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Matthew Talbot

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Everything posted by Matthew Talbot

  1. at /public_html/lib/signatures . there is an index.php with permissions of 0777, I click edit, and there is nothing in it? when there is an update, do you think it will work? Many Thanks, Matthew
  2. My Friend is using x10 hosting and he can use his Signature banner........ Im not sure whether I've messed some of the settings up?
  3. My friend is using a free host and his signatures work? I have not used all my bandwidth
  4. Hello Keith, Thank you very much for helping me in advance My site address is http://www.flysolva.co.cc and I am using the latest version of PHPVMS, the link to my badge is http://flysolva.x10hosting.com/lib/signatures/FSV0001.png . I also want to know is how do you add a background to your badge Many Thanks, Matthew
  5. looks great on my sie
  6. How did you get half of the brazil flag as them marker things
  7. I don't think it was ever working, I have reset the Signatures, made sure the permissions are on 777 (They where on 755 and I changed them and it still does not work). The only file in there is: index.php and the permissions on that is 0777 with 0 Bytes in it, The direct link to the image is: http://flysolva.x10hosting.com/lib/signatures/FSV0001.png and my URL is: http://www.flysolva.x10hosting.com or http://www.flysolva.co.cc Many Thanks Nabeel, Matthew Talbot
  8. is this for use with Obsess Blue, I prefer crystal as when I just tested out the code, I could only see half of the recent bids on the home page Many Thanks, Matthew
  9. Thanx mate, worked a treat
  10. The link is down....
  11. Hey it looks great, but where do I put the code, I am on PHPVMS, does it work for PHPVMS? Many Thanks, Matthew
  12. Great site =] is it a VA or just a website?
  13. just download a template for phpvms
  14. http://www.flysolva.co.cc my logo is there
  15. Vueling or Iberia, i donno
  16. I have never had much experience at doing this, Ask around for help though, I just file the Pirep manually
  17. They only changed it from Continental to United
  18. Hello I do not know what has happened but no-one's signature banner is appearing, I have tested it with Mozilla firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer and it is not working on all of them, I have not touched any of the settings except from changing the themes and the Banner. Can any of you great people out there help me? Many Thanks, Matthew Talbot [CEO OF Fly Sol VA]
  19. My pilots badge is not appearing any help?
  20. Hello if you are desperate to join a VA please join Fly Sol at http://www.flysolva.co.cc
  21. Matthew Talbot


    OMG, this is the best skin I have seen.... All Virtual Airlines you have to download it
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