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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. Yep just remove it from the tpl The middle table by hours flown?
  2. Just have a look at Sim pilots averages how he call then then add another public function to Tom's class Good idea though, if i get change ill do it for my VA an post the code if im not beaten to it.
  3. Hi thats normal, just put this at the top of that tpl <?php error_reporting(0); ?> What the error saying is correct devision by zero as it has nothing to devide to make an average
  4. Dave, Put it on your site at a cost, ill be the first in line to buy that script
  5. I think i have talked myself in to a new schedules search based on this http://www.w3schools.com/PHP/php_ajax_database.asp Must be mad
  6. So i have found exactly what i need just need a bit of guidance in implementing it. http://remysharp.com/2007/01/20/auto-populating-select-boxes-using-jquery-ajax/ http://remysharp.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/select.html
  7. I would like to use javascript to update my selection menus, i know its possible but im having trouble finding any code, basically what i want to do is if a pilot selects a departure then the destination drop down is populated from the database of available flights from the departure icao. Pointers welcome
  8. I believe it runs on a cron job every 5 minutes to check if the pilot is online or not, Vatsim indicators are so unreliable their site is down more than its up.
  9. Thats fine, the only thing in there should be your defined values, so in an upgrade they dont get overwritten. If there is a setting missing just look in the config.php and copy the lines you want to customise. Is your site working OK?
  10. I have just looked, when i clicked on the link yesterday it took me to your site that was listed www.angelairva.co.uk, didnt see the /phpvms. I would start again, don't try and squeeze your existing site / graphics in to the new site, take your time and make small changes like Roger said. After each change check your work with FF/ Chrome and importantly IE 7 8 and 9, take your time to get it right, i still work on my site and update / tweak now even after a year of operations. The skin you are using is a relatively easy skin to get to grips with, inspect the elements till you know them inside and out and you know what you can do with css changes. Just take your time and go slow, Rome wasn't built in a day you know.
  11. That means its already being loaded somewhere else,
  12. Have a look here...... http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1448-automatic-fuel-calculation/page__p__9178#entry9178
  13. I noticed some code slightly wrong for the taxi calculations but does a cracking job http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1448-automatic-fuel-calculation/page__view__findpost__p__9178
  14. Ha thats what i have its just a form with a auto responder it collects the pilot ID when he sends the form so i know who if needed to respond to, i suppose you could personally contact them but i find a responder is just fine.
  15. Create the page as you have in the admin panel but blank, then edit the page manually using your ftp client.
  16. OK here you go, http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=16
  17. Ok now i am back at a pc i can help you better, Find the file in the screenshots folder screenshots_viewer.tpl there are a couple of adjustments you need to make to the code from displaying 4 pictures wide to 3 which fits in with the skin you are using. For me its line 65, if ($tiles == '3') { echo '</tr>'; $tiles=0; } default code is, if ($tiles == '4') Change the 4 to a 3, there are a couple of other tpl files you need to do this with as well.
  18. HI in your html pages switch to source code view and use <?php YOUR CODE ?>
  19. OK so if your flight numbers are the same they will just be updated, so if you currently have flights from 1 to 1000 then if you upload the same or more with the flight numbers they will be updated with the new information. No need to delete anything.
  20. It is in there somewhere because i remember reading it also in the skin it tells you to add you own scripts below this line It may be in the tpl.
  21. You also need to change the display from the default 4 images wide to 3 Its in the code there.
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