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phpVMS Resources
Everything posted by OA01
Its already here (beta) http://www.vacentral.net/stocks
Maybe cACARS would be better for you? https://www.crazycreatives.com/cacars-free/ if not, then you will have to go for a bespoke (it will cost you) ACARS option.
This is another excellent source of airport information, including long/lat coordinates. http://worldaerodata.com/
VA list is back in business...http://va-list.com/
To clear the ACARS map promptly open your \\core\local.config.cfg change yours to this: # ACARS options # Minutes, flights to show on the ACARS # Default is 720 minutes (12 hours) Config::Set('ACARS_LIVE_TIME', 5); Config::Set('ACARS_DEBUG', false); To change the map centre, change this: # Google Map Options Config::Set('MAP_CENTER_LAT', '52.308053'); Config::Set('MAP_CENTER_LNG', '4.764167'); Config::Set('MAP_ZOOM_LEVEL', 10);
Can't you just delete the pilot via PHPAdmin?
Errrr. and what has this to do with my question?
In pirep_viewreports.tpl, it tells you the actual flight time, I want to display the expected flight time as set in schedules>flighttime. I came up with: <li><strong>Expected Time: </strong><?php echo $schedule->flighttime; ?></li> But I'm thinking that this doesn't work because it doesn't know what flight to look at? Any help gratefully received
Don't edit app.config.cfg, only edit local.config.cfg
Don't mess with app.config.cfg. local.config.cfg will override it.
Do you use an ACARS program or submit PIREP's manually???
You don't have any per flight expenses set. Click "Add an Expense" and fill in the required fields. In my table above (you can use all or none) the abbreviations equate to PF=Per flight, %PF=Per Cent per flight, M=Monthly. Your revenue appears low, consider increasing ticket prices. The main problem is certainly your fuel bill. For 31 flights, your bill is over $2million! My fuel bill, for 98 flights, is around 160,000!!!! If you have a realistic price set, then the quantity used is wrong. Do you use an ACARS program or submit PIREP's manually???
You don't appear to have set any expenses? Consider these: Your fuel charge is set way to high, this is your main problem! Change your \\core\local.config.cfg to look like this: /* Fuel info - Price correct as of 17-04-15. (178) Sum=price(p/g) / 8.34 then convert to Euro Default fuel price, for airports that don't have live pricing And the surcharge percentage. View the docs for more details about these */ Config::Set('FUEL_GET_LIVE_PRICE', true); Config::Set('FUEL_DEFAULT_PRICE', '0.19'); Config::Set('FUEL_SURCHARGE', '0.0'); Now check your ticket prices and alter until the route makes a profit. I work on making 5,000€ per flight hour. Hope this helps
This feature no longer works. Check your have set a realistic fuel price in \\core\local.config.cfg: Config::Set('FUEL_DEFAULT_PRICE', '0.18'); You're welcome! Well, you charge 360 for EHAM>LSZH, I charge 79!!! When you set the days, enter 1234560 and not 0123456. I have had issues when the zero is entered first! Excel does some funny things!
Check this line in your \\core\local.config.cfg reads as follows: Config::Set('AIRPORT_LOOKUP_SERVER', 'phpvms'); Please be very careful that you enter the correct data, in the correct format, in the correct field! Your CSV was riddled with errors! I have cleaned it up best I can for you. BTW I don't think I'll be flying with you, your ticket prices are sky high! schedules (2).csv
As I said in my post, I don't use ALL of those expenses, they are there to give you ideas. Since I wrote that post I have tweaked somethings. Also, the fuel price has halved!!! Here is an updated list of the expenses I actually use, In Euro's. Looks like your using dollars, so you will need to convert http://www.x-rates.c...to=USD&amount=1 : Set the fuel price in \\core\local.config.php Config::Set('FUEL_DEFAULT_PRICE', '0.18'); Expenses: Staffing costs = €170,833 M =82 employees 2,083 p/m OR 25,000 p/a Office rental = €8,575 M 102,900 p/a Fixed costs = €1,750 M Utilities All other costs = 4.2% M All other unspecified costs Supplies = €500 M Office A/C Maintenance = 2.0% PF Catering = €200 PF Parking/Gate fees = €225 PF Landing fees = €250 PF Handling fees = €275 PF ECO Tax = 0.5% PF Insurance = €39.99 PF $46 (€43.26) Accurate as of 04/12. Forecast to fall barring a major incident Depreciation & amortisation = 3.1% PF
Make sure you have a realistic fuel price set in \\core\local.config.cfg, like this: /* Fuel info - Price correct as of 20-03-15. (162) Sum=price(p/g) / 8.34 then convert to Euro Default fuel price, for airports that don't have live pricing And the surcharge percentage. View the docs for more details about these */ Config::Set('FUEL_GET_LIVE_PRICE', true); Config::Set('FUEL_DEFAULT_PRICE', '0.17'); Config::Set('FUEL_SURCHARGE', '0.0 Check that your expenses are also set at realistic rates. Then you just need to experiment with the ticket price (keep editing the PIREP, changing the price) until you make a profit. I set the price to make at least 5,000 per flight hour. Has the PIREP been "Accepted", it won't show in the financials until it has.
GREAT piece of code. Here's my take on it... <li><strong>Landing Report: </strong><?php if(abs($pirep->landingrate) <= 100) echo 'Have we landed yet? Greased Landing!'; elseif( abs($pirep->landingrate) >=101 && abs($pirep->landingrate) <= 150) echo 'Smooth Landing, well done!'; elseif( abs($pirep->landingrate) >=151 && abs($pirep->landingrate) <= 199) echo 'SCREECH! Average Landing.'; elseif( abs($pirep->landingrate) >=200 && abs($pirep->landingrate) <= 299) echo 'BUMP! Not to bad.'; elseif( abs($pirep->landingrate) >=300 && abs($pirep->landingrate) <= 399) echo 'BOUNCE! BUMP! THUMP! Poor landing.'; elseif( abs($pirep->landingrate) >=400 && abs($pirep->landingrate) <= 499) echo 'Ouch! Passengers thought they had crashed!'; elseif( abs($pirep->landingrate) >=500 && abs($pirep->landingrate) <= 599) echo 'Hard Landing! You burst a tyre.'; elseif( abs($pirep->landingrate) >=600 && abs($pirep->landingrate) <= 650) echo 'The tyres have burst & the undercarriage is badly damaged!'; elseif( abs($pirep->landingrate) >=651 && abs($pirep->landingrate) <= 5000) echo 'Undercarrage has collasped! This PIREP has been rejected!';?></li>
Admin Centre>Site & Settings>Maintenance Options>Reset ACARS Admin Centre>Site & Settings>Maintenance Options>Clear Cache
I use 2 free flights. One for if the pilot is using an a/c from our fleet, the second for pilots using g/a type a/c. Its probably best if you delete the second one. Change the code field to your va code. Change the flightnum to the lowest number in your schedules, so it will appear first when you view flight schedules. Change the aircraft field to one in your fleet (Thats why your import failed). Change the notes field to suite. Now import and you should be good to go
If you mean a free flight where the pilot can choose their departure & destination then edit this file to suite and import it. nb: Leave all empty fields, empty!!! Import - Free Flight.csv
Do you have the correct module installed on your site? Just do a search on this site for "kacars connection error"