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Everything posted by TennShadow

  1. You can't use that as the import because it has too much information. You only use it to get some of the fields automatically filled out for you. Once you have gotten all the schedules you need you have to copy and paste the columns into the .csv file you downloaded from your schedules export page.
  2. If your talking about charter type flights check out the below post. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1152-how-to-do-dynamic-non-scheduled-routes/
  3. What you do is log into your database with phpmyadmin or something similar and then you import the top_flights.sql file. It will then automatically create the needed tables for this module. Hope this helps.
  4. You can do that but each aircraft will have to have its own schedule. You can't have two aircraft on one schedule.
  5. It is good stuff. It even works with Open Office. Could you attach the zip file to this thread?
  6. That graph is like that if you don't have any flights. Your VA information above the graph says you how 0 flights.
  7. Hi Dale, There really isn't anything to updating PHPVMS. I've been messing with PHPVMS for about a year now and an update has never damaged my database. If your updating to a beta then there may be a bug here or there but it usually doesn't take Nabeel long to have a fix out for it. Here are the steps to updating your site. Before proceeding make sure all your custom edited files from Core/Templates have been moved to your skins folder (lib/skins/SKIN_NAME) 1. Download the official update from the Download link above or the latest beta from the Beta forum 2. Unzip the update on your computer and then upload it to your host. 3.Go to www.yoursite.com/install/update.php 4. If the update was successful then you can delete the install folder. That's it.
  8. I would be interested in a global setting to change all last names to an initial where it is showing to the public. I know there was a thread about this in the past but I never got it to work.
  9. They are in Core/Templates. But you should copy those files to lib/skin/YOUR_SKIN_NAME to edit them. Otherwise when you do an update they will be overwritten.
  10. Please don't post that much code in the forums. You can use www.pastebin.com and then link back here like I did for your above post.
  11. Check out http://www.w3schools.com/ as they have a lot of great tutorials on HTML / CSS. Keith
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy8VY_evNG4
  13. Thanks Nabeel, that worked! I was actually a lot closer to figuring it out than I thought. I checked out your module directions and I was only missing the "Template::Show ("templatefile"); Maybe I should give myself a little more credit in the programing arena. Thanks again to both Simpilot and Nabeel for this. Keith
  14. Thanks Nabeel. That will work if I wanted to integrate that on a page I already have. What I'm looking for it so have that code on its own page where I can put a link to it in my staff menu. I can't use the pages because of the issues it has with PHP code. Sorry for the trouble. That's why I was willing to pay for this to work. I've tried to figure out PHP and I can't seem to get it.
  15. Thanks Simpilot. That's just what I wanted. My next question is how do I integrate that into my site? I tried to create a new page but that just messed up the php code. I then added that to a folder and placed it in the Modules directory but it displayed it twice on top of my whole site. I'm clearly at a loss.
  16. I need to create a new page that automatically displays the following information. Pilot Name Pilot ID Join Date Last Flight I'd like this sorted by Hub if possible. Example: KLAX Pilot Name Pilot ID Join Date Last Flight Bob Smith PVA1002 05-05-10 5-15-10 KMIA Pilot Name Pilot ID Join Date Last Flight Jane Smith PVA1003 02-05-10 3-15-10 I'd be willing to pay for this if this is too much work. The reason I need this is I want a page where my Hub Managers can check to see when the last time their pilot flew. I don't want to give them the EDIT_PILOTS group permission so I was thinking this would be the best solution but I don't have a clue on how to do this. Thanks in advance for your help. Keith
  17. Fresh out of the X-Plane paint booth is the Patriot Boeing 747-400. More X-Plane repaints are on the way. Stay tuned.
  18. Check to make sure that those pilots are not set as "Retired" on the admin side. If they are they will not show up on the pilot roster. Keith
  19. Done. http://bugs.phpvms.net/browse/VMS-309 Thanks, Keith
  20. If must have fixed itself because your sig says you have 9.34 hours.
  21. No, I'm running 930 at the moment.
  22. I just found a new fuel setting in app.config and have replaced the above with it. How do I get it fix the PIREPS that are already filed? I didn't see a reset in the maintenance section? # Fuel info /* Default fuel price, for airports that don't have And the surcharge percentage. View the docs for more details about these */ Config::Set('FUEL_GET_LIVE_PRICE', true); Config::Set('FUEL_DEFAULT_PRICE', '.423'); Config::Set('FUEL_SURCHARGE', '5');
  23. Right now all my airports are set to 0 for live pricing. It appears that when a route is flown out of the US and it can't get a live price from the api it is not using the default price I have in the config. It just stays at 0. # Code to set the default fuel prices Config::Set('FUEL_DEFAULT_PRICE', '.423'); Any ideas? I'm running 930. Thanks.
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