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Everything posted by Jon

  1. I wouldn't say that considering they're basically bots. Jon
  2. You don't put them in there though, you have to put it in the skin folder to ensure they aren't overwritten in an update as mentioned above. Jon
  3. That's a bit of a bold statement to make with absolutely no proof? With regards to the question, if you're using phpVMS then you'll need to add a new profile field within the admin panel. Jon
  4. It's just using the recent bids function by the looks of things Jon
  5. Hello, Shoot me an email with details of what you would like and any examples of other sites you like; office'at'jpderrick.co.uk (replace the 'at' with @) Jon
  6. Something like this then? <?php $percentage = ($pilot_hours/$nextrank->minhours) * 100; echo $percentage; ?>
  7. Not rocket science to do I guess, just need to do some simple work with a few variables: current hours/no of hours required * 100. I guess you can then put it in a progress bar or something if you really wanted to. Not got time right now, but I'll do a quick version for you in the morning if you want. Jon
  8. I'll start the bidding then, 1 Rupee. I don't see how you can sell something you've let run into the ground. Jon
  9. Bits of the text content and page design look strangely familiar Jon
  10. Tom, Thanks for the feedback, and thanks for the heads up, I'll get that all sorted tonight. Cheers Jon
  11. Website re-designed and updated. Reminder that you can still get a phpVMS skin for only £30GBP this month! Jon
  12. Updated the skin and added this to github, can be found in the first post of the topic. Jon
  13. ... Jon
  14. Pretty much all summed up by magicflyer above, the most important thing about your virtual airline is that you enjoy it. Before you spend any money, have the premise of your virtual airline ready because you don't want to buy a domain, hosting and only then realise 3 months in you've just got the concept right, and want to get a new domain. Jon P.S.If you're looking for a cheap design for your website, I'm currently offering a discounted price of £30 throughout the month of January for site designs, shoot me an email office@jpderrick.co.uk if you're interested.
  15. Due to it being new year, I am offering the same quality phpVMS skins for only £30GBP, designed and built in less than 1 week all through January. Email office@jpderrick.co.uk for more information Cheers Jon
  16. http://airmaerica.site90.com/
  17. Jon

    VA Images

    On the subject of the banners, are these copyrighted images you're using? Are they royalty free, are you allowed to sell them on? Jon
  18. Wow, well this looks like it's going to be fun then, a va where the staff don't even know how to use their system. Jon
  19. Have you got anything to prove this? Jon
  20. Jon

    Addon Project

    Still investigating things at this moment in time. Jon
  21. Jon

    FlyAero Skin!

    *Merry Christmas
  22. Morning, I've got a spare bit of time over the next few weeks and so fancy creating a really big addon to phpVMS. I've had a look around the forums for ideas of what is wanted but can't find anything and wonder what is really sought after addon wise. Anything you've really wanted that nobody else has got 'round to? Cheers
  23. What usually helps is if you say what immediately needs sorting. Personally, I like the design so far, just needs the links on the footer changed so you can read them and maybe have the header stretch across the whole browser window like your footer. Jon
  24. I don't see anything wrong with the map, can you just confirm what is wrong? Jon
  25. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3462-phpvms-no-attribution-license/
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