I dont know but you could take an educated guess at,
<li><strong>Total Money: </strong><?php echo FinanceData::FormatMoney($userinfo->payrate) ?></li><br />
Yeh i have just tested that and it works.
That would be an ideal situation registering a new domain. Yes it does, you can check availability and register http://billing.fivedev.net/cart.php?a=add&domain=register
Right ok speak to your host tell then your moving and can they update your nameservers see what they say, when and if they ask for your new new servers give them the ones when you register with fivdev.
I suppose what you could do is hide your registration page then replace it with a email validation script so when they put their email in to verify it then sends the actual link to register, Fake email then no link.
Just have a look here, put your website address in there and click on the server status, then click reverse dns look up, that will tell you how many people are sharing your server.
Thats a problem with php, not all the required packages are installed, when you installed did you get the congratulations phpvms is installed etc etc etc click here to go to your site or here for the admin?
Well firstly i had this and flagged it up as a security issue over a year ago and Nabeel put in a fix, basically if you give the staff member the ability to change groups then they can add themselves to the admin group and do what they like to your site.
The code will need a modification to hide the admin option which should be above their level.
I have somewhat rewritten for my va, keep meaning to post the code but the past couple of weeks have been mad and i have had my own problems to sort out.
You can see a live demo on my site, i have depictions for all stages of flight.
I have got to set up the wife's phone so after that ill strip it down and post here.
You know, all the add on templates should really go in to your active skin folder and not the core templates, that way you know everything that is being served up is in the same place, and its less confusing.