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Matthew Talbot

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Everything posted by Matthew Talbot

  1. http://www.euroflyvirtual.co.cc
  2. Hi Vansers, my parents are really strict and they won't let me buy a website, I am 13 old enough to make a VA. I would prefer to pay than free hosting. Anyway we have made a new VA that has Fly Sol in called "EuroSky" the website is
  3. I click exam center in my Pilot Center and it appears with the following: An Error Was Encountered The module "EXAMS" doesn't exist!
  4. That happened with me, Just take out the Code/Javascript for the thing that isn't working Hope it all goes well, Matthew
  5. Sorry but this VA has closed down, since there has been a FATAL ERROR, We are very sorry and upset. We are making a new VA called "EuroSky" We are going to use the same fleet as Fly Sol and many more. Happy Landings Matthew Talbot
  6. Hey do you have any more Releases or Code snippets upcoming, your codes and releases are great! KEEP IT UP :D

  7. Hi mark, just the man i needed, I do not know how to do this step : Load the exam_center.sql file in your phpVMS database using phpMYAdmin or similar... I have been in phpMyadmin and cannot find it. Please help me as I know you have this in your VA as my brother told me, He is Josh Talbot at Luton Airport (EZY0040). I have searched all of my database and browsed all of it and don't know what to do. Many Thanks, Matthew
  8. I dont get what you mean by: Load the exam_center.sql file in your phpVMS database using phpMYAdmin or similar I have searched it in my database using phpMyadmin and browsed all of my database and could not find it, I have never used phpMyadmin and I really want to use the entrance exam, Please help me. Many Thanks, Matthew
  9. I cannot find airmail_new_install.sql in my database, I have searched it and no results
  10. can any one post a screenshot?
  11. Hi Jeff, This happened to me, What you have to do is Upload the background to the background folder again which is located at core/signature I think. I found out that the Background folder was deleted, so make the Background folder again and put the background.png back on with the permissions 0777 (x10 hosting/cPanel) or 777 <- there the same thing just different ways of it. Go into your admin center and click Maintenance and click Reset Signatures, It should work. If it doesn't work click Optimize Tables Many Thanks, Matthew [CEO of Fly Sol Join us at Fly Sol today ]
  12. I posted 3 threads, and I have got it working, found out in the end that I had deleted the Backgrounds folder with the background in so It is now working because I re uploaded it
  13. Download PHPVMS again and open the folder and put all the schedule .tpl things on again, all Optimize the Tables Hope it works, I will have a look around for you
  14. Nice one
  15. Hi jeff, I have empyted my cache and reset signatures, Optimized Tables and it still doesn't work
  16. It does not show up on my frontpage all that appears is MainController::Run('FrontBids', 'RecentFrontPage', 5);
  17. Thats my word
  18. Same with me aswell, all it says is: Last Location. I have done lots of flights
  19. Just wanted to let you know we are rank 24 at the moment on VAcentral and we are currently hiring, we would like to see you join and welcome you to the Blue World Community aswell as the Fly Sol Community, we are always hiring and would love you to join, so why not come over to Fly Sol and become the best pilot in the world? We have a good fleet and we are still building our fleet, If you want you can paint a aircraft for us and show the world your great repaint, we have lots of schedules and still are adding lots more. Many Thanks, Matthew Want to join a VA - We are always hiring at Fly Sol, Why not join?
  20. Where do I place that code on my VA to get it on my Frontpage, I have managed to add other codes to it, but i cannot find it and I don't think It looks right the code, but it probably is as you know what you are doing, I got my Signature working Many Thanks, Matthew Join Fly Sol - We are all ways recruiting.
  21. I have done it but it does not appear I haven't used the Brazil flag, I used a picture of a sun, as my VA is Fly Sol. Sol=Sun Many Thanks, Matthew JOIN FLY SOL VA - WE ARE ALL WAYS RECRUITING
  22. Thanks Jeff
  23. How do you get AIRMail setup? nice website any way
  24. Don't worry Nabeel and Keith, I have finally got it working, the thing is it show's Last Location, I have used a code snippet for that so Hopefully I can get that sorted, Thanks for helping me Many Thanks, Matthew
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