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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. Roger there is a lot of changes to the coed and minor tweaks, If you need a hand i would be willing to help out on this one.
  2. Dave you make it sound all so easy
  3. Or of your on the beta just incorporate this file into your page, http://yoursiteurl.com/index.php/profile/badge
  4. Yes you can manually reset the ID's as you have mentioned then go to phpmyadmin and your pilots table then click on the operations tab at the top and run "Optimize table" That will reset the next id for you.I wouldn't normally recommend messing about like that on a love site as all bad stuff can happen.
  5. Quickest http://www.wampserver.com/en/
  6. Hi, You need to run the program not the shortcut as administrator, this will allow kACARS to write its xml file in the background.
  7. Some how you have landed with a + rate not a - rate, this happens sometimes,if you look at the pirep its at 15fpm not -15fpm if you get what i mean, just go in to the database and edit that field to a -15 and it should show up
  8. Sorry Jon was going to post the file but got distracted in something else Here you go, just change the field value for your custom created field and it will pull what ever you like, as you can see this is outside of phpvms and site in the root folder. Just make sure you define your actual path of the file in the include and yes it does need the // <?php //error_reporting(E_ALL); //ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); include 'YOURSITES_ROOT_PATH/public_html//core/codon.config.php'; $allpilots = PilotData::getAllPilots(); foreach($allpilots as $pilot) { echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'VATSIM ID'); echo '<br />'; } ?>
  9. Hi Jon, Yes is did, you will need to speak with Michal Rok before hand and he will set you up on his side that will look at that file and parse it. In another VA i am involved with they use an api in to vroute that will provide a route based on the variables passed dep and arr, but i just have not had the time to look in to that yet
  10. Same thing as above with the div's but in the file tp_previous.tpl
  11. Hmmm Strange I have over 500 users on kACARS with no problem what so ever. What seems to be the problems your experiencing?
  12. To be Honest if we all did a dump of our airports in to a file then it could be combined to create a fairly complete file, last time i looked there was just over 10000 airport codes.
  13. Yes that is a permissions problem in your cache folder, just make sure the core>cache is 777 Also its complaining about your disk space, is it full? also has the php.ini been changed/ upgraded? Are the directories set correctly for the temp files and session save path
  14. Yep, who is the owner of your folders, should be www-data or something like that. I have left mine alone as i have enough problems so its working thats good enough for me :)until i get adventurous and start tinkering about and mess it up again.
  15. Common problem, do a search for that term here.
  16. Yep but if i remember right i had to do the core folder as well to get it to work that was after my server crash Even if you just temporary update that folder and change it back after the import which is what i did.
  17. Yep that's what i had folder needs to be 777
  18. HI Guys, Something that i have just noticed today is when a pilot is retired he gets the email saying he is retired but in the subject it says SITE_NAME instead of the va name, im presuming that a php tag is missing there in the code, which file is that please?
  19. Hi to hut the box round your finances just use boarder so, This is about line 32 in the pirep_viewreport.tpl <table class="balancesheet" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%"> If its not showing just change in your css
  20. Did you copy it to your skin folder and customize it?
  21. Which part footer or left content?
  22. Oh yeh i see what you mean, I promote the use of the Frontschedules module search, its in the forum here to download and all you have to do is link to it
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