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Everything posted by OA01

  1. 1] TurboProps =30 mins. 75-90 mins for heavies & 45-60mins for everything else. 2] Yes, 6am - midnight except for long haul, 3] Overnight maintenance.
  2. OA01

    map errors

    This works... # Google Map Options Config::Set('MAP_WIDTH', '875px'); Config::Set('MAP_HEIGHT', '650px'); # Valid types are G_NORMAL_MAP, G_SATELLITE_MAP, G_HYBRID_MAP, G_PHYSICAL_MAP Config::Set('MAP_TYPE', 'G_SATELLITE_MAP'); Config::Set('MAP_LINE_COLOR', '#ff0000'); Config::Set('MAP_CENTER_LAT', '52.308053'); Config::Set('MAP_CENTER_LNG', '4.764167'); Config::Set('MAP_ZOOM_LEVEL', 10);
  3. Make it look like this, works very well.... # ACARS options # Minutes, flights to show on the ACARS # Default is 720 minutes (12 hours) Config::Set('ACARS_LIVE_TIME', 5); Config::Set('ACARS_DEBUG', false);
  4. In what file does this code live??? FSX30HD says: And Ademar says: Was this a typo or has Ademar changed the wrong file?
  5. I would second ARV187, FSacars is no longer supported and has a number of issues! Many of my pilots prefer Cacars http://www.crazycreatives.com/cacars-free/
  6. I have the same route & its priced at 119 Euro or £88 ! My guess is your default fuel price is set WAY to high! Look in your \\core\local.config.php, it should look something like this: Config::Set('FUEL_GET_LIVE_PRICE', true); Config::Set('FUEL_DEFAULT_PRICE', '0.19'); Config::Set('FUEL_SURCHARGE', '0.0'); The 0.19 is in Euro so thats 0.14 pence
  7. You MUST refuel BEFORE starting ACARS or else you will get some crazy results, even negative results!!!
  8. Just import into the "navdata" table of your DB. My question would be whether its best to delete the old table first, then import the new???
  9. Edit your \\core\local.config.cfg to read like this: # ACARS options # Minutes, flights to show on the ACARS # Default is 720 minutes (12 hours) Config::Set('ACARS_LIVE_TIME', 5); Config::Set('ACARS_DEBUG', false); Then pilots will automatically disappear from the live flight board after just 5mins, not the default 12hrs
  10. lol, Your welcome
  11. Here's our routes out of LAX. Don't forget to edit the code to suite your own! Import - KLAX.csv
  12. Trainee €18/hr Junior Officer €20 Deck Officer €22 Second Officer €24 First Officer €27 Flying Officer €30 Engineer €35 Flight Engineer €40 Master Engineer €45 Fleet Engineer €50 Chief Pilot €55 Senior Pilot €60 Master Pilot €65 Junior Captain €70 Captain €80 Fleet Captain €90 Junior Commander €100 Commander €110 Fleet Commander €120 Commodore €140 Fleet Commodore €160 Executive Commodore €200 Special Executive €250 Very Important Pilot €300 Flying Legend €400
  13. http://www.virtualsoaring.org/goto.html
  14. The CSV must have the a/c registration (tail number ie: PH-1234) in the aircraft column not B752 or Boeing 737-200!
  15. You have entered your a/c as B763, MD90 etc. You must enter a/c by their tail (registration) numbers ie: N-12345
  16. Is this what your looking for? http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/21428-solved-all-airports/
  17. Please attach a copy of your CSV file. Have you added all your a/c via the admin panel?
  18. Just do a search on this forum, there's lots of help for PHP 5.5 issues
  19. No, I don't think so. This might help... http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/21068-routes/
  20. Here's your missing files... fx_smoke.zip
  21. $0.44 Cents per Lbs or 0.31€ Current prices can be found here http://www.iata.org/publications/economics/fuel-monitor/Pages/price-analysis.aspx
  22. Check your \\core\local.config.php file has these lines, as the default fuel price is set to high! /* Fuel info - Price correct as of 18-07-14. Sum=price(p/g) / 6.7 then convert to Euro Default fuel price, for airports that don't have live pricing And the surcharge percentage. View the docs for more details about these */ Config::Set('FUEL_GET_LIVE_PRICE', true); Config::Set('FUEL_DEFAULT_PRICE', '0.31'); Config::Set('FUEL_SURCHARGE', '0.0');
  23. THANK YOU! I put a clean copy up and the site is back I clearly made a mess of my edits
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