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Everything posted by Txmmy83

  1. does not work for me best regards Thomas
  2. thank you for sharing this this seems very useful best regards Thomas
  3. and one last thing dont forget if you use kacars do reupload the module file since it will be overwritten by an older one and pilots wont be able to login with kacars client
  4. Simon, first of all its great to hear that volovirtuale is back in VA Business best regards Thomas
  5. question does this beta also have the vacentral (Live Map) problems like older beta has? or is that fixed as well best regards Thomas
  6. that looks great and love how your airlines livery look great design
  7. this error happens when phpVMS cannot connect to mysql database are you on a paid host service? switching to fivedev is definately a good idea if such errors happen to often! best regards Thomas
  8. that could be the case since I have made a complete restart an re-organisation of my VA thats what it shows 0 Pilots. 518 PIREPs. 0 hours. maybe I should delete the VA from Vacentral and re-register it since I also not shown correctly on the map?
  9. why do I drop from 121 to 216 in ranking and from 545 to -144 in score (in one day)? best regards and thanks in advance Thomas
  10. at the moment theres no possibility to set finance! or at least no one find yet.
  11. for all that are new with phpVMS 1) Install phpVMS 2) after install setup 1 or more hubs via admin panel (Airport) 3) go to pilot edit and set pilot number one to your hub defined in step 2 4) Pilot will then show up in pilotlist best regards Thomas
  12. Have you Set enough permissions for the Avatar image Folder on your Server ?
  13. did you mean that mod? http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1522-fleet-table/ if it is that mod look at the "Where enabled = 1" $sql = 'SELECT a.*, a.name AS aircraft, COUNT(p.pirepid) AS routesflown, SUM(p.distance) AS distance, SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(p.flighttime*60*60)) AS totaltime, AVG(p.distance) AS averagedistance, AVG(p.flighttime) as averagetime FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'aircraft a LEFT OUTER JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pireps p ON (p.aircraft = a.id) WHERE enabled = 1 GROUP BY a.name';
  14. that the status percent change after few flights since plane wont stay new alltime in deutsch: das sich der flugzeug zustand nach einigen flügen ändert denn flugzeug bleibt in wirklichkeit ja nicht immer neu
  15. where did place that?
  16. Nighthawk, is the wear factor per flight calculated or is it not implemented yet? best regards Thomas
  17. I am too hosted by nabeel fivedev = washington dc time if I am correct
  18. where is your host situated? it is maybe the servertime
  19. I use Partly calculated and only some where it becomes too unrealistic manually set can it be done that also "charter flights" alter aircraft status? then it would be perfect best regards Thomas
  20. first why is the empty weight 0? I think thats not a good idea since the system needs the last three values (range, empty weight, speed) for its price calculations @Michael I have tried the values from sreenshot 3 same result as you get! set empty weight to an realistic value best lookup in an aircraft database or wikipedia and you will see it will calculate the price best regards Thomas
  21. hm try to replace this in /admin/modules/Buysell in Buysell.php : class buysell extends CodonModule with class Buysell extends CodonModule best regards Thomas
  22. you mean the price is 0 at time of aircraft purchase? I think it is something simmilar to an "divide by zero" error!! ok thats something different it looks more like the maincontroller for some reason doesnt find the module buysell and its options
  23. first when using firebug I see that the footer on that particular custom page is placed outside the site wrapper that causes the layout problem! but I don't know how to fix at the moment best regards Thomas
  24. can the airline search modified so that it only shows active airlines Think it have to be something like "where enabled=1" but I doesn't know where to place this sorry if someone already asked that best regards and thanks in advance Thomas
  25. thanks for reply will a sub folder and other table prefix work? think so! but I better ask to not overwrite something! so I may make a Subfolder Regional and start a testairline running on the beta best regards Thomas
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