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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. Dont get rid of PopUpNews © simpilotgroup.com, Dave has spent many hours to this community and all he asks is to leave the links in his work.
  2. OK you need to get the data, use, <?php echo $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname ?> <?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid)?> Self explanatory then you can use as you wish and put in the link
  3. I once had a bogus bank of america data collection page, one thing i will say is the net security and the banks etc and very hot on detecting these types of malware and flagging them up.It will probably take a couple of weeks to get your domain name clean again.
  4. Just place your code between that logo class div <div class="logo"> place your code here </div>
  5. Yes just research how to html out of the script tag, take a look elsewhere on your site, its there in lots of placed
  6. Wondered why i was getting a google "Known Malware" it even comes up if you load this phpvms forum page....oppsssss.
  7. Depends which layout you are using but basically put your adsence script code within that div container and thats it.
  8. Do you mean like on my site. http://www.easyjetva.com
  9. Great stuff, Cheers Ray i will add that now. PilotShop.zip
  10. In your local.config.php there is a setting to include or exclude transfer hours, just check that.
  11. No worries i have the variable <li><strong><?php echo 'Your Average Landing Rate: '.round(TouchdownStatsData::pilot_average($userinfo->pilotid), 2); ?></strong></li>
  12. I have not had chance to actually add something and delete it or even look at the code for a while, will try to have a look tomorrow.
  13. Im being really lazy here but could someone tell me how to get the variable $pilotid loaded, ps im in the profile main tpl. <li><strong><?php echo 'Your Average Landing Rate: '.round(TouchdownStatsData::pilot_average($pilotid), 2); ?></strong></li>
  14. You run it using the command line then you can connect to it with the client and configure it. Its a bit awkward to help you as i dont know what your setup is like, you will need to configure the database before hand then you should be good to go.
  15. You can download the server from that link above that will download the server for you to install.
  16. Looking at it if Dave upload another background image then this is selectable by the pilots in their profile, it may just be a simple case of uploading another image and getting the staff to use that one. There is also nothing to stop others from choosing that either so the code could be modified slightly to prevent this along the same line as, <?php if(!ExamsData::check_admin(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid)) { Template::Set('message', '<div id="error" class="mcright"><b>You must an EXAMCenter administrator to access this feature!</b></div><br />'); Template::Show('frontpage_main.tpl'); return;} ?>
  17. You can download ts2 or ts3 from Here choose your version linux or windows, then start it up and configure the thing. There is loads of info about how to run the server, what system are you installing to, Windows or Linux?
  18. Hi, i used to host teamspeak 2, i have upgraded to Teamspeak 3, i host on a separate server to my main website and just authorize users when they connect with the correct username to access other channels, with teamspeak 2 i had the pilot id and the password put in to the teamspeak database so they could connect when they registered with the va. Teamspeak 3 doesn't really use passwords but keys, so there is a difference, what did you want to know, how to install?
  19. Clearly i have missed something lol Going to have a break for a coffee and come back to it.
  20. I have just been researching jquery, thanks will give that a go and let you know
  21. There is not requirements to install, just run the exe of the program and install to your desktop, put in your username and password with your sites url and there you go.
  22. HI check your local.config.php in the core folder, are you able to login to admin?
  23. HI Guys, Here is my quandary I am hoping someone can help me with. I want the flight board to auto refresh, these are my options i currently have a javascript timer which does the job but If i use a php include the whole page gets refreshed not just the content which i don't really want, if i add the page as a iframe i have to define the width and height and if there ate lots of flights then scroll bars appear which isn't a problem but if there are no flights there is a massive space which has been defined for the iframe, however by adding as an iframe just the frame refreshes and not the whole page, now you can see my problem. I dont want to use the iframe i want to use the include which in my opinion looks better and fits in to however many flight are there or not. I have looked in to the acars map and how that refreshes but i cant seem to use that on this page, i have been searching jquery and javascript include refreshed all morning but cant seem to come up with anything i can use. If anyone would have some suggestions they would be greatly received, in the mean time i will continue to trawl through google And if you want a look at where i am with this its nearly complete apart from the refresh http://www.easyjetva.com Thanks.
  24. How about an if else, so if the member is in the group staff they get one signature else its the default. But i have no idea how to code that
  25. Cheers Jeff, means a lot coming from you
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