8984a0e21c&search_app_filters%5Bforums%5D%5BsortKey%5D=date&search_app_filters%5Bforums%5D%5BsortKey%5D=date&search_term=Fatal+error%3A+Class+%26%2339%3BDB%26%2339%3B+not+found+in&search_app=forums&st=0
  17. I think that that is enough. You can continue your dìscussion privately.
  18. Of course, there is not any problem with posting something like this. I am just letting you know.
  19. First of all, your website is currently down. Also, i want to remind you that most of the members of this forum and staff members in other virtual airlines. This means that you will not "get" new pilots from this forum (i think).
  20. Guys, there is no need to continue this in public... If you wish to accuse eachother for anything, you can use private messaging. In this forum, we are all trying to do out best and support as much as we can. Some members do not have that much knowledge or (as it is an international forum) some do not know Engish as much as others do. Come on! Keep up what you do with supporting each others and leave anything else behind.
  21. Double post. Please procced with your discussion here.
  22. Check the permissions of the teamspeaksetup.htm file which is on the /home/skybaham/public_html/core/pages/ directory.
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