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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. Cheers Dave your a star, just the one question in the pilots profile i have their latest screen shot displayed using, <?php Screenshots::get_pilots_newscreenshot($userinfo->pilotid); ?> Its now complaining about the get method undefined but its been so long since i have looked at this i cant remember. exact error is, Fatal error: Call to undefined method Screenshots::get_pilots_newscreenshot() in /file location/profile_main.tpl on line 68, which is that code above. Any pointers would be appreciated, That file is, <?php //simpilotgroup addon module for phpVMS virtual airline system // //simpilotgroup addon modules are licenced under the following license: //Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa) //To view full icense text visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ // //@author David Clark (simpilot) //@copyright Copyright (c) 2009-2010, David Clark //@license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ if (!$screenshot) {echo 'You Have Not Submitted<br />Any Screenshots'; } else { echo '<b>Your Latest Submission</b><br /> <img src="'.SITE_URL.'/pics/'.$screenshot->file_name.'" height="125px" width="180px" alt="Your Latest Screenshot" /> <br />Submitted On - '.$date; } ?> Cheers.
  2. No mate i never did manage to get this to work.
  3. Just remove the contents for the registration form and add something else in its place like <h3>Registrations are currently closed</h3> Or put what you like, then all your links are preserved but registration is not possible.
  4. You can do an sql export and use excel to filter what you like.
  5. All template files in the skin folder has the entry above, just remove the code.
  6. Messing with the id's can be messy and lead to further problems later down the line, your nit likely to run out of numbers so i would just leave them and carry on. Another way of looking at it is if a member leaves your VA and wants all his information removed you will have gaps in your numbers again and you cant reuse that id. I understand what your saying but i would just leave it as is and delete the spam accounts.
  7. Why would you need to map to be updated every 5 seconds? if you were to get a 100 pilots on all that posting to your site could cause problems.
  8. Good for you Dave. That is going to make good reading on your blog, do you name him?
  9. It should be a simple if else statement but not sure if its that simple with the script it uses
  10. Where is the script? I have searched the templates but cant find it.
  11. HI you connect via LAN, all you need to do is type in the ipaddress of the server and make sure you are using the default ports 23456, also make sure that your routers ports are open to these ports. In fs9 go to multiplater then open multiplayer session, check the ipaddress at http://vacentral.net and type that in to the ipaddress box, hit search then join when the server appears in the box. If you cant find the server then check your ports. If you are using fsx you can type the full url name in to the address box ie, fshost.vacentral.net and this will connect, you do need an extra bit of software for fsx if i remember correctly this can be downloaded from here. More information can be found below, http://www.chocolatesoftware.com/fshost/?fshostclient.html http://www.chocolatesoftware.com/multiplayer.html
  12. HI in your local config.php file you can define the amount of time flights are displayed after they are finished.
  13. Look for the image source in the vataware url i placed images in the site root /images, thats why yours are not showing up
  14. If you have root access then just use wget downloaded in less than 20 seconds unzip on the server and away you go
  15. There is a way to remove the page names its in here somewhere.
  16. There is a lot out there but if im not mistaken i used this one, http://www.longtailvideo.com/players/jw-image-rotator/
  17. As the title says flash Do a search on image rotator in google and you will find what your after I used it on another VA i owned, very effective
  18. Your host will be able to assist you where you need to put the files but its usually in the public html folder, just extract the download and go to your site to see if thats the right place.
  19. OK you need a server capable of parsing php code and a mysql database. All you need to do is upload to your root directory the files and set the username and password for the connection of phpvms to your database. Do you know how to set that bit up?
  20. OK i dont hold a grudge life is too short, we are all here because we enjoy what we do. Make a back up of your header.tpl first. The lines you need to remove are, <div class="hr01"> <div class="hr0101"> <a href="<?php echo url('/TopPilot'); ?>">VA Stats</a></div> <div class="hr0102"> <a href="<?php echo url('/Forum'); ?>">Forum</a></div> <div class="hr0102"> <a href="<?php echo url('/Finances');?>">Finances</a></div> <div class="hr0102"> <a href="<?php echo url('/contact');?>">Contact Us</a></div> </div> You will have different links than mine but just remove those divs and you ll be good to go.
  21. What do you mean? Header image? obsessblue is based on the old style templating system, what is it you want to remove?
  22. HI, give it a try now should be ok, windows done an automatic update on the server last night and kindly stopped some network services but forgot to restart them.
  23. If you have moved your install and db or changed the domain name all you have to do is go to your local.config.php and update the settings there with your new passwords and url. The file will be in the core directory.
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