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Everything posted by servetas

  1. I am going to upload the demo system in the afternoon. I will let you know via pm.
  2. The document signed off between poole and etihad is a private contract. He is not required to publish it anywhere. And in the end, i do believe that it is his problem. Trust me Tom, if etihad has any copyright problems with poole, you will not be involved in the court so don't worry...
  3. Very good. For all those who viewed this conversation, i have made all of the required changes. If you have any problem, you can redownload the module from phpmods github account.
  4. Open the admin/templates/faq/update.tpl file and where: $cur_version = file_get_contents("http://php-mods.eu/modules/versions/faq"); $ins_version = '1.1'; replace with $url = 'http://php-mods.eu/modules/versions/faq'; $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); $data = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); $cur_version = $data; $ins_version = '1.1';
  5. can you also try to rename that folder to faq (without caps)?
  6. Get into your admin/modules/Faq folder and rename the FAQ.php file to faq.php. Some servers have some problems with the files names but changing the name of the file should solve the problem.
  7. Are you able to access the module here?
  8. Open the faq_index.tpl file and remove line 53. This will solve the error.
  9. So far, i have not heard anyone who had any problem. Of course we do not take into consideration those who just want to make some money and leave in the middle of the night whatever the cost of their clients.
  10. Alternatively, there are a lot of members of the phpVMS forum who offer web hosting services such as me, simpilot or nabeel. Our servers are optimized to work with phpVMS or you are able to select the appropriate php version from your CPanel. Also, we are able to offer support with problems which have to do with phpVMS and the server as we know how phpVMS works. Also, i do fully agree with joeri although running your own server can be more expensive.
  11. Personally, as i am offering web hosting services too, i do not believe that this is correct. You are paying for something and you have the right to use all of the resources of your plan. I would suggest you to check their Policy as they are required to state in it any kind of actions taken and why (like deleting files or databases). Last but not least, i would suggest you to check for reviews over the internet. This is something i am doing too whenever i want to rent a new server etc.
  12. You should not expect everything on your plate. If you are not able to do something, you have to find a way to do it. Don't expect others to do what you need. Alternatively, you can use the module as it is or pay one of the developers on this forum to do that for you. George
  13. Lets say that you have created this subdomain: hello.yourdomain.com. You will have to copy paste all your phpvms files inside this folder and after that open the public_html/hello/core/local.config.php file and edit the SITE_URL from "yourdomain.com" to "hello.yourdomain.com".
  14. You will have to create these subdomains via your CPanel and copy paste the files of your main website to each one folder. After that open each local.config.php file and update the SITE_URL setting.
  15. Very good! Thank you very much for your information sir.
  16. Why don't you say to us how it was solved? Maybe it will might help someone else in the future.
  17. There is no need to continue that in public. Any issued are being now resolved via pm. Thank you
  18. Why have you placed SID/STAR on the routes of your schedule? There is no need to write SIR/STAR on yiur route. Even the cfmu will not validate any route which includes the SID and STAR indication.
  19. I would suggest you to recalculate your pilot payments and clear the cache of your phpVMS system via the maintenance part of your admin center.
  20. I can't understand which fields doyou wish to let your pilots edit. For example, do you want them to be able to edit the Departure/Arrival airport etc etc?
  21. Have you set the pilot ranks correctly? Have you selected a pilot pay when you added the pilot ranks? Do your pilots receive money for their flights or their money have remained to 0?
  22. Which fields do you want to be editable for your pilots and for how much time?
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